How to Get a Cockatiel to Like You [Proven Tips]

How to Get a Cockatiel to Like You
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Cockatiel are quite clever and will make an excellent friend to spend time with. However, before you bring a cockatiel home, you need learn how to make it like you.

Although you may feel compelled to teach your new feathered buddy as soon as possible, it is critical that you give him some alone time. Rushing through the training will not help him adjust to his new surroundings. As this will be a difficult moment for your cockatiel when they first come into your home. They will be in a strange new environment.
Allow your cockatiel to adjust to his new surroundings. Allow him to get familiar to his cage, and don’t force your bird to speak to you right away once you bring it home.

The first thing you need to do is gain the trust of your cockatiel. Here are some suggestions for gaining your cockatiel’s trust.

1. Take a seat and have a conversation with your cockatiel.

Birds are similar to humans. Communication helps them build trust. Get to know your feathered friend. Take a seat next to them.
Talk to them in a kind voice and with compassionate actions on a regular basis. Every day, cautiously approach their cage and have a little conversation with them. If you do this repeatedly, your bird will slowly approach you when you speak to them.
You must exercise patience. Do not approach their cage without first speaking to them in a regular voice. Put your hands in their cage only if you’re certain they already trust you.
Maintain a regular conversation with your cockatiel. Your cockatiel will look forward to the day you will have a conversation with them in this manner.

2. Have Your Cockatiel’s Wings Clipped at Your Veterinarian

It’s also crucial to keep your bird’s wings clipped. You may have a difficult time educating your bird if you do not clip its wings and let it to fly freely about the home. You must first teach your bird into submission. If you let your bird to fly in the home without being taught, you will have difficulty getting it within the cage. Your cockatiel will be scared away if you are rude and violent with it.
If you pursue your bird, he or she may develop a phobia of you, which may hinder your training efforts. Before permitting your bird to fly about the home, you must first teach it.

3. Give your cockatiel some treats every now and then.

If you’ve previously educated your bird and he or she has built a bond with you, your bird will most likely trust you. It will no longer be terrified of you if it has faith in you.
As long as you don’t act aggressively, you may approach your cockatiel’s cage. If your cockatiel comes close to your hand, you may give it goodies.
Make sure your cockatiels get the snacks he like. Talk to him carefully and gently while offering him rewards. This will strengthen the bond between you and your bird. When speaking with them, use their full name. This will further strengthen your bond

4. Schedule time to play with your cockatiel.

It’s a huge accomplishment if your cockatiel will accept goodies from your hand. You may gradually open their cage and feed them snacks.
This is a significant step forward in your relationship. Please extend your hand. Your is allowing your bird to land in your grasp . This is a symbol of confidence.
This aim should be repeated every day until your cockatiel is comfortable enough to be held in your hand.

5. Teach your cockatiel to fly or come to you.

As previously said, this is a very important component of the relationship. If your birds come to you without hesitation, it signifies your cockatiel now completely trusts you.
You should set this as a goal for yourself. Make your bird fly to you by training it. This may need a great deal of patience and focus.
This will be difficult at first, but it will pay off in the long run. Prepare for a lot of goodies while teaching your bird for this. Every time they accomplish anything well, you must reward them with a treat.

6. Work in Close Quarters With Your Bird

You may approach your bird at any moment, but if you do, they will become tense or alert, since they have not yet totally trusted you.
To counteract this, do anything while being near to your bird. You may, for example, conduct paperwork while keeping a careful eye on your bird. Your cockatiel will get used to your presence and feel at ease around you in this manner.

7. Observe how they act

This simply means that you must get familiar with their body language. Because our birds are unable to communicate with us, it is critical to understand what their actions reveal about their emotions and sentiments.
A cockatiel may sometimes make a voice or move its body in some way. You’ll have to learn to decipher what they meant.
A cockatiel, for example, could shake its head if it is agitated. They will shake their heads if they don’t like the meal. This is a very important aspect of the connection.

How Long Does A Cockatiel Take To Get Used To You?

The length of time it takes to acquire your cockatiel’s trust varies each cockatiel. Your bird will have at least two weeks to get used to their new surroundings under normal circumstances.
Some birds may take longer to acclimate to their new place, while others may do so in as little as a week. Regardless, it is critical not to overestimate the time it will take them to get familiar to their environment and to you.
Feel the presence of your bird. You’ll be able to tell whether they have faith in you.

What Is The Best Way To Bond With A Cockatiel?

After you’ve gained your cockatiel’s trust, you may begin bonding with him. If a cockatiel doesn’t trust you, they can’t or won’t connect with you. Here are some suggestions to help your bird connect with you.
1. The Initial Days Are Critical
Allow time for your cockatiel to adjust to the new surroundings. Water and food should be given on a regular basis. Do not approach your bird with a hostile attitude. This is the moment to entice your bird into trusting you.
2. You Have the Ability to Teach Your Bird
Bonding includes training. You form a relationship with your bird when you train it. Simply ensure that you begin educating them when they have gained confidence in you.
3. You can pet you cockatiel 
Like human birds also like cuddling. This is difficult since you must gain their whole confidence before doing so, but it is rewarding.
Cockatiels like having their heads touched most of the time. They’ll bow to you and drop their heads. It indicates that they desire to be petted. Do this as much as your bird wants and as frequently as you desire.
4. Spend Quality Time With Your Cockatiel when eating

While Eating Food is a fundamental need. When it comes to eating, there is a certain type of closeness.
This will allow you to connect with your bird while they are eating. You can feed them with your hands if you want to. That way, they’ll become used to being around you.

How Can You Tell If A Cockatiel likes You?

If your cockatiel does not want or like you, they will express it via their actions. You would know if your bird is still not fond of you.
They will bite you or approach you in a hostile way. However, some actions indicate that your cockatiel likes you. Let’s take a look at each one separately.


When your bird forms a close bond with you, he or she may vomit. Food is offered by birds to their spouse. Because cockatiels are highly loving and want attention, they will provide their food to you if your bird has treated you as their partner.

2. Your Cockatiel Will Take Care of Your Hair

Cockatiels groom their spouse before mating. This is an expression of love. If your bird grooms or preens your hair, it indicates that they have become fond of you.

3. Cockatiels’ Tails Will Wag With Flashing Eyes

It’s possible that your cockatiel is thrilled if they do this. This might indicate a desire to play with you or form a relationship with you.

4. Your Cockatiel Will Approach You With His Heads Up.

This might also be an invitation to play with, touch, or preen with your bird since they are begging for your attention.

Do Cockatiels Form Bonds With people?

Yes. Cockatiels are excellent companions. They have someone with whom they share their existence. That person might be a human or a member of their own species.
Cockatiels have a tendency to get connected to a single individual while remaining friends with everyone else.


Getting your cockatiel to like you is a difficult task. However, it is a tremendously rewarding task. You may use a few tricks to acquire their trust.
The instant your cockatiel enters your house, you have your first chance to work on building his confidence in you. You see, at this point, your cockatiel will still be suspicious of you and will be uneasy with you.
Give your time and effort, and you’ll be in a position where your birds see you as a comrade sooner rather than later.

Related Questions Regarding How To Make Your Cockatiel Like You

How can you tell whether a cockatiel is interested in you?

Observe the cockatiel’s body language. The following are some telling signals that your feathered buddy thinks your relationship needs work: Claws outstretched and beaks open to bite as they roll on their backs. With blazing eyes and a fanning tail. Crouching with your head forward, your body rigid, your neck feathers up, and your tail feathers spread.

What is the best way to connect with a cockatiel?

Trust is essential for building a solid relationship with a cockatiel. Your birdie will be at ease in your company and accept you as his carer if he trusts you. Bonding with your ‘tiel starts on the first day he arrives at your house and continues as you engage with him.

How can I tell whether my cockatiel is happy?

The sound of a cockatiel’s beak grinding indicates that it is pleased and comfortable. Facial feathers spread out over the beak and relaxed, fluffed body feathers are often seen with this. Before going asleep, a drowsy cockatiel may grind its beak.

What is the quickest method for taming a cockatiel?

To tame the beast, begin by conversing with your cockatiel from a distance, then gradually come closer and converse with it. When the bird is comfortable with you beside its cage, place your hand on the outside of the cage near the cockatiel, but never above the cockatiel, to get the bird acclimated to your presence.

Do cockatiels have feelings?

When cockatiels are thrilled to see their owners, they produce joyful sounds similar to how humans welcome friends. Chirping, singing, and even bashing bird toys against cage bars are all signs of love. Cockatiels are not huge talkers in general, but they do make sounds when they are excited or affectionate.

What are the signs that your cockatiel likes you?

Observe the cockatiel’s body language. The following are some telling signals that your feathered buddy thinks your relationship needs work: Claws outstretched and beaks open to bite as they roll on their backs. With blazing eyes and a fanning tail. Crouching with your head forward, your body rigid, your neck feathers up, and your tail feathers spread.

What are the signs that a cockatiel is stressed?

  • Feather Picking
  • Aggressiveness
  • Appetite loss
  • A shift in vocalization
  • Repetitive Behavior
  • Anxiety
  • Irritation
I'm Nauman Afridi, the bird enthusiast behind My lifelong passion for birds has led me to create a space where fellow bird lovers can find valuable insights and tips on caring for our feathered friends.Professionally, I'm a brand strategist and digital marketing consultant, bringing a unique perspective to the world of bird care. Whether you're a novice or an experienced bird owner, is designed to be a welcoming community for all.Feel free to explore, and reach out if you have any questions or just want to chat about birds.
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