What are Bird Watchers called? [Complete Guide]

What are Bird Watchers called
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Throughout history, humans have found joy in watching birds in various locations such as their own yards, forests, parks, and any habitat where avian species reside. Bird lovers engage in this activity to identify different bird species, record noteworthy observations, share their hobbies with fellow enthusiasts, and even make valuable contributions to scientific research. If you’re new to bird watching, you might be curious about What are Bird Watchers called? In this blog post, we have all the terms used for bird watchers, each with its own connotations and preferences among enthusiasts. Regardless of the specific term used, the common thread is the undeniable enjoyment that comes from observing and learning about our feathered friends.

What are Bird Watchers called?

Observers and learners of birds have several names. Some call themselves birders, others ornithologists or bird lovers. There are also twitchers, notably those that actively seek out and record bird species. All Bird Watchers names are listed here.


  1. Birders: This popular word refers to those who actively seek out and watch birds in their natural habitats. Birders love and understand birds, their behavior, and identification.
  2. Ornithologists: Birdwatchers who are knowledgeable in birds and their scientific study may call themselves amateur ornithologists. They may study bird species and habits.
  3. Twitchers: Twitchers want to see as many bird species as possible to complete their life list. They may travel far or compete to discover uncommon birds.
  4. Listers: Listers like making lists of birds they’ve seen. They like recording and documenting bird species on birding trips.
  5. Chasers: Chasers seek rare bird sightings. They follow rumors or “chase” rare bird species, frequently going far to see them.
  6. Avian enthusiasts: Some bird watchers simply refer to themselves as avian enthusiasts. They have a general love and appreciation for birds and enjoy observing them in their natural habitats.
  7. Protobirders: This term may be used by individuals who are new to bird watching or in the early stages of developing their birding skills. They may consider themselves as beginners or novices in the hobby.
  8. Tickers: Tickers are bird watchers who enjoy keeping track of the number of bird species they have observed. They take satisfaction in reaching milestones and increasing their species count.

Some bird watchers use several words based on the circumstances or their preferences. The name shows their devotion, expertise, and enthusiasm for birdwatching and learning.

What is the difference between a bird watcher and a twitcher?

What is a Bird Watcher

A bird watcher is an individual who engages in the hobby of bird watching. This activity involves observing and appreciating birds in their natural habitats. Bird watchers are often drawn to the beauty, behavior, and diversity of avian species. They take pleasure in immersing themselves in nature and observing birds in various settings. Bird watchers may have specific interests, such as particular species, groups of species, or types of habitats. They enjoy spending time outdoors, equipped with binoculars, spotting scopes, or cameras, to enhance their ability to view and appreciate birds without disturbing them. Bird watching is often a tranquil and reflective activity, allowing enthusiasts to connect with the natural world and gain a deeper understanding of the avian realm.

What is a Twitcher

A twitcher is a specific type of birder with a distinct focus on expanding their life list, which records all the different bird species they have encountered. These enthusiasts are driven by the excitement and challenge of adding new species to their list. Twitchers may go to great lengths, including traveling long distances, to spot rare or uncommon birds. They have a competitive spirit and may participate in events such as “Big Days” or “rarity chases” to maximize their species count. Twitchers often invest significant time, effort, and resources into their pursuit, aiming to achieve high numbers on their life list. They are highly motivated and dedicated to the task of encountering and documenting as many bird species as possible.

Key differences between Bird Watcher and Twitcher

The main difference between a bird watcher and a twitcher lies in their motivations and approaches to birding. A bird watcher’s primary objective is to observe and appreciate birds in their natural habitats. They find joy in immersing themselves in nature, observing bird behavior, and connecting with the avian world. Bird watchers have a broader focus on the overall experience and understanding of birds.

On the other hand, a twitcher’s main goal is to expand their life list by spotting new bird species. They are driven by the challenge and excitement of adding rare or elusive birds to their records. Twitchers are often more competitive and may engage in events or competitions to maximize their species count. Their focus is more specific and targeted towards achieving a high number of bird species encounters.

While both bird watchers and twitchers share a passion for birds, their distinct motivations and approaches set them apart. Bird watchers prioritize the enjoyment and connection with nature, while twitchers prioritize the thrill of adding new species to their life list.

What is the difference between Birding and Birdwatching?

Birding and bird watching, while often used interchangeably, have distinct differences, especially among avid bird enthusiasts. Bird watching is a more passive form of observing birds, where individuals casually watch birds as they fly around or visit feeders. It is a leisurely activity focused on appreciating the beauty and behavior of birds without actively seeking out new species.

On the other hand, birding is a more active and dynamic pursuit that can be considered a sport in itself. If someone identifies as a birder, they actively engage in the search for birds in their natural habitats. Birders are constantly honing their bird-searching skills through various means, such as participating in classes, attending field trips, and studying bird guides or literature. They are eager to improve their knowledge and expertise in bird identification, enabling them to recognize different species and their distinguishing characteristics.

Birders are often equipped with specialized equipment such as high-quality binoculars or spotting scopes to aid in their birding endeavors. These tools allow them to observe birds from a distance and capture finer details, such as plumage patterns or behavioral nuances. The focus of birding extends beyond casual observation, as birders actively seek out specific species, target different habitats, and keep track of the birds they encounter.

What is an Ornithologist?

Ornithologists are bird experts with degrees. They may also have a Ph.D. in biology specializing in avian study. Ornithologists work at zoos, museums, colleges, and nature centers to study and conserve birds.

In their professional capacity, ornithologists engage in a wide range of activities to deepen our knowledge of avian species. They conduct research to investigate different aspects of bird biology, behavior, ecology, and evolution. This research often involves fieldwork, laboratory analysis, and data collection to study birds in their natural habitats or controlled environments. Ornithologists may also engage in population surveys, bird banding, or tracking projects to monitor bird populations and movements.

Furthermore, ornithologists play a vital role in conservation efforts. They work to identify and address threats to bird populations, develop strategies for habitat preservation, and collaborate with organizations and policymakers to implement effective conservation measures. Ornithologists also contribute to public education and awareness programs to promote bird conservation and appreciation.

It’s worth noting that some bird watchers may refer to themselves as amateur ornithologists. These individuals have a keen interest in observing and learning about birds, similar to professional ornithologists, but without formal academic training. Amateur ornithologists often engage in bird watching as a recreational hobby, actively observing and documenting bird species and their behaviors. They may compile valuable information, contribute to citizen science projects, and share their findings with the broader birding community.

Famous Bird Watching Competitions

Bird-watching competitions are events where participants aim to increase the number of bird species they have observed and recorded on their list. These competitions provide an exciting and challenging environment for birders to test their skills and knowledge while enjoying their passion for avian species. There are three main types of bird-watching competitions that individuals can participate in

Big Day:

In a Big Day competition, participants strive to spot as many bird species as possible within a 24-hour period. The person or team with the longest list of identified species at the end of the day emerges as the winner. This type of competition requires strategic planning, swift identification, and efficient navigation to maximize the number of species observed.

Big Year:

The Big Year competition spans an entire calendar year, from January 1st to December 31st. Participants compete to accumulate the longest list of bird species observed during this period. It requires dedication, perseverance, and a willingness to explore various habitats and regions to encounter a wide range of bird species. The participant with the highest number of recorded species at the end of the year claims victory in this challenging competition.

Big Sit or Big Stay:

A crew of birders sets up in a 17-foot-diameter area for a Big Sit or Big Stay event. They meticulously observe and record all bird species in this region for 24 hours. This competition focuses a single locality, enabling competitors to examine avian variety in a constrained setting.

Some major US events recognize bird-watching contests as competitive sports. The World Series, held annually since 1984, uses the “Big Day” concept. It’s peak migrating bird season in New Jersey in May. The New York Birdathon and Great Texas Birding Classic draw varied people for friendly competition and bird appreciation.

Birders may push themselves, learn from one other, participate to citizen science, and appreciate avian variety during these events.

Famous Bird Watchers Societies

In the United States, there are several notable bird-watching societies that cater to the interests and needs of bird enthusiasts. These organizations play a crucial role in fostering a sense of community, providing valuable resources, and promoting the conservation and appreciation of avian species. Three prominent bird-watching societies in the United States are the National Audubon Society, the Birdwatchers’ Society, and the American Birding Association, each with its own distinct focus and purpose.

National Audubon Society

The National Audubon Society has a primary emphasis on bird conservation and the protection of their habitats. They protect birds and their habitats via their many programs. The National Audubon Society researches, pushes for legislative changes, restores habitats, and promotes bird conservation.

Birdwatchers’ Society

The Birdwatchers’ Society emphasises education and provides important learning opportunities for birdwatchers. They publish a bird magazine with essays, photos, and behavior information. Online courses and seminars from the Birdwatchers’ Society help participants learn about birds and improve their birding abilities.

American Birding Association

The American Birding Association focuses on providing comprehensive information and resources to birders of all experience levels. Their website, publications, and other resources help identify birds. Besides podcasts, the American Birding Association hosts an annual conference for bird lovers, specialists, and exhibitors from throughout the nation.

Final Thoughts on What are Bird Watchers called

bird watchers are known by various names such as ornithologists, birders, twitchers, and enthusiasts. They share a common passion for observing and learning about birds, whether casually or actively seeking out different species. Their contributions range from scientific research to conservation efforts, making bird watching a rewarding and engaging hobby for nature lovers.

I'm Nauman Afridi, the bird enthusiast behind Birdsology.com. My lifelong passion for birds has led me to create a space where fellow bird lovers can find valuable insights and tips on caring for our feathered friends.Professionally, I'm a brand strategist and digital marketing consultant, bringing a unique perspective to the world of bird care. Whether you're a novice or an experienced bird owner, Birdsology.com is designed to be a welcoming community for all.Feel free to explore, and reach out if you have any questions or just want to chat about birds.
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