Albino Pigeons: All You need To Know

What is a Group of Pigeons Called
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Although we are more used to seeing pigeons in varying hues of gray, rare, pure white albino pigeons are infrequently observed. White doves are a long-standing symbol of peace and freedom. They may be distinguished from other white doves and pigeons by their distinctive red eyes, as well as their pinkish feet, legs, and beak.

Continue reading to find out more about these very unique birds and the reasons for their lack of specific survival gear.

The Albinistic Genes

A recessive gene that causes albinism must be present in both parents for the disorder to manifest. The combination of these genes results in a mutation that prevents the production of tyrosinase, an enzyme necessary for the synthesis of melanin, the pigment found naturally in feathers and skin.

This recessive gene allows two non-albino pigeons to produce albino chicks without showing any signs of color loss themselves.

Although white pigeons are fairly rare, not all of them are albino. You can readily tell whether a bird is actually albino or if it has a disease called leucism, in which the feathers lack pigmentation but the eyes, skin, and beak remain normal.

Pigeons with leucistic traits may have all-white feathers or be far lighter than ordinary pigeons, but their exposed skin remains the typical hue.

Piebald pigeons have varying degrees of mottling and black-and-white coloration, which is again the result of a complicated genetic mutation that causes pigmentation to disappear in certain sections of their plumage.

How to Spot Albino Pigeons

Several essential physical characteristics set true albino pigeons apart from other white pigeons.

An albino pigeon has pinkish-red eyes, pink feet, and a pink beak in addition to having white feathers and feather shafts. Its skin and soft body parts are likewise colorless. Compared to pigeons with more typical colors, their feathers are usually thinner and more prone to injury, and they lack any marks.

There are many ways to distinguish albino pigeons from white doves, including the color of their bills, feet, and eyes. Another helpful indicator of whether the pure white bird you’re seeing is a pigeon or the far rarer albino dove is its tail shape. A pigeon would have a fan-shaped tail, while a dove would have a pointed tail.

Leucistic pigeons might be much paler than normal pigeons or completely or partly white.

Piebald pigeons have varying shades of black and white mottling.

Patterns of Migration and Habitat

Pigeons are mostly sedentary birds of prey that can adapt to a wide range of environmental conditions worldwide. They can be found on all continents except Antarctica, and they thrive in urban settings where they coexist peacefully with people in parks, cities, and residential neighborhoods. They may be found in rural areas on rocky and open terrain, fields, cliffs, and surrounding caves.

Due to their distinctive white plumage, albino pigeons have a disadvantage since it is harder for them to blend in with their environment without being observed.

Nutritional Practices

The natural diet of albino pigeons is the same as that of pigeons with more normal pigmentation. Forage for grains, beans, peas, berries, leafy greens, weeds, and sometimes insects and other tiny invertebrates is what all animals will do.

Characteristics of Behavior

Due to their sociable nature, pigeons are often seen roosting and feeding in big flocks where individuals with different colors and plumage patterns coexist.

An albino pigeon does not always mate with another albino bird if it lives long enough to reproduce. Because pigeons come in such a wide variety of colors and patterns, standard-colored pigeons will mate with albino birds without any discrimination, and it doesn’t seem that any exclusion happens because of the color of their plumage.

When albino pigeons do come of age, they choose nesting areas with the finest cover so that their young have the best chance of surviving and growing up. In less obvious places, such as cliff ledges, thick vegetation, and hidden spaces inside buildings, roofs, or bridges, there is cover.

When they are young, albino nestlings blend in with regular-colored squabs. However, as they get older, their differences in appearance and development become noticeable, and because of their thinner feathers, they may take longer to fledge.

Due to their sociable nature, pigeons are often seen roosting and feeding in big flocks where individuals with different colors and plumage patterns coexist.

Observations and Research

The number of albino pigeons in the wild is hard to quantify, although studies on albinism in birds generally indicate that leucistic birds are far more prevalent than pure albinos, and that around 1% of all pigeons have some degree of pigmentation loss.

All natural pigeon groups may include lone albino pigeons, albeit these are uncommon and rare. Many birds born with this characteristic do not survive beyond the fledgling stage because of a higher danger of predation and poor health. Albino pigeons may be successfully produced and kept in captivity.

Worldwide, white pigeons are often seen as a sign of hope and serenity, connected to love, deference, calm, and rebirth. Albino pigeons are not unique to these values, but they do help to explain the fascination and mystique surrounding these elegant and very uncommon avian varieties.

The biblical allusion to white doves as symbols of sacrifice and peace is also shared by albino pigeons, which stand for wealth, purity, and happiness.

Well-being and Lifespan

Because of the deficiency of melanin in their bodies, albino pigeons are susceptible to many health problems. One of the main problems is that they have poor vision, and bright lights may harm their eyes. It may also impair their capacity to locate sustenance efficiently.

Weakened feathers are a frequent health problem in albino pigeons. Their skin, feather shafts, and feathers are devoid of melanin, which makes feathers brittle and unsuitable for powerful, long-distance flying. Because they can’t flee dangers as readily as other pigeons, this might make them more vulnerable to being attacked by predators.

Albinos have a shorter longevity in the wild than pigeons with conventional coloration, with a maximum predicted age of around 5 years compared to 15 years for non-albinos. Many do not live long enough to reproduce and do not pass away early. When given proper care and living conditions in a protected habitat, an albino person has been documented to live to be 33 years old.

A leucistic pigeon: Studies on albinism in birds generally indicate that 1% of pigeons have some degree of pigmentation loss, with leucistic birds being far more prevalent than pure albinos.

Concerns about Ethics and Conservation

Because of their health problems and increased vulnerability to predators owing to their pigmentation, albino pigeons are inherently less likely to survive in the environment. This makes them easy pickings for predatory birds and animals. Many albino pigeons are raised in captivity or are produced there, where their environmental hazards are mitigated.

Breeders often place a great value on albino pigeons because of their remarkable rarity. Some have questioned celebratory releases, which depend on the usage of white doves and pigeons, but not always albino birds. This is because when white birds that have been deliberately bred are utilized, they may not have the pigeons’ innate homing sense and could be more susceptible to predators when released.

Final Thoughts

Finding uncommon or rare birds, or birds with very strange plumage, may provide great satisfaction. When an albino is seen, even animals like pigeons—which we may take for granted because of their overwhelming abundance in the environment—become even more fascinating.

Albino pigeons are very rare animals, and while seeing them in the wild is really amazing, these unique birds should be respected and not handled roughly or under stress.

If you do happen to discover one in the wild, it’s a good idea to snap a picture of it from a safe distance and maybe get in touch with a nearby wildlife rehabilitation facility or bird club so they can determine if a rescue is required.

Although sightings of albino pigeons in the wild are rather infrequent, these unique birds should be handled with respect and not be startled, anxious, or approached too near.


What is the rarity of albino pigeons?

Albinism affects just around 1% of pigeons worldwide, so seeing one in person is quite unusual and remarkable.

When you come upon an albino pigeon, what should you do?

Since albino pigeons often do not do well in the wild, consulting a bird rescue facility is advisable. Due to their fragile feathers and limited vision, they may have the greatest chance of surviving in a protected specialized setting or a wildlife rehabilitation facility.

Are albino pigeons and non-albino pigeons able to mate?

It is rare for albino pigeons to reach reproductive age in the wild and most of them do not live to maturity. Unless their partner also inherits the recessive albinism gene, albino pigeons should be able to freely mate with non-albino pigeons and produce non-albino children.

Do albino pigeons inhabit the whole world?

Every continent, with the exception of Antarctica, is home to albino pigeon colonies. But pure albino individuals are very rare, and there are no specific “hotspots” where observations of pure white pigeons with light pink bills and feet and red eyes are certain, nor where greater groups of these birds may be discovered.

Are white doves and albino pigeons the same species?

White doves and albino pigeons are two different species, despite their apparent similarities from a distance. Larger in size than white doves, pigeons may be distinguished from them by the color of their eyes. White doves have black eyes, but albino pigeons have red eyes.

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