Birds Sleeping Habits and Behavior

Birds Sleeping Habits and Behavior
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Similar to humans, birds need sleep in order to rejuvenate from their activity, clear their minds of accumulated trash, and relax. Although these amazing species also have some really unusual and astonishing sleeping habits, their sleeping patterns are actually rather comparable to our own.

The world’s birds have devised several strategies for getting some rest, including standing on one leg, floating on the open sea, and even napping in the sky. Read on if that interests you because we’re going to discover everything about the mysteries of bird sleep in this tutorial!

The Principles of Bird Sleep

Although the location, timing, and mode of sleep vary across species, life stages, and even seasons, all birds are known to sleep. With so many natural adversaries, sleeping indicates a lessened awareness of one’s surroundings, which puts birds in risk. Sleep, albeit dangerous, is a vital trade-off since sleep deprivation affects one’s capacity to operate.

For anything from six to twelve hours or longer, the majority of birds sleep every night, day, or both. Although certain birds, like woodpeckers, may enter their resting chamber long before sunset and “sleep in” a bit the next morning, diurnal species typically return to their roosts around nightfall and depart around daybreak.

The posture of birds during sleep is one of the most noticeable visual distinctions from that of other animals. Mammals sleep on their backs, while horses and some other animals may stand while they doze. While a small percentage of birds sleep on their backs, the majority remain on their haunches or perch.

Where and How Do Birds Nest?

Ever notice a bird in a state of sleep? Given that there are more than 50 billion birds in the world, it’s amazing how effectively they conceal themselves to sleep. We’ll look at some common bird sleeping locations and methods in this section.


Contrary to popular belief, birds seldom spend the night in their nests. Creating a secure and cozy space for the incubation of eggs and the raising of young is the main objective of a bird’s nest. Birds often don’t sleep in nests unless they are sitting on eggs or caring for their young.

Southern Africa’s semi-deserts provide an intriguing exception. Small finches called Sociable Weavers construct the biggest nests in the world, often holding hundreds of birds. In these massive buildings, these social animals build their nests and sleep.

There are birds that sleep in other birds’ nests on a regular basis. Little songbirds, such as chickadees and titmice, have the ideal spot to spend chilly winter evenings: the nest cavities of woodpeckers.

Sleepers in a Perched Position

Perched on branches and other high surfaces, such as buildings, cliffs, and telephone wires, is how most birds spend their sleep. For tiny to medium-sized songbirds, the interior limbs of shrubs and trees provide the ideal hiding area and cover; yet, bigger birds such as hawks and crows find their ideal hiding location among snags and wires.

Though perch-roosting birds are well adapted to remain stationary, it may appear difficult for them to sleep peacefully while clinging to a little perch. They are prevented from falling over by their superb balance, which allows their toes and talons to firmly cling to the perch.

It is generally accepted that birds employ a passive perching technique to hold their perch effortlessly, even though they are able to aggressively grab it with their muscles. A unique tendon helps do this by mechanically closing the toes when the leg joints are flexed and releasing the grasp when the bird stretches its legs to take flight.

Lower Sleepers

While some gamebirds spend the night on the ground, many of them may climb trees to roost. In addition to sleeping on the ground, shorebirds and waders often inhabit areas that are somewhat open, which may contribute to the fact that their feet aren’t designed for gripping.

For little birds, there are certain clear concerns associated with nesting on the ground. Thus, how can ground sleepers elude consumption by terrestrial predators like cats and foxes?

Many ground-sleeping birds choose flat terrain with low foliage since predators usually depend on stealth to sneak up on their prey. Numerous shorebirds and seabirds prefer islands on lakes, rivers, and estuaries; some long-legged species even sleep standing in shallow water to avoid the possibility of an unnoticed approaching.

Because coveys provide additional eyes and ears, ground-nesting gamebirds such as Bobwhites often roost in small groups. These groups also have the extra advantage of retaining body heat since they hunker down in a ring configuration with their heads facing outward and tails in the middle. To prevent predators from ambushing them, species such as the Grey Partridge prefer to roost in broad areas.

Floating Mattresses

Because they are safer from predators when sleeping on the water, many waterbirds are awkward on land. In broad, deep water, where they are less vulnerable to surprise attacks by large carnivores, birds such as grebes and loons slumber. When seabirds are out on the broad ocean, their only option for getting a good night’s sleep is to float on the water.

While it may appear like a dreadful place to sleep, these birds’ well-preened and waterproofed feathers keep them dry and comfy even in the bitter cold.

Those Who Sleep in Communities

A lot of birds roost in groups, which may range from a few single birds to large flocks. Million-strong flocks of gregarious songbirds have even been seen, such as the European Starling and Red-billed Quelea!

Birds that roost communally benefit from several factors, including as the concentrated warmth of the colony and safety in numbers. Naturally, those in the center of the roost get greater advantages than those outside, and there can be a hierarchy dictating who gets to sleep there.

It may be interesting to watch them arrive and leave from the roost. The Starling murmuration is maybe the most amazing example of a group roosting. Winter nights may see millions of starlings gather in the sky above their roost, wheeling and twirling in amazing patterns.

Transitional Silence

Between their breeding and overwintering habitats, migratory birds may travel great distances. They often migrate in phases, pausing sometimes for weeks at a time for rest at regular intervals. But some birds can fly nonstop for up to eight days at a time!

Birds on their migration don’t stop to sleep at any old spot. They usually choose roosting spots and regions with plenty of food so they may rest and refuel safely. Some places are particularly desirable, such as desert oases or the last stretch of dry ground before a major water crossing.

Gregarious migrants may also congregate in impressive numbers. For example, migratory Barn Swallows often roost on expansive reedbeds, sometimes numbering in the millions.

Cavity and Nook Residents

Many bird species make use of the cover provided by natural and man-made nooks and holes, for the same reasons that some nest in ancient Woodpecker cavities.

These range from natural openings in trees (Screech Owls) to tiny caverns (Barn Owls), under the overhanging branches of buildings (Feral Pigeons), and even the burrows of mammals (Burrowing Owl).

There are some clear advantages to sleeping in hollow spaces like birdhouses and woodpecker holes. They conceal the birds from view and provide protection from the wind and rain. But, cavities may also be deadly places to be if a predator of a comparable size finds you there.

The Eastern Screech Owl may be seen roosting in a tree hollow in the picture.
Enlarged image of an Eastern Screech Owl nesting in a tree hollow

Special Positions for Sleeping

The majority of birds sleep with their heads turned back and their beak tucked behind their scapular, or shoulder, feathers. They may rest their necks in this position, which also makes them more compact and helps to keep heat loss to a minimum. Additionally, they puff up their down feathers to produce a pocket of air that retains warm air and keeps them warm in the winter.

A lot of birds that are asleep lower themselves to the ground or raise one leg. For waterbirds like flamingos that sleep standing in shallow water, this balancing feat might be crucial. Standing on one leg may reduce heat loss from their legs by half, despite the fact that it may feel exhausting.

Pictures of owl chicks resting flat on their stomachs have charmed people all around the globe. Owls have also been known to sleep in some unexpected and heartwarming ways.

Some birds continue to sleep in unusual positions. Sometimes hummingbirds may take naps upside down, while terns and swifts are known to be able to sleep in the air!

Factors Affecting Sleep Habits and Locations

Because they don’t prepare their roost site, birds have to choose a good location where they can get what they need to keep secure and warm. Typical settings provide some protection from wind, rain, and snow, as well as safety from roving ground predators.

The availability of roost sites may play a significant role in the territorial decision-making process, since territorial birds need access to food supplies, nest sites, and secure places to sleep. Since these requirements aren’t usually satisfied all year round, a large number of birds worldwide move to warmer regions every autumn, leaving their nesting grounds behind.

The majority of birds are nocturnal, but many are active during the day and night, which may surprise you. Instead than feeding on the hour, many shorebirds follow the tide. When the water recedes and exposes marine invertebrates, these birds may perch above the high tide line and go forage.

Variations in Sleep Schedules by Season

The duration that resident birds, particularly those that spend the winter at high latitudes, can feed is impacted by the seasonal variation in day length. To survive, these birds mostly depend on diets high in energy and protected roosts; nevertheless, some, like the Nuthatches, may gather together for warmth during those long, chilly nights.

Birds need to remain active and eat regularly to live, while many reptiles, amphibians, and mammals hibernate or estivate during hard seasons. There are, nonetheless, a few exclusions.

The most striking illustration of a bird capable of torpor is the Common Poorwill. Sometimes for many weeks, individuals may restrict energy loss in this condition of decreased metabolic activity by lowering their body temperature and heart rate. Even hummingbirds go into torpor, although only for a single night at a time.

Throughout Life Stages, Sleep

Precocial chicks, such as wildfowl, leave the nest on the first day and usually sleep snuggled up to their parents, but altricial chicks, such as songbirds, remain in the nest until they fledge or scatter onto adjacent branches. In order to remain warm, ground birds such as chickens may wrap their wings over their young, whereas grebe chicks find a nice spot to lay above the water on their parents’ backs.

As they mature, bird chicks often sleep longer than adults, and the kind of sleep they get might also vary. For instance, compared to adults, ostrich chicks slept in REM sleep less often and for shorter durations of time.

Slumber and Molting

To grow new feathers, change into adult plumage, or become more colorful during the breeding season, all birds undergo molting. Ducks and Geese replace their flight feathers all at once, which causes them to become flightless for many weeks. However, this is normally a progressive process. In order to save energy and use it to produce new flying feathers, they could sleep longer than normal during this period.

Even while species like parrots and budgies do not lose their ability to fly during their molt, many pet owners also note that their birds sleep more at this time. Perhaps a common occurrence among molting birds is their increased sleeping pattern.

Particular Sleep Adjustments

It’s remarkable how birds can put one hemisphere of their brain to sleep and keep the other up and functional. But they are not alone in having this capacity; certain huge marine animals, such as seals and whales, also possess it.

One of the best things about sleeping with one eye open is that birds can detect predators by keeping their eyes peeled and turned toward the area where their foes are most likely to move. Remarkably, the side of the brain that rests corresponds with the eye that remains open.

Flying and Sleeping: Dispelling the Myth

Even more inventive approaches exist for some birds to use Unihemispheric Slow-wave Sleep. When flying, most animals remain alert to avoid airborne predators, maintain direction, and synchronize their motions. Some birds, meanwhile, are able to fly for astonishingly long times and distances. The key to “sleeping on the wing” is allegedly found in USWS.

Little Sleeps

By taking short naps throughout the day, birds may also “accumulate” sleep. For migrating birds that are sleep-deprived, these brief yet crucial microsleeps might last just a few seconds. They reduce the possibility of a predator pursuing a bird and also enable birds to rest throughout the day.

Uncertainty Around Unihemispheric Slow-Wave Sleep (USWS) in Avian Species

With its remarkable capacity to keep one hemisphere of the brain active and awake while resting the other, the Alpine Swift (shown) (USWS)
With its remarkable capacity to keep one hemisphere of the brain active and awake while resting the other, the Alpine Swift (shown) (USWS)

Disturbances and Threats


Many animals, including other avians, depend on birds as food, and one of the main factors influencing a bird’s sleeping habits is the possibility of predation. Predators such as cats and hawks have an impact on almost every aspect of avian sleep, from selecting concealed locations to taking quick “power naps.”

The surroundings

In extreme weather, when foraging is just too risky, birds may decide to roost. But since they need significantly more food than normal to sustain their metabolism, birds cannot simply hibernate during the cold.

Mother Nature does not, however, cause every environmental aspect. Birds’ sleeping habits are becoming more and more influenced by light and sound pollution, especially in urban and suburban areas.

By hunting and feeding close to artificial light sources, some birds are increasing their nighttime activity. Even though noise pollution may make it difficult for birds to hear predators or other birds in the vicinity, birds may nevertheless sleep in loud situations.

The Bird Dream Science

Similar to humans, birds go through stages of sleep called non-REM (non-rapid eye movement) and slow wave sleep (SWS/REM). It is commonly known that dreaming happens in humans during this period of sleep, yet scientists are still unsure of the whole purpose of REM sleep in other animals.

It’s unclear whether birds dream or what they dream about, but fascinating study on Zebra Finches has shown brain activity and muscle movements linked to singing as they sleep. The purpose of this activity is unclear, and the patterns don’t quite mirror those seen during vocalizations throughout the day.

Pigeons may be dreaming about flying, according to a different research that was published in Nature Communications. The study found that pigeons’ REM sleep activates brain areas responsible for processing sights during flight!

Sleeping singing is connected to specific brain activity and muscular movements, according to research on zebra finches (see photo).
Sleeping singing is connected to specific brain activity and muscular movements, according to research on zebra finches (see photo).

Unique Situations


Despite being nocturnal animals, the majority of owl species are active throughout the winter or during cloudy days. Some are even busier during the day than they are at night. Even nocturnal owls will spend some time during the day awake and some time during the night sleeping.

Frigatebirds and Swifts.

It is possible for some birds to fly for days, weeks, or even months without making a landing. Albatrosses have been seen to sleep for hours at a time when floating on the water’s surface, but it is thought that they may spend weeks in the air.

Known for its capacity to enter Unihemispheric Slow Wave sleep and sleep on the wing, the Frigatebird is a big seabird found in tropical regions. Despite not being able to swim, these birds can fly over the ocean for more than two months!

Since they only come down to nest, swifts are an even more intriguing example of a bird that sleeps while in flight. It is believed that these swift cousins of the hummingbird sleep in brief spurts, despite the fact that they are challenging to observe in the air at night.

Sleep and Migration

In order to escape predators and strong air currents, many birds that are diurnal migrate at night. For birds that depend on movement throughout the day to get food, this poses a challenge. These nighttime travelers may, however, make up part of their sleep deficit by taking naps throughout the day.

Frequently, stopover locations or important staging regions serve as safe havens for refueling and sleeping throughout migrations for migratory birds.

And other little songbirds crossing the Gulf of Mexico have to fly nonstop for a whole day without stopping, of course—this is only feasible when there is terra firma below where they may land!

When it comes to resting, weary travelers across the ocean will make use of some really peculiar locations, such as ships and oil rigs.

I'm Nauman Afridi, the bird enthusiast behind My lifelong passion for birds has led me to create a space where fellow bird lovers can find valuable insights and tips on caring for our feathered friends.Professionally, I'm a brand strategist and digital marketing consultant, bringing a unique perspective to the world of bird care. Whether you're a novice or an experienced bird owner, is designed to be a welcoming community for all.Feel free to explore, and reach out if you have any questions or just want to chat about birds.
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