Most Dangerous Cat Breeds in The World

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The domestic cat (Felis catus) is the second most popular companion animal among humans, behind dogs. Their owners often think of them as the “purr-fect” pets since, in addition to their human link, they provide an efficient way to eliminate pests, especially rats. Because they believed these animals to be divine, the ancient Egyptians revered and worshipped them.

71 cat breeds are recognized by The International Cat Association (TICA) as of 2021; the typical home breed, sometimes known as the domestic shorthair, is not among them. Only forty species are recognized by the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF).

The world’s most hazardous cat breeds are included in this article. This list specifically addresses domestic cat breeds that, even toward their owners, are prone to exhibit violent or very antagonistic behavior. For this reason, ferocious large cats like lions, tigers, and jaguars will not be included in this article.

In conclusion, this article will help prospective pet owners avoid regrets by selecting the cat breed that best fits them.

The Domestic Cat’s (Felis catus) Origin

Probably one of the most fascinating animal facts is the hypothesis of how a domestic cat evolved from a wild feline. Cats, the second most popular pet, domesticated themselves at some point in the past.

According to DNA study, they coexisted with humans for thousands of years before turning into domesticated animals. Every domestic cat breed that is now in existence descended from two main lineages, according to a Nature Ecology & Evolution paper.

The earliest progenitors of modern domestic cats originated in Southwest Asia and traveled into Europe around 4400 BC. It’s possible that domestic cats first appeared in agricultural cultures in the Fertile Crescent 8,000 years ago.

As rodent protectors, they established a mutually beneficial connection with humans. They went from managing rodent populations to becoming a typical sight in populated areas.

Beginning approximately 1500 BC, the second ancestry, which consisted of African cats that were common in Egypt, extended over the Mediterranean area and the majority of the Old World. Tameness and friendliness are among the human-friendly traits attributed to this type of cats.

Cats have not undergone significant genetic alterations from their wild counterparts since they self-domesticated. The distinct tabby cat’s stripes and dots are among the noticeable changes in a domestic cat breed.

What Constitutes a Hazardous Cat Breed?

A certain breed of cat is dangerous to keep inside due to certain factors. In light of this, we’ll look at two essential elements that establish a cat’s danger threshold. Among these aspects are:

1. hostility

Aggression is the main characteristic that distinguishes a hazardous cat breed. One of the most common issues with feline behavior is aggression. It is reasonable to conclude that cats that are most aggressive toward people are the ones who pose the most threat to people.

Keeping potentially violent cats at home poses a serious danger. Cats have five possible weapons, including their four clawed paws and fangs, in contrast to dogs which can only fight with their jaws. Cats are fierce creatures because of this tendency.

Among the aggressive tendencies that risky cat breeds may exhibit are:

slapping and paw striking
Snarling and yelling
preparing an attack by displaying all four of their weapons (tooth and clawed claws) while lolling on their side or back.
trying to take hold of the owner’s hand and bite it with their mouth

2. High Allergen Levels Are Present

Another crucial characteristic that determines the degree of harm caused by a cat breed is its allergen level.

Among the most common allergies that people report are those to cats. There are now eight cat allergens recognized by the World Health Organization/International Union of Immunological Societies (WHO/IUIS) Allergen Nomenclature Sub-Committee. Fel d 1 is the most noticeable allergen related to cats and is responsible for 96% of human cat allergies.

Domestic cats’ anal, sebaceous, and salivary glands are among the glands that make fel d 1. All recognized cat breeds emit Fel d 1 at the same time, albeit some generate more allergens than others.

Many individuals may experience the following symptoms as a result of cat allergies:

Nasal Blockage
tightness of the chest
eyes watering
lips cracked

More serious and perhaps fatal outcomes consist of:

mild to severe asthmatic episodes

The Top 10 Risky Cats

The most hazardous cat breeds in the world have been listed in order of possible danger, aggressiveness, allergen levels (Fel d 1), and certain possibly harmful breed-specific traits.

A more thorough analysis of each of these species is provided in the next sections.


The medium-sized hairless Sphynx cat breed is Canadian in origin. A mutation in the same gene that gives the Devon Rex breed its short, curly coat is the cause of its hairlessness.

Breeders selectively bred to create the sphynx in the 1960s. Because this kind of cat does not have hair, it loses body heat more quickly than covered cats.

There are Sphynx cats who have a thin covering of lower hair that has the texture of fine suede. But this layer of hair isn’t even like the coat of a cat with short hair.

Other characteristics of the Sphynx that stand out are:

skin that is wrinkled
broad-set eyes
prominent cheekbones
a long, narrow head
paws with webs

There might be whiskers or not, and if there are, they could be entire or fractured.

Fun Fact: The skin of Sphynx cats maintains the color of their fur, should it have been there. In addition, it has the standard markings of tabby, solid, point, tortie, and van.

Intenseness in Sphynxes

Despite not being inherently violent, Sphynxes are very energetic cat breeds who need their owners’ attention all the time. When given little attention and recreation, kids could express their unhappiness by acting aggressively.

while the joy of caressing them becomes too great, or while you’re grooming them or trimming their claws, they could also exhibit unexpected anger.

Fear is another factor contributing to Sphynx violence. This breed of cat may get fearful of unfamiliar objects. These anxiety-inducing elements consist of:

Unexpected sound
An additional pet is present in the Sphynx’s room

Typical indications of fear-driven violence in Sphynxes consist of:

squatting down
teeth glancing
Ears pressed gently on the skull
heightened hair
folded between the legs of the tail

Redirected aggressiveness is another behavior sphynxes may display, maybe in response to being unable to get or obtain anything, against their humans or other animals.

Other factors that might trigger hostility in Sphynxes are:

The concept of territoriality

The Potential for Sphynxes to Induce Cat Allergies

Sphynxes, although being mostly hairless, nonetheless generate some cat allergens (Fel d 1) from their skin. If these allergens are not properly controlled, individuals with cat allergies may still have allergic responses. As a result, this kind of cat needs regular washings to remove dander—particles of allergen—from their skin.

Taking a bath also keeps their normally oily skin from being even oilier.

Particular Needs for Sphynxes

Owners of Sphynx cats are advised to give them extra attention because of their baldness in order to shield them from sunburn, skin damage, and skin malignancies.

Sphynxes must be protected from chilly weather. Sphynxes may buy jackets and sweaters that are personalized for them.

Weekly checks for wax accumulation and a gentle cleaning with a cotton ball soaked in a moderate ear cleaner solution should also be performed on the cats’ ears.

One cannot dispute that the Sphynx is a potentially fearsome cat breed, even if some pet owners may not think of it as the most deadly cat in the world to humans.

Siamese Cat 

The Siamese cat breed originated in modern-day Thailand. One of the most well-known Asian breeds of cats is this one. It has grown to be one of the most well-liked breeds in both Europe and North America since the 19th century.

The contemporary Siamese cat breed is the result of many genetic alterations to Siamese cats. The original breed, which was categorized as the Thai cat, was descended from the Wichianmat Landrace and had a much rounder head and body than its contemporary version. However, the Siamese of today have exceptional qualities.

Among the notable physical characteristics of the contemporary Siamese cat are:

Head in a triangle
big ears
almond-shaped eyes in blue
long, lean, and robust physique
Point shading

Fun Fact: Cat enthusiasts celebrate April 6th as National Siamese Cat Day annually in the US.

Anger in Siamese Felines

Siamese cats are wonderful, devoted companions, but if they develop a strong attachment with their owners, they may become more violent than many other kinds of cats. If you’re not giving them the attention they deserve, they can act aggressively. In this situation, these perceptive, active, and nervous cats could bite, scratch, rip apart the sofa, or jump on you to seek a response.

Other causes of aggressive behavior in Siamese cats include:

Jealousy: Seeing new individuals or a pet may make you feel this way.
Touch sensitivity: Siamese cats with hyperesthesia, a sensory problem, may become painful when you touch or pet them. They may become divisive due to this notion.
Overexcitement: This breed may bite you playfully out of overexcitement, which you may interpret as aggressive behavior.
Anxiety and unease

In a similar vein, violent behavior may be shown by Siamese cats that have experienced trauma as a kind of self-defense.

Siamese Cats Have Relatively Low Allergen Levels

Positively, Siamese cats are often thought to being “hypoallergenic” cats. Siamese cats generate less Fel d 1 than numerous other cat breeds, which is what’s causing this development. Thus, if they can put up with the cats’ occasionally aggressive behavior, they could be appropriate for those with mild to severe cat allergies.

Still, no breed of cat is completely hypoallergenic.

Black-footed Cat 

This species of cat, which is thought to be the smallest endemic to Africa, lives in the savannahs and dry areas of southern Africa. Some people don’t mind having this cat species as pets in their homes, despite the fact that many vets advise against keeping them as household pets.

This cat’s physical attributes include the following:

dark brown or black soles of the feet
tawny coat with strong, tiny spots and stripes akin to certain domestic cat species’ tabby coats
Dark lines that extend down their cheekbones from the corners of their eyes
a tail with bands and a black tip

Fun Fact: Due to their 60% success rate on hunts, black-footed cats are regarded as the deadliest little cats on the planet.

Risky Predations of Black-footed Cats

The black-footed cat is one of the most violent cat species worldwide, much like other African wildcat species. Being mostly nocturnal, they hunt small animals, birds, and invertebrates throughout the night and sometimes make many kills in a single night. They may even be able to kill humans, since they have been known to assault bigger creatures.

Adult black-footed cats in particular shouldn’t be kept as pets since they might become violent and aggressive if their owners don’t provide them enough food. Even worse, they seldom sleep more than 14 hours a day due to their high metabolic rate, which leads them to eat a third of their body weight each night.

Additionally, they are a territorial species that favors staying inside its boundaries. Since these lethal cats are inherently wild, they need to be left alone.

Bengal Cat

The Bengal cat is a hybrid breed that originated from a combination of Asian leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) and numerous domestic cats, especially the spotted Egyptian Mau. It is often a medium- to large-sized, spotted breed with a long, lean physique. Bengal cats are notably more muscular than other domestic cats.

This kind of cat comes in a range of colors, such as:

Brown-spotted tabby cat
Snow or seal Lynx Point
Mink-spotted tabby cat

Fun Fact: The only domestic cat breed with rosette markings is the Bengal cat. Rose-like impressions called rosette marks may be seen on the skin and hair of many different types of cats, including cheetahs, tigers, leopards, and jaguars.

Bengal Cat Aggression

Bengal cats love to climb and are very active, lively, attention-seeking, and high-energy animals. They could act cruelly or aggressively if they don’t have enough playtime, attention, or freedom to let off steam.

This breed of cat dislikes being left on its own. They may become quite inquisitive and destructive when left alone.

In addition to being very territorial, Bengali cats may also be hostile against other cats. They could even hurt cats in order to protect their domain. They sometimes exhibit jealousy as well, objecting when someone else gets all the attention.

Bengal cats’ other causes of hostility include the following:

A desire to procreate
Unsocialization and past maltreatment
Alterations in routine and surroundings
Bengal Cat Levels Fel d 1

Some breeders argue that since Bengal cats shed less and need less maintenance, they are hypoallergenic; nonetheless, serious cat allergies may respond negatively to Bengal cats.

Persian Cat

The Persian cat breed, known for its long fur, is identified by its short nose and round face. Its forefathers were transported from Persia to Italy in 1620. Another name for it is the Persian Longhair.

Typical traits of Persian cats include the following:

A lengthy, heavy coat
A large head and far-off ears
big eyes

Male Persian cats that have not been neutered may also act aggressively against a muzzle.

Fun Fact: Persian cats may have “lion-cut” grooming, in which the hair on their heads is let to grow like a mane while the rest of their body is shaved.

Persian Cat Aggression

Persian cats aren’t often thought of being an aggressive breed. The kittens like biting, however, since they are unable to distinguish between conduct that is acceptable and inappropriate just yet.

When a Persian cat touches a sensitive area of their body or becomes stressed, they may also bite their owners violently. Notably, male Persian cats that have not had their teeth fixed may become aggressive when they want to mate.

Prior to biting, Persian cats often exhibit warning signs like:

Flicking of the tail
ears pulled back

Persian Cats’ Propensity to Cause Cat Allergies

The riskiest cat breeds are those that generate a lot of Fel d 1 protein and shed a lot. Persian cats are not a good choice for those with cat allergies since they are a long-haired breed that sheds often and has more allergens. When they shed, the Fel d 1 protein sticks to their long hairs and travels throughout the house.

Persian cats often release Fel d 1, a protein that may cause allergic responses in some individuals, including runny noses and watery eyes.

Scottish Folds

This domestic cat breed is distinguished by its folded ears. Their ears bend forward and downward toward the front of their heads due to a natural genetic mutation that alters their cartilages, giving them their peculiar form.

Scottish Folds are usually medium-sized, ash-coated dogs. Nevertheless, they might have long or short hair, and different coat colors.

Other characteristics of the breed that might be seen are:

a round face and head
big, round eyes
a small, gently curved nose
rounded body that seems padded
brief to moderate legs

Interesting fact: Scottish Folds have straight ears by birth. The defective gene that causes the ear folds only begins to manifest itself when the kitten is between 18 and 24 days old, which is when its characteristic folded ears start to appear.

Scottish Fold Aggression

Scottish folds get along well with their owners and other household pets, like as dogs. But since they’re a loud breed, they’ll let you know when they’re not happy by meowing and purring.

The two things that aggravate them the most are poor treatment and insufficient care. They hate boredom and loneliness as well.

If you touch a sensitive area on this kind of cat, they may attack or scratch you since they think you’re invading their space. Despite their laziness, they remain among the most unyielding breeds.

Cat Allergens in Folds of Scotland

Scottish Folds have enough Fel d 1 protein to cause allergy reactions in those who are sensitive to cats. In contrast to the short-haired Fold, the long-haired Scottish Fold is surprisingly less hypoallergenic. This is because they are more prone to produce allergic responses since they shed more regularly.

Somali Cats

Originating in Africa, the Somali cat is a domestic feline with long fur. It has a strong kinship with the Ethiopian-originating Abyssinian cat.

Somali cats range in size from medium to giant. In addition, compared to other cat breeds, they have softer coats with finely structured ticking.

Other distinguishing features of Somali cats include:

bushy tails
Big almond eyes with a deep green or rich copper color
big, pointy ears
Each of their tangled coats has four to twenty colors.

Fun Fact: Due to their bushy tails, Somali cats are sometimes known as fox cats. They come in reddish, chocolate, lilac, blue, cinnamon, and fawn hues, among others.

In Somali cats, aggression and hyperactivity

The breed of cats from Somalia is lively and quick. They are persistent when they seek something that piques their attention, even if they are not aggressive without a reason. When this conduct becomes excessive, it’s simple to see it as aggressiveness.

They could unintentionally knock items over due to their lively behavior. They aren’t your typical lap cats, despite their devotion, since they like playing with objects and moving about with their deft hands.

Somali Cats’ Danger Levels for People Who Have Allergies to Cats

By no means are Somali cats hypoallergenic. Their lengthy hair might be a trap for part of the Fel d 1 protein they make.

Furthermore, Somali cats lose copious amounts of hair twice a year. Therefore, they are not the best breed for those who are allergic to cats.

Egyptian Mau

A unusual breed of tiny to medium-sized cats is the Egyptian Mau. This breed has short hair, and the tips of its hair naturally have spots.

One of its most distinguishing traits is an extensive, black posterior stripe that stretches from its head to its tail down its spine.

Other notable characteristics of the Egyptian Mau include of:

Forelimbs shorter than hind legs
It comes in six hues: black, caramel, smoke, silver, bronze, and blue (pewter).
After stimulation, it may chirp, chortle, make melodic voices, and make other specific noises.

Fun Fact: With a top speed of around 48 km/h, the Egyptian Mau is the quickest domestic cat. Its speed is enhanced by its larger hind legs and a unique skin flap that runs from its flank to the back of its knee.

The Egyptian Mau’s Sensitivity and Aggression

The Egyptian Mau is agile and bright, but also timid and sensitive. There are times when they would rather be left alone and are drawn to cozy settings. When they are startled or exposed to loud sounds, they could act violently.

When they are older, they could act aggressively toward strangers or other animals if they are not socialized with people or other pets from an early age. That being said, if your Egyptian Mau isn’t socialized enough, it might be challenging to add another creature to your home.

Egyptian Maus Has a High Probability of Affecting Cat-Allergic People

Egyptian Maus sheds enough fur to cause allergic responses in cat allergy sufferers. They thus have a significant chance of impacting those who are allergic.


A uncommon breed of cat with a silky fur coat and bobbed tail is called the Pixie-Bob. The first Pixie-bob kittens were born to two bobtailed parents—possibly bobcats—that occur naturally.

The Pixie-Bob has additional characteristics that include:

almost round paws with additional toes
shaped like a pear
Green-gold or gold-colored eyes
very talkative
vibrant and lighthearted
sociable and intelligent

Fun Fact: The undersides of the paws of the majority of Pixie-bob cats are covered in black skin and hair.

The Pixie-Bobs’ Warning Vocality and Strength

When pixie-bobs are dissatisfied, they usually say it loud and clear. They often snarl and chirp at strangers and even their owners when they are irritated. They also have a tendency to fling their whole weight around while play fighting due to their extreme strength.

Amount Shedded in Pixie-Bobs

Pixie-bobs aren’t thought to be hypoallergenic, and they shed just as much as other cat breeds. Notably, those who are allergic to cats may be impacted by their danders.

Maine Coons

Large and broadchested, the Maine Coon is a kind of domestic cat. It originated in America.

Some characteristics of the cat’s body are as follows:

rather large head
elevated cheekbones
Square-shaped snouts
Big, glossy ears
big, oval-shaped eyes
extended tails
Huge paws
Thick, unkempt coat

Fun Fact: Because of their peaceful demeanor in spite of their size, Maine Coons are often known as gentle giants.

Dangers Maine Coons Pose to People with Allergies

Aggression is not what makes Maine Coons dangerous. Rather, they are regarded as hazardous because to their comparatively high propensity to aggravate allergies in those who are allergic or sensitive to pets.

Specifically, they have long hair and regularly generate Fel d 1, which makes them more prone to shed or groom themselves and disseminate the allergenic protein. Maine Coons may shed throughout the year, which is more than many other cat breeds.

People who have cat allergies should thus avoid this breed of cat.

Those who are allergic to cats may have the following symptoms while around Maine coons:

runny nose
congestion in the nose
Red, scratchy eyes
Itchy throat, mouth, and nose
dermatitis caused by allergies

Answers to Common Questions (FAQ)

Which cat poses the greatest threat to people worldwide?

The most hazardous cat owned by humans is the black-footed cat. It is not a good pet due to its severe and violent hunting habits. Typically, it’s a species of wildcat with up to a 60% hunting success rate.

How harmful may a cat bite be?

Every cat has a wide variety of germs in their mouth. These germs may lead to tissue illnesses when a cat bites you. You should consult a doctor if, after a cat bite, you develop serious signs of an illness.

Among the symptoms are:

High temperature
Feeling cold
enlarged lymph nodes
Seeping fluid or pus from the bite wound
Which foods may be harmful to cats?

Among the foods that are poisonous to cats are:

Garlic with onions
raw eggs, raw beef, and raw bones
Cocoa and beverages with caffeine
Dairy products, including milk
Grapes and raisins
Dog chow
uncooked dough

Which breed of cat is the meanest?

Because of their aggressiveness and territoriality, Siamese cats are often thought to be the meanest breed of cats among breeders and cat owners.

Which large cat poses the most threat?

More humans have been murdered by tigers (Panthera tigris) than by any other large animal, making them the most hazardous species.

Final Thoughts

Cats are good pets for companions. Nevertheless, prospective cat owners want to choose breeds that complement their way of life and medical circumstances.

Generally speaking, cats that need care all the time shouldn’t be pursued by busy people. Conversely, those who suffer from allergies to cats need to choose more hypoallergenic cat breeds.

Not to mention, in order to stop violent tendencies in their pets, current and prospective cat owners need to recognize the cues and warning signs that cats give out and respond appropriately.

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