How Long Do Crows Live? All you Need to Know

how long do crows live
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Crows are intriguing birds that have fascinated humans for centuries with their intelligence, resourcefulness, and adaptability. Their distinctive caws and striking black feathers have earned them a reputation as both a harbinger of bad luck and a symbol of good fortune. But how long do these mysterious birds actually live? Join us on a journey as we explore the lifespan of crows, revealing some surprising facts and shedding light on the mysteries surrounding these captivating creatures. Get ready to be amazed by these remarkable birds and discover what makes them truly unique in the avian world.

How long do crows live?

Many crows live 7 to 8 years on average, although they may live much longer. Crows that live the longest thrive in warm or temperate regions with moderate winters, few natural predators, and plenty of food.

Life spans of some common species of crows

Lifespan of an American Crow

In the wild, American crows typically live 7 to 8 years, while some have been known to live up to 30 years. Some ornithologists agree that Tata, the oldest American crow, may have lived to be 59 years old.

Lifespan of a hooded crow

The oldest known Hooded crow in the wild lived for 14 years. Normally its lifespan is 7 and 9 years.

Lifespan of a Carrion crow

In the wild, carrion crows typically live 4 to 7 years, however, some have been known to live as long as 12 to 14.

Lifespan of a Torresian crow

Despite the lack of good data, it is believed that wild animals may live for around 20 years.

Except for the Torresian crow, it seems that crows seldom live above the age of 15 in the wild. A more accurate estimate for all crows is 7 to 8 years. For comparable-sized Passerine birds like the crow, even a lifetime of 7 to 8 years is more than excellent, but 15 years is extraordinarily lengthy.

How long do crows live in the wild?

The majority of crows do not survive beyond the age of one and pass away before they reach sexual maturity, which takes 2 to 4 years. According to research on American crow survival rates, 89% of them did not make it to breeding age. The first year of independence is hardly survived by one in every twenty Torresian crows.

Crows that make it through their early years may live for up to 15 years, although 7 to 8 years is more typical. Some species, like the carrion crow, only have a 4–7 year lifespan average.

Also Read: All you need to know about Crow’s nest

How long do crows survive in captivity?

That is a whole other question! Predators, parasites, infections, and sickness are just a few of the dangers that birds in captivity often avoid in their early years. Crows may survive in captivity twice as long as they do in the wild.

In captivity, American crows have regularly been documented to live for more than 25 years. Even carrion crows have been seen to live for almost 20 years.

At 59 years old, Tata may claim the title of the longest-living crow. The crow purportedly lived in Bearsville, a hamlet near Woodstock, from 1947 until its death in 2006. Crows and other corvids do have the genetic ability to live extraordinarily long lifetimes, but ornithologists are suspicious about this possibility.

Why Do some crows outlive others?

how long do crows live

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Because they are omnivores, crows need access to both plants and animals to keep them healthy. Crows’ diets also include small kinds of insects, rodents, frogs, and worms. Plant sources of nourishment for crows include grains, seeds, nuts, and fruits.

These birds are opportunistic feeders that take advantage of food opportunities and won’t be choosy about what they consume. They have a reputation for searching dumpsters and trash cans for food leftovers when food sources are limited.

Also Read: What do Crows eat


Crows are renowned for being very environment-adaptable. Because of this, they may be found in a wide variety of environments all over the globe. Urban areas, tidal flats, woods, savannah grasslands, and polar tundra are among their habitats.

Crows must be able to avoid predators in order to survive.  Crows have progressively migrated into urban and suburban regions with significant human populations in an attempt to do this since there are no natural predators in these places.

Living circumstances

Crows often like to live in an area that is near to trees. They don’t have preferences, however, and if given the chance, they’ll be content to build their nests on house rooves.

Crows only thrive within a properly constructed aviary because they need to spend at least a few hours each day flying when kept in captivity. It is against the law to keep crows as pets in cages in several nations.


Crows are about 16 to 21 inches long overall. Their tail makes for around 40% of their entire length. A crow’s entire wingspan ranges from 33 to 39 inches.

Around the globe, there are more than 40 different species of crows. The Fish Crow averages 19 inches in length, the Common Raven is around 27 inches long, and the American Crow is the shortest.

Crows range in weight from 12 to 57 ounces, with significant weight variation across species.

Mating and Breeding

Crow males and females form lifelong pairs and construct their nests in either evergreen or deciduous trees. The best places to build nests are elevated, horizontal branches.

Crows construct their nests in late March and early April when they are breeding. About 18 days pass during the egg’s incubation period, and the young emerge between early May and June. Crow males are known to become particularly territorial during this period, guarding the nest and scavenging for food for their spouse and his young.

What is a crow’s predator?

Once they reach adulthood, crows have few natural predators, however certain hawks, falcons, owls, and eagles will still pursue them. Raccoons, mink, foxes, wild cats, as well as several other predatory animals and birds, such as owls, hawks, buzzards, and eagles, pose far greater hazards to young crows.

Do crows experience grief?

Magpies and other corvids, including crows, are regularly seen having ‘funerals’ for their deceased. These parades eerily resemble the genuine thing, often incorporating synchronized gestures among the participants who seem to be standing in mournful recollection of their lost companions.

Some people have even seen corvids bringing gifts of grass blades and flower petals, which resemble floral arrangements or wreaths. These reports may seem like hearsay, and many of them certainly are, but they also have supporting scientific evidence.

One explanation for this habit is that crows have a morbid interest that drives them to examine the corpse in a manner akin to a post-mortem so they may determine the cause of death. Because corvids are very clever, they can probably deduce what happened to the crow, whether it was a predator assault nearby or a disease-related demise.

Crows recall the appearance of people who have some connection to their deceased, like a prospective predator, according to studies. The crows use a series of warning sounds to communicate with one another if they see that predator in their areas once again.

Observations of necrophilia, especially during the mating season, may have further distorted the romantic notion of crows mourning their dead. This is believed to be driven by hormones.

It is still entirely unknown if sorrow has a component. Although it would be exceedingly challenging to prove, crows most likely possess the brain capacity to feel such emotion in some capacity.

What is the oldest known crow?

Tata, a male crow, may live to be the oldest crow ever recorded. Tata was born in 1947 and passed away at his Bearsville home in 2006, making him 59 years old at the time. Despite the fact that Tata’s incredible longevity has not been officially confirmed, it is certain that Tata was an extraordinarily elderly man who was also blind from cataracts and suffering from arthritis.

Even after passing away, according to his owners, he was still a highly alert and active bird who would even call to the other crows outside.

Tata was hurt before being put into care at a cemetery on Long Island. He continued living with his previous owners up until 2001 when his ownership was changed, and he continued living there until he passed away.

Nothing in the tale suggests that Tata was not a very old bird, and based only on tales, it seems that 59 is absolutely feasible.

Tata may have really had that little bit of additional DNA that enabled him to live the longest life of any crow since ravens can live for 60 years in captivity and there have been instances of hybridization between ravens and crows.

The typical life cycle of a crow

The life cycle of a crow is pretty similar to that of other bird species. Are you curious as to how crows develop into the familiar dark-feathered birds? The crow life cycle is summarised below, from egg to adult.


how long do crows live

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In crows, the nest is constructed by both sexes. It often takes place during an 8 to 14-day period, starting as early as mid-March and ending as late as mid-July. The female incubates four to five eggs during the subsequent 18 days after constructing the nest. She could be fed at this period by her spouse, or perhaps by the young she gave birth to the year before.


The eggs will then hatch after the 18-day period. The young crows, known as chicks, will start to develop very fast. Most of them will start to fledge between 28 and 35 days. When a juvenile bird grows wings that are big enough to fly, this is known as fledging.


The young adult period begins when the chicks are completely grown. They often leave the nest at this time, but they have not yet completely learned to survive on their own. They will continue to be fed by the adults for the next 30 days.

Due to their extremely social nature, crows frequently live in family groupings. The male and female crows, as well as their offspring from the previous two years, will be included in these family groupings. This is so that one or more crows may generally be seen choosing to remain with the family until the next breeding season.

The crows who remain with the family will then assist in constructing the nest and providing food for the subsequent generation of chicks.

Before starting to reproduce, mature American crows must be at least two years old. In contrast to other breeds, which don’t start until they are at least four years old, this is really sooner. The family unit generally joins other crow families in shared night roosts once the nesting season is through. Crows utilize communal roosting to communicate with one another and find mates. This is due to the fact that certain birds are more successful at finding food due to their experience or local knowledge.

Final Thoughts

As we conclude our exploration into the lifespan of crows, we are left in awe of these remarkable birds. From their remarkable intelligence to their adaptability in various habitats, crows have proven themselves to be true survivors of the avian world. Their longevity, often surpassing a decade and sometimes even reaching 20 years, speaks volumes about their resilience and ability to thrive in diverse environments. So, the next time you hear a crow’s distinctive caw, take a moment to appreciate the wisdom and endurance these magnificent creatures embody. They remind us that life is a journey, and with their presence, they add a touch of mystique and wonder to the world around us.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do crows typically live?

Crows have an average lifespan of about 7 to 8 years in the wild.

Can crows live longer in captivity?

Yes, crows have been known to live longer in captivity, with some individuals reaching up to 20 years or more.

What factors influence the lifespan of crows?

Several factors can impact a crow’s lifespan, including predation, availability of food and resources, diseases, and environmental conditions.

Do all crows have the same lifespan?

No, the lifespan of crows can vary depending on their species, location, and individual circumstances.

Are there any known records of exceptionally long-lived crows?

Yes, there have been documented cases of crows living beyond the average lifespan. The oldest recorded wild crow lived up to 29 years.

Do crows exhibit any specific behaviors related to their lifespan?

Crows are known for their high intelligence and social nature, which may contribute to their survival and longevity. They form complex family groups and engage in cooperative behaviors that can enhance their chances of survival.

What are the main causes of death for crows?

Predation by raptors, mammals, and other birds, as well as diseases and accidents, are among the leading causes of death for crows.

How do crows protect themselves from predators and increase their lifespan?

Crows have developed various defensive strategies, such as mobbing and vocal alarms, to deter predators. Their adaptability and ability to exploit diverse food sources also contribute to their survival.

Can human activities affect a crow’s lifespan?

Yes, human activities like habitat destruction, pollution, and accidental mortality (e.g., collisions with vehicles) can negatively impact crow populations and their lifespan.

Why is understanding a crow’s lifespan important?

Studying the lifespan of crows provides valuable insights into their ecology, behavior, and overall health. It helps us appreciate their unique place in the natural world and guides conservation efforts to protect these intelligent and fascinating birds.

Further Readings:

I'm Nauman Afridi, the bird enthusiast behind My lifelong passion for birds has led me to create a space where fellow bird lovers can find valuable insights and tips on caring for our feathered friends.Professionally, I'm a brand strategist and digital marketing consultant, bringing a unique perspective to the world of bird care. Whether you're a novice or an experienced bird owner, is designed to be a welcoming community for all.Feel free to explore, and reach out if you have any questions or just want to chat about birds.
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