Can You Own a Pet Raven? A Detailed Guide to Raven Training

Can You Own a Pet Raven
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Ravens are amazing animals. Over the years, they have been the focus of several myths and stories because of their mysterious, often otherworldly, nature.

Ravens are very smart animals, and they may make wonderful pets if you can properly teach one. These birds are a great option for those who want a pet but don’t want another macaw or parrot since they thrive in captivity when kept inside with plenty of toys and human contact.

However, there is a butt. Since owning a raven as a pet is prohibited without permission, you cannot “officially” keep one. However, the lines are really hazy. Is a raven really your pet if you’re not keeping it in a cage? or merely a frequent visitor who is a friend?

Alternatively, you could just get permission and keep a raven as a pet. Though training one will take some time.

This post will explain how to teach a raven to become your closest friend and how you may keep one as a pet.

Ravens as Pets: Benefits and Drawbacks

Ravens are not simple pets to maintain in any manner. One cannot be taken from the wild, placed in a cage, and expected to be your lifelong buddy. It won’t take place.

Here, you have two choices: either purchase a raven that has already received training from another person. Alternatively, until your own raven is prepared for training, raise it yourself.

You will need to spend less time and effort on the first choice. Nevertheless, obtaining the bird may come at a hefty price. Several hundred dollars to several thousand dollars, depending upon the kind of training it has had.

However, there’s still a drawback to this: there’s no assurance that a trained raven you buy will get along with you. And to retain it, you still need a license.

Ravens differ from parrots and other pet birds in that they do not often form instant bonds with their owners and instead see them as fellow members of the flock. This would sing for its owner from the first day on, if it were a songbird. However, if you purchase a raven, it will need many months of bonding before you can handle the bird without it taking off.

People get so angry with them because they may never return. They anticipate their new pet to be like the trained birds you see in TV programs and movies, able to do feats while perched on their owner’s shoulder.

Unlike dogs or cats, who will accept that an article of clothing is merely something to play with, ravens need effort to train. If you want a raven, you have to put in the work.

Make sure you’ll do this before acquiring a raven; don’t imagine that one day, as all those movies depict, your bird will perch on your shoulder while you ride your bicycle. That is not how it works.

However, ravens might be the ideal pet if you’re prepared for the struggle and want to have a really clever animal with a big personality! They definitely stand out from the others since they’re not as common as other pets, particularly considering how intelligent they are compared to other bird species.

Everything You Should Know About Ravens

Now that you know whether or not owning a raven is a smart choice, you should understand the obligations and needs that go along with having one.

Make sure you have the time to spend connecting with it every day if you are obtaining one as an adult, and so already fully developed. If you want to train it to act nicely around people, additional effort will be necessary.

This is particularly true for young ravens, since they have a much higher chance of developing a strong attachment and being wonderful pets. It may take them a considerable amount of time to become used to your presence if they lack the previous training that a fully-grown bird would have received.

Do not simply pick up the first young raven you see at your neighborhood bird shop if you want to keep one as a pet. If this is your first time owning a raven, do some study on them beforehand and even speak with someone who has expertise with these birds. If not, it will be very challenging for you both.

What then are the prerequisites for owning one as a pet?

Can You Own a Pet Raven

Large cages with plenty of space for perching and flying about are necessary for keeping ravens.
Fresh water should be provided at least once a day, if not twice (or three times if you live in a very hot climate).
They will also need to eat fresh meals every day. This implies that in order to prevent infections and illness, their cages must be cleaned daily.
Because they are so brilliant, ravens need a lot of enrichment activities all day long to keep them from being bored. They will get into trouble if they are bored.
In order to avoid frightening or hurting your other pets, it’s crucial to introduce the raven to your home gradually.
Given their boisterous nature, if you reside in an apartment complex, you should definitely look for a different pet.
Because ravens are such powerful animals, if you desire one, be prepared to invest a significant amount of effort in teaching them social skills. They differ from dogs in that they are not amiable to everyone they encounter. Ravens, particularly mature birds, may develop strong territorial instincts and protective behaviors, ensuring that no other bird approaches them too closely.
Ravens are quite hard to teach, and once they’re well mannered, you’ll probably want to get rid of them from your house. Although they might be challenging pets to manage, this is undoubtedly a challenge if you’re up for it.
It is not fun for ravens to live alone. They will form a relationship with one owner and one owner only, thus it will be challenging to leave them alone for an extended period of time since they will probably get into mischief.

Editor’s note: Ravens have a remarkable lifespan for any bird species—they may survive into their 40s (but only in captivity; in the wild, they typically only live up to 15 years).

Steps to Raven Training

Let’s now discuss the real training procedure.

Raven training is a laborious procedure that takes many months to complete. Should you be prepared to invest the necessary time and energy, the outcome may be very astounding. The bird will become obedient to your directions and learn how to do so. They will even begin to return the love that any other pet would.

Training them has drawbacks as well, particularly in terms of obtaining the bird itself. Since you must work with the raven every day to help him or her learn to trust you and what actions will win rewards, training takes a lot of effort and patience on your side.

Because of how difficult this procedure is, some people give up and forsake their raven, only to have the bird return to them days later, agitated and furious.

This is a multi-stage training, so go through each step carefully and do it one at a time. Before moving on to more challenging commands, make sure your raven knows the meaning of each one.

Link Food to Desired Behavior

Presenting food as a reward is the simplest approach to capture your raven’s interest. This implies that there will be no reward if he or she does not comply with your requests, and they are aware of this from the start.

For instance, there won’t be a food incentive if you are teaching him how to land on your arm and he doesn’t follow through.

The reward should be hidden someplace on your body that only your raven can see. Some examples of places to conceal treats include inside pockets and backpacks. After that, all you need to do is watch for their landing on your arm.

You should take a step back and ask them to just perch someplace if they don’t land; normally, the top of their cage or a neighboring table would serve just well.

Leaning Against Your Arm

It’s time to move on and teach your raven how to perch onto your arm more permanently now that they understand how to obtain rewards by landing on an item.

To begin, place the treat between your fingers and ask the recipient to land. If they refuse, go back to step one, when the recipient was just expected to sit on an item and wait for a reward.

Ask them to perch in the same location where you have been concealing rewards once they have perched on your hand. Usually, this is the region of the forearm or wrist. You can’t expect them to realize immediately that they need it in order for them to remain there. They are not going to understand what it implies.

In order to ensure that they obeyed your instructions, try gently resting your arm against a nearby wall or table and holding it there for a few seconds. If they remain on top of your hand without taking off, then you can let them eat the treat from under your finger.

Step Three: Retaining the Perch Position and Training Your Heels

Your raven is now proficient at perching on your arm, so it’s time to teach him or her a new trick: walking behind you like a regular dog! They will first find this difficult to comprehend, so be prepared to work with them on this for a while until they finally realize what they need to accomplish.

The same snacks will be needed as previously, and your raven should be aware of the expectation that it sit on someone’s arm. If not, return again until they comprehend the location of their treat.

Request that your raven settle on your forearm at this point, since this is where the leash will eventually be fastened. After they’ve sat there, place a treat under your finger—which, because of step two, you should still have. Then, while keeping them in position and keeping their feet just barely off the ground, start to move gently about.

The Necessary Licensure

Native American migratory birds, such as ravens, may only be owned by certified wildlife rehabilitators, according to the Migratory Birds Act of 1916.

Therefore, if you’d want a raven as a pet, you have to purchase a non-native species from the United States, including pied crows (Corvus Albus) and white-necked ravens (Corvus Albicollis).

Each state has different rules and procedures for obtaining a license to own a raven as a pet. And in some of them, it’s completely forbidden. If you possess the necessary license, permission, or certificate, you may be authorized to keep a raven in various states.

Furthermore, rules often limit the quantity of other bird species that may be maintained on a person’s land. Remember that if you’re considering having a raven as a pet!

For instance, bringing your wager into public is prohibited in Florida even with a permit for captive wildlife. You’ll need an additional exhibition permit for that.

Texas is the same. To find out whether you may lawfully acquire a raven as a pet, check the websites and laws in your state.

For you to get the permission, there are standards that must be met.

However, several states (see the birds page) prohibit ravens as pets, including Alaska.

Alternatively, Developing a Bond with Wild Ravens

This is a good substitute for actually purchasing a raven as a pet. In addition to saving yourself the trouble of teaching a raven, you don’t require a permit. Furthermore, you won’t have to keep them in massive cages or answer to them every other minute.

How may one become friends with ravens in the wild?

The first task is to locate an area where raven populations are high. This will be beneficial if they see that you are not there to hurt or consume them, since it increases the probability that one will come near you.

The greatest place to look is near farms. The farther they are cut off from human society, the better.

Next, you should make sure that your arms are open and your palms are exposed in an appealing manner. Because they are clever birds, ravens will decipher your messages.

Treats should be available for them if they approach you closely, but initially preserve your distance to avoid overwhelming the bird.

After that, all you need to do is be patient! Ravens are not and never will be domesticated creatures, but you may gradually acclimate them to your presence until they feel at ease in your company. Ravens are not necessarily trying to get you, even if they have a bad reputation.

However, use caution, since their strength belies their little stature. The most painful feature of their bodies is their beaks. Avoid making any abrupt movements or implying that you’re attempting to do anything strange with them.

You can have an incredible animal companion if you put in the necessary time and patience! Be the courageous person in this circumstance since they like being around individuals who aren’t scared to express their love for them.

Final Thoughts

You can have a raven as a pet, yes. No, just non-native species, not any sort of raven. You’ll also need a license.

Among the smartest birds are ravens. Additionally, they are quite gregarious and will bond with people if they spend time with them. However, it takes a lot of care and effort to teach them. Moreover, you’ll need to house them in massive cages. Additionally, since they are so gregarious, they may become rather boisterous in an attempt to grab your attention.

Making friends with wild ravens is a more feasible option than you may imagine. Just make sure there are many of these birds in the neighborhood so one will approach on its own. Then, while having rewards on hand, attempt to communicate by making oneself seem large and offering wide arms. You can have an incredible animal companion if you put in the necessary time and patience!

Always verify the laws in your state since some may prohibit you from owning a raven as a pet. Additionally, find out how to get a permission to keep wild pets. Evidence of your ability to take care of the animals will be required. It’s also important to remember that a raven kept as a pet may live for up to 40 years. Undoubtedly, this is a long-term commitment.

If you can treat ravens with respect, they might wind up becoming your best companions.

I'm Nauman Afridi, the bird enthusiast behind My lifelong passion for birds has led me to create a space where fellow bird lovers can find valuable insights and tips on caring for our feathered friends.Professionally, I'm a brand strategist and digital marketing consultant, bringing a unique perspective to the world of bird care. Whether you're a novice or an experienced bird owner, is designed to be a welcoming community for all.Feel free to explore, and reach out if you have any questions or just want to chat about birds.
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