27 Brown Birds with Yellow Beaks [Images + IDs]

Brown Birds with Yellow Beaks
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Brown birds with yellow beaks are a fascinating and diverse group of birds that captivate bird enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. From the striking contrast between their earthy plumage and vibrant beaks to their unique behaviors and habitats, these birds are a testament to the wonder and beauty of the natural world. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the intriguing world of brown birds with yellow beaks, exploring their characteristics, habitats, and some remarkable examples of these feathered wonders. Whether you’re a seasoned birdwatcher or simply curious about the birds, join us as we uncover the charm of these remarkable birds.

List of Brown Birds with Yellow Beaks

1. Common Myna

Brown Birds with Yellow Beaks

  • Scientific name: Acridotheres tristis
  • Lifespan: 6-10 years (wild); up to 15 years (captivity)
  • Size: 9-10 inches (22-26 cm)
  • Weight: 3.5-4.5 ounces (100-130 grams)
  • Origin: Southern Asia, introduced to other regions.

The common myna, introduced to Hawaii in the mid-1800s, is a highly adaptable and widespread bird belonging to the starling family. However, like house finches, their increasing numbers have made them an invasive species. On the Big Island, they are considered a nuisance as they displace native birds like honeycreepers and cause significant damage to fruits.

Recognizable by its black head and brown body, the common myna features distinct yellow patches around its eyes, a short sharp yellow beak, and a white rump. The bright yellow legs add to its striking appearance. About the size of a robin, the common myna measures around 9 inches in length.

These birds can be found in various habitats, including urban spaces, orchards, and farmlands. They typically move in pairs or small groups, and their vocalizations include squawks, croaks, and growls.

2. Karoo Thrush

Brown Birds with Yellow Beaks

  • Scientific name: Turdus smithi
  • Lifespan: Approximately 4-6 years
  • Size: Medium-sized thrush; around 9.8-10.6 inches (25-27 cm) in length
  • Origin: Endemic to South Africa, particularly in the arid Karoo region.

A common bird in South Africa, the Karoo thrush belongs to the thrush family and shares some resemblance to the American robin. Its olive-gray back, brown belly, and striking yellow bill, along with a beautiful yellow eyering, make it easily identifiable.

Similar in size to the common myna, the Karoo thrush measures around 9 inches in length. Its song is a melodic combination of “chk-chk’ notes, setting it apart in the avian world.

These thrushes are often found in open grasslands, thickets, and semi-arid savannas, particularly in regions like Limpopo, Free State, and Northern Cape. Their diet primarily consists of insects such as beetles and grasshoppers, as well as berries.

3. Somali Thrush

Brown Birds with Yellow Beaks

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The Somali Thrush is a bird species belonging to the thrush family (Turdidae). It is primarily found in East Africa, particularly in countries like Somalia and Ethiopia. These birds are known for their striking appearance, characterized by a mix of dark plumage with white streaks or spots on their underparts.

Somali Thrushes are often spotted in forested areas, woodland habitats, and sometimes even in gardens and urban areas. They are known for their melodious songs, which vary in pitch and tone, making them a delightful addition to the avian chorus of their habitat.

4. Black-Breasted Thrush

Brown Birds with Yellow Beaks

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The Black-Breasted Thrush, a bird species found in parts of Asia, including India, China, and Southeast Asia, showcases its distinctive black breast and throat, contrasting with its grayish-blue upperparts, as the name suggests.

These birds inhabit a variety of environments, from forests and woodlands to open grasslands and cultivated areas. Black-breasted thrushes are skilled at foraging for insects, fruits, and berries. During the breeding season, they are known for their melodious and sweet-sounding songs.

5. Bald eagles

Brown Birds with Yellow Beaks

  • Scientific name: Haliaeetus leucocephalus
  • Lifespan: 20 – 30 years
  • Size: 28 to 38 inches in height
  • Native to: North America

The majestic Bald Eagle boasts an impressive wingspan of up to 8 feet, making it a magnificent sight when soaring in the skies of the Sunshine State. One of the most easily recognizable birds in Florida, the Bald Eagle stands out with its striking white head and tail, in stark contrast to its dark brown body. Juvenile Bald Eagles have a dark brown plumage with light streaks all over their bodies and a buff white belly.

Although not a common breeding bird throughout Florida, the Bald Eagle can still be spotted as a year-round resident in the state. Often seen gliding gracefully on thermal currents, these eagles primarily feed on fish, birds, and small mammals, with carrion forming a significant part of their diet.

6. Indian Blackbird

Brown Birds with Yellow Beaks

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The Indian Blackbird is a bird species native to the Indian subcontinent, including countries like India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. These birds are closely related to the European Blackbird and share some similarities in appearance.

Indian Blackbirds are known for their black plumage, particularly in males, with a yellow eye ring and bill. Females, on the other hand, often exhibit brownish plumage. They are commonly found in a range of habitats, from gardens and urban areas to forests and agricultural landscapes.

These birds are known for their rich and melodious songs, which they use to establish territories and attract mates. They primarily feed on a diet of insects, earthworms, fruits, and berries.

Each of these bird species adds its unique charm and beauty to the avian diversity of their respective regions.

7. Yellow-billed Cuckoo

Brown Birds with Yellow Beaks

  • Scientific name: Coccyzus americanus
  • Lifespan: Typically 3-6 years
  • Size: Medium-sized cuckoo; about 11-12 inches (28-30 cm) in length
  • Origin: Native to North and Central America

Yellow-billed cuckoos are migratory birds that undertake journeys between South America and North America. Slightly larger than the common myna, these birds measure around 10.2-11.8 inches. They can be distinguished by their brown back and white underparts, along with a long brown tail adorned with large white spots. The most noticeable feature is their long, slightly curved bill, which is mostly yellow.

Their habitat and behavior vary depending on the season. During their non-breeding season, they are found in South America, then migrate to Central America for a short period before finally moving to the eastern US to breed. When it comes to incubating their eggs, yellow-billed cuckoos either build nests on beech and oak trees and incubate the eggs themselves for two weeks or leave their eggs in other birds’ nests, allowing the host to do the incubation.

8. Yellow-billed Babbler

Brown Birds with Yellow Beaks

  • Scientific name: Turdoides affinis
  • Lifespan: Approximately 4-6 years
  • Size: Medium-sized babbler; around 8-9 inches (20-23 cm) in length
  • Origin: Native to South Asia, including India and Sri Lanka

The yellow-billed babbler, also known as Argya affinis, is renowned for being one of the noisiest birds in India. This passerine bird boasts a yellow beak and a drab, streaked brown body, with a notable yellow bill and vent. Its appearance is accentuated by the pale crown and striking blue eyes.

In terms of habitat and behavior, these babblers primarily feed on insects but also indulge in food scraps, fruits, and nectar from flowers. They often forage in groups, sometimes consisting of up to 10 individuals, but can also be seen alone or in pairs.

Yellow-billed babblers are skilled breeders, constructing cup-shaped nests hidden amidst dense foliage. Their blue eggs hatch after a two-week incubation period. Birdwatchers have even observed these clever birds raising yellow-billed cuckoo babies due to brood parasitism.

9. Yellow-billed Oxpecker

Brown Birds with Yellow Beaks

  • Scientific name: Buphagus africanus
  • Lifespan: Typically 5-10 years
  • Size: Medium-sized bird; approximately 7-8 inches (18-20 cm) in length
  • Origin: Native to sub-Saharan Africa

The yellow-billed oxpecker is another remarkable African bird in this category, hailing from Sudan. This medium-sized bird prefers to inhabit savannas and grasslands. It stands out with its bright, two-colored beak and long tail. The yellow-billed oxpecker measures approximately 7.9 inches in length and showcases a brown body with dark wings. Its red eyes perfectly complement the bright yellow base of its bill.

Yellow-billed oxpeckers are commonly found around cattle, as their name suggests. Their diet primarily consists of insects, larvae, and ticks found on the backs of mammals like cows or antelopes. Their vocalization is a series of ‘kriss-kriss’ sounds, and they are known to be social and gregarious birds.

10. White-crowned Sparrow

Brown Birds with Yellow Beaks

  • Scientific name: Zonotrichia leucophrys
  • Lifespan: About 2-3 years
  • Size: Small to medium-sized sparrow; around 6-7 inches (15-18 cm) in length
  • Origin: Native to North America

The white-crowned sparrow is a recognizable medium-sized songbird found throughout all states year-round. Identifying this bird is relatively easy due to its grayish-brown body, black-and-white striped head, and short bill that ranges in color from orange to yellow. The distinctive bill sets it apart from other sparrows, such as the white-throated sparrows.

With an adult length of about 5.9-6.3 inches and a wingspan of up to 9.4 inches, the white-crowned sparrow’s head may appear flat when observed up close.

One of the key features of the white-crowned sparrow is its unique song, consisting of several different phrases repeated in quick succession with long pauses between each phrase. The male birds are known for producing a song often described as “pink.”

11. Yellow-billed Kite

Brown Birds with Yellow Beaks

  • Scientific name: Milvus aegyptius
  • Lifespan: Typically 10-15 years
  • Size: Medium-sized raptor; around 20-22 inches (50-56 cm) in length, wingspan of 4.5-5.5 feet (137-168 cm)
  • Origin: Native to parts of Africa

The yellow-billed kite is a striking bird of prey found across Asia, Africa, and Europe. With a length of about 21 inches and a wingspan of approximately 30 inches, these kites are not hawks, although they belong to the same accipitridae family, but in a different subspecies (Milvus).

These beautiful birds are easily distinguishable by their bright yellow bills and brown-streaked bodies, complemented by their yellowish feet. When in flight, they are recognizable by their slow flapping flight pattern and their very long tails, which often appear to be the same size as their body length.

Their vocalizations consist of loud single notes or short bursts, carrying far distances, sounding like “keee-keee.” These calls are helpful in distinguishing them from other birds in the same area.

Yellow-billed kites thrive in open areas where they can hunt easily. They have a varied diet, feeding on black rats, fish, and smaller birds. These birds can live up to 24 years.

12. Ural Owl

Brown Birds with Yellow Beaks

  • Scientific name: Strix uralensis
  • Lifespan: About 10-15 years
  • Size: Medium to large owl; approximately 15-19 inches (38-48 cm) in length
  • Origin: Found in parts of Europe and Asia

The Ural owl is a member of the true owl family and boasts a population of about 1.2 million adults. These cute birds display pale gray-brown and white plumage, with a relatively small yellow bill in comparison to the size of their head.

Like other true owls, Ural owls have large round heads with large eyes, and their faces lack streaks. They also have wedge-shaped tails that are long, much like their cousin, the great gray owl. Adults can grow to about 2 feet in length and have a wingspan of up to 4 feet. As with many birds of prey, the females are larger than the males.

Ural owls can be found in coniferous forests throughout Russia and extend into Scandinavia. They are nocturnal creatures, mostly active during the night, and resting during the day. Their diet comprises frogs, rodents, and birds, with a particular fondness for wood pigeons and grouses. These monogamous birds often return to the same nesting site each year.

13. Austral Thrush

Brown Birds with Yellow Beaks

  • Scientific name: Turdus falcklandii
  • Lifespan: Typically 3-5 years
  • Size: Medium-sized thrush; around 9-10 inches (23-26 cm) in length
  • Origin: Native to South America

The Austral Thrush (Turdus falcklandii), also known as the Falkland Thrush or Antarctic Thrush, is a bird species found in southern South America, including regions of Argentina and Chile, as well as the Falkland Islands. It is a member of the thrush family (Turdidae), which includes various songbird species known for their melodious calls.

The Austral Thrush has a distinctive appearance with a dark brown to blackish plumage on its upperparts, while its underparts are paler with white to yellowish streaks or spots on the throat and chest. Its eyes are surrounded by a prominent ring of bright yellow or orange skin. The bill is dark and slightly curved, and the legs are dark gray.

These thrushes inhabit a range of forested and wooded habitats, including temperate and subantarctic forests, as well as open areas near water, such as wetlands and rivers. They are often found foraging on the ground, where they search for insects, worms, and a variety of invertebrates. They also consume fruits and berries.

Austral Thrushes frequent gardens and farms and feed on caterpillars, beetles, snails, and spiders.

14. Black-breasted Parrotbill

Brown Birds with Yellow Beaks


  • Scientific name: Paradoxornis flavirostris
  • Lifespan: Approximately 3-5 years
  • Size: Small bird; about 5-6 inches (13-15 cm) in length
  • Origin: Found in parts of Asia

The Black-breasted Parrotbill is a rare and endangered resident bird found in East Asia. Measuring only about 7.5 inches in length and weighing around 0.5 oz, it is one of the smallest members of its family.

With its distinctive brown body, white cheeks, and black throat, the Black-breasted Parrotbill stands out in its environment. Both sexes have the same coloration and can be recognized by their short, bright yellow canonical bills.

These parrotbills are typically found in areas with tall grasses and reeds, and they are known for their specialized diet, which includes insects and seeds.

15. Blue-throated Roller

Brown Birds with Yellow Beaks

  • Scientific name: Eurystomus gularis
  • Lifespan: Typically 4-6 years
  • Size: Medium-sized bird; around 11-12 inches (28-30 cm) in length
  • Origin: Native to parts of Southeast Asia

The Blue-throated Roller is a stunning bird found in certain regions of West Africa. Unlike migratory birds, it remains in its habitat throughout the year, preferring terrestrial areas, and can often be spotted foraging on the ground for food.

Its distinctive appearance sets it apart from other brown birds with yellow beaks. The Blue-throated Roller showcases an overall brown body with striking blue colors on its throat and tail, and bluish-purple hues on its wings. The bill is wide and thick, and most adults measure about 9.5 inches in length, with the males being heavier than their female counterparts.

These rollers are native to sub-Saharan Africa, particularly found in countries such as Angola, Cameroon, and Uganda. They typically nest between February and April, laying two to three eggs. Their diet mainly consists of insects, with a particular preference for termites and ants. The Blue-throated Rollers are gregarious birds and often form small flocks in the afternoon to forage together.

16. Booted Eagle


  • Scientific name: Hieraaetus pennatus
  • Lifespan: About 10-15 years
  • Size: Medium-sized eagle; approximately 18-22 inches (46-56 cm) in length, wingspan of 4.5-5.5 feet (137-168 cm)
  • Origin: Found in parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa

Booted Eagles, medium-sized brown birds, undertake seasonal migrations between Africa, Asia, and Europe.

They are known for their impressive wingspan, measuring between 43.3 to 51.9 inches, and their distinctive feathered legs. These eagles reach a size of about 15.7 inches. Their coloring is predominantly brownish-gray, with a pale rump. The bill displays a yellow base with a dark, almost black, hooked tip.

Interestingly, female Booted Eagles are twice the size of males.

These eagles breed in southern Europe and Africa, ranging from Tunisia in the north to South Africa. During the breeding season, they construct large nests out of twigs, similar to Bald Eagles. Females lay two green-tinted eggs between March and May, and the young eagles fledge after approximately thirty-eight days.

17. Spotted Sandpiper

Brown Birds with Yellow Beaks

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  • Scientific name: Actitis macularius
  • Lifespan: Up to 5 years
  • Size: Approximately 18-20 cm (7-8 inches)
  • Native to: North and Central America
  • Beak length: About 2-3 cm (0.8-1.2 inches)

The Spotted Sandpiper is a beautiful and unique shorebird found throughout North and Central America. This medium-sized bird, reaching around 6-7 inches in length, displays a unique breeding behavior where the females take the lead in courting and area defense, while the males take on the duty of holding the eggs and caring for the young.

The Spotted Sandpiper gets its name from the noticeable spots that cover its white underparts during the breeding season. Its upper parts are a mix of brown and gray, offering excellent cover in its chosen environments of watery shorelines, rivers, and ponds. In flying, it shows a flash of white on its wings.

These sandpipers are known for their typical bobbing or wobbling movement, where they continuously dip their tails while hunting along the water’s edge. They have a wide food that includes insects, small crabs, and other animals found in the shallow seas and mudflats.

During migration, Spotted Sandpipers can be seen in varied environments, including coastal areas, marshes, and meadows. They make lengthy trips, with some people going as far as South America.

18. Steller’s Sea Eagle

Brown Birds with Yellow Beaks

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  • Scientific name: Haliaeetus pelagicus
  • Lifespan: Up to 40 years
  • Size: 86-105 centimeters (34-41 inches)
  • Weight: 5-9 kilograms (11-20 pounds)
  • Origin: Northeast Asia

Steller’s Sea Eagle is a large bird of prey found in coastal areas of Northeast Asia, particularly around Russia and Japan. It is one of the largest and heaviest eagle species, with a wingspan that can exceed 2 meters (6.5 feet). Steller’s Sea Eagle has a striking appearance, featuring a black body, a prominent white head and neck, and a large yellow beak. It is an adept fish hunter, primarily feeding on salmon and other fish species. Steller’s Sea Eagle is known for its impressive flying abilities and its preference for coastal habitats, including rivers, estuaries, and sea coasts. Its majestic presence and distinctive coloration make it a sought-after bird species among birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts.


Brown Birds with Yellow Beaks

Scientific name: Aechmophorus clarkii

Native to the western United States, the Clark’s grebe is a composed, elegant waterbird. Although it winters on the Pacific Coast, it breeds all over the inland west. If you visit wetlands with plants near the shore, you’ll be lucky to observe one.

In addition to the distinctive yellow beak, black crest, and red eye, both sexes share these features. They engage in complex, simultaneous courtship displays in which they seem to dance across the water, just like its relative the western grebe.

20. SORA

Brown Birds with Yellow Beaks

Scientific name: Porzana carolina

How fortunate we are to witness a sora in its own environment! These timid waterbirds feed on the cattails and rushes that fringe lakes and freshwater marshes. Their legs and beaks are bright yellow, but their feathers are brown. One way to identify them is to start by looking for the beak. Watch out—binoculars might be necessary!

Sora’s cries resemble a horse’s whinny. They go by the names “meadow chickens” and “Carolina rails” as well.


Brown Birds with Yellow Beaks

Scientific name: Phalaropus fulicarius

This migratory bird can spend the winter on the western coast of South America and breeds all the way up in the Arctic. During their migratory, you might see them in the United States along the shore, or in certain areas along the southern coasts where they might spend the winter.

The red phalarope only has a yellow beak for a portion of the year, just like certain other migratory birds. Adults’ black beaks turn bright yellow when they molt into their russet breeding plumage. It will get dark once more in the winter, and their feathers will turn gray and white. It’s interesting to note that the larger, flashier bird is the female phalarope. As soon as she lays her eggs, she leaves her partner to raise and incubate their young.


Brown Birds with Yellow Beaks

Scientific name: Ixobrychus exilis

The least bittern is a secretive and acrobatic bird found in freshwater marshes and wetlands. Its bright yellow beak helps it blend in with its surroundings. It may sit on reeds and cattails over the water with ease because it is smaller than other bitterns. It can now see more clearly to seek for prey by peering down into the murky liquid.

The characteristically long necks of least bitterns make them particularly noticeable. They frequently retract their necks while hunting. Then, they stretch their necks as they reach for their prey. They frequently swing to mimic cattails when they feel threatened.


Brown Birds with Yellow Beaks

Scientific name: Ardea herodias

You have a good chance of seeing a Great Blue Heron in the estuaries or riparian areas that surround open water if you visit a river or the coast. These stunning birds, which make up the largest heron species in North America, are present throughout the majority of the country year-round. Their blue-gray feathers contrast brilliantly with their yellow beaks, which are present on both males and females.

In the water, they remain still until a fish gets near enough for them to reach out with their long neck and strike at a lightning-fast pace.


Brown Birds with Yellow Beaks

Scientific name: Strix varia

The likelihood of encountering a barred owl is far lower than that of hearing its call. These hunters are nocturnal, silent, and hard to find. But because of their regular calls, which like the words “who-cooks-for-you,” it’s simple to determine where they nest and perch.

Barred owls inhabit habitats native to the eastern United States, the northern Great Plains, and the Pacific Northwest. Although they aren’t extremely active during the day, if you go on a hike through a forested region, you might see them perched in trees.


Brown Birds with Yellow Beaks

Scientific name: Leucosticte tephrocotis

These little finches, which are native to the most severe mountainous regions of the northern Rockies, Cascades, and even the Alaskan Aleutian islands, are highly resilient to strong winds, snowfall, and low temperatures.

For gray-crowned rosy finches, you can place seed in a feeder or on the ground in the winter if you live in the northern Rockies. Since it resembles what they do in the wild in hilly regions above the tree line, they like foraging on the ground for seeds.


Brown Birds with Yellow Beaks

Scientific name: Calcarius lapponicus

This insect-eating songbird can appear inconspicuous in the winter. With a white belly and a brown beak, its colors are mostly brown and white. The breeding season, however, alters everything. Male molts into a vibrant triad of black, red, and white. They gather in large flocks and their beaks turn yellow.

The Lapland region of Scandinavia, where they breed, and the long spur on each hind claw are the sources of the name Lapland longspur. Furthermore, this longspur is the only one found outside of North America. During the winter months in the United States, they restrict themselves to flocks with other birds on bare land and in agricultural fields.


Brown Birds with Yellow Beaks

Scientific name: Larus argentatus

One population of herring gulls, also referred to as the “classic seagull,” is year-round residents of the northeastern and north Atlantic coastal regions. Another group travels between the coast of California, Mexico, and the southeast region of the United States from northern Canada. You can probably locate these easily recognized birds all around the country during migration season.

Male and female feathers molt from mottled gray to creamy white throughout the breeding season. Their beaks have a red dot on the underside and deepen to a goldenrod yellow color. A mated pair raises their young jointly. According to some estimations, adult chicks can consume up to half a pound of food per day!

Further Readings

Final Thoughts on Brown Birds with Yellow Beaks

Brown birds with yellow beaks add a touch of warmth and vibrancy to our natural landscapes. Their subtle yet striking appearance makes them a joy to spot in the wild, and their varied behaviors and adaptations offer endless opportunities for observation and learning.

As we’ve discovered in this blog post, these birds come in various shapes and sizes, from the agile sparrows to the majestic eagles, and each species has its unique role in maintaining the delicate balance of our ecosystems. From the marshlands to the forests, they find their niches, serving as essential components of the intricate web of life.

List of all Brown Birds with Yellow Beaks

  • Common Myna
  • Karoo Thrush
  • Somali Thrush
  • Black-Breasted Thrush
  • Bald eagles
  • Indian Blackbird
  • Yellow-billed Cuckoo
  • Yellow-billed Babbler
  • Yellow-billed Oxpecker
  • White-crowned Sparrow
  • Yellow-billed Kite
  • Ural Owl
  • Austral Thrush
  • Black-breasted Parrotbill
  • Blue-throated Roller
  • Booted Eagle
  • Spotted Sandpiper
  • Steller’s Sea Eagle
  • Clark’s Grebe
  • Sora
  • Red Phalarope
  • Least Bittern
  • Great Blue Heron
  • Barred Owl
  • Peregrine Falcon
  • Gray-Crowned Rosy-Finch
  • Lapland Longspur
  • Herring Gull
I'm Nauman Afridi, the bird enthusiast behind Birdsology.com. My lifelong passion for birds has led me to create a space where fellow bird lovers can find valuable insights and tips on caring for our feathered friends.Professionally, I'm a brand strategist and digital marketing consultant, bringing a unique perspective to the world of bird care. Whether you're a novice or an experienced bird owner, Birdsology.com is designed to be a welcoming community for all.Feel free to explore, and reach out if you have any questions or just want to chat about birds.
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