17 Beautiful Blackbirds with Orange Beaks [Pictures + IDs]

Blackbirds with Orange Beaks
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Birds come in a variety of shapes colors and sizes. some of them have long beaks like flamingos while others may have short beaks. The color of their beaks also varies in different species. Colorful beaks are developed in birds as an evolutionary adaptation to show others who is in charge and who is the best fighter, helping disputes to be resolved amicably rather than violently. So, if you want to know about blackbirds with orange beaks, you are at the right place. The toco toucan, common blackbird, Inca tern, crested auklet, black oystercatcher, surf scoter, and several others are examples of black birds with orange beaks. Continue reading the blog post to learn more about these species.

List of blackbirds with orange beaks

1. Grey-winged blackbird

Blackbirds with Orange Beaks

  • Scientific name: Turdus boulboul
  • Lifespan: n/a
  • Size: 9 and 11 inches
  • Native to: south-eastern Asia

A member of the blackbird family, the grey-winged blackbird is small in size. It is a bird of average size. The mature male has the same size and weight as the common blackbird, measuring between 9 and 11 inches.
The male has a long tail, an orange beak, a black body, and grey wings. The beak of the female is orange.
Throughout Southeast Asia, the grey-winged blackbird breeds in open spaces. It lays four to six eggs in a nest it constructs in a shrub or tree. Eggs have brown markings and are blue or greenish-blue in color. This black bird consumes insects and other tiny animals and has an orange beak. It gathers food from the ground, trees, fields, and marshes.

2. Abyssinian scimitarbill

Blackbirds with Orange Beaks

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  • Scientific name: Rhinopomastus minor
  • Lifespan: 5 years
  • Size: 8 to 10 inches
  • Native to: Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda.

The Abyssinian scimitarbill is a rare bird in our list of blackbirds with orange beaks. It is found in Eastern Africa, with a bill that measures 8 to 10 inches. The orange-beaked, medium-sized bird weighs around 1 oz.
It is simple to recognize this bird since it is all black. The color pattern is the same for both sexes. Adults have a long, curved orange beak and are entirely black.
To collect insects they use the orange beak. It is also known to consume fruit and seeds. Forests, meadows, and scrublands are just a few of the many environments where the Abyssinian scimitarbill may be found.

3. Common blackbird

Blackbirds with Orange Beaks

  • Scientific name: Turdus merula
  • Lifespan: 2-5 years
  • Size: 9 to 12 inches
  • weight: 3–5 oz
  • Native to: Europe, 2,300 m (7,500 ft) in North Africa, and at 900–1,800 m (3,000–5,900 ft) in peninsular India and Sri Lanka

The common blackbird is smaller than red-winged blackbirds, ranging in size from 9 to 12 inches. They are 3–5 oz in weight. The beak of a common blackbird is yellow or orange in color.
Male common blackbirds are predominantly black with brownish wing tips, similar to male red-winged blackbirds.
The sexual dimorphism of females makes them distinct. The common blackbird mature female has a dull bill and a breast that is paler than the rest of her body. Blackbirds in their immature stages have darker brown and fainter streaks.
Common blackbirds belong to the thrush family. They are common in Australia, Asia, and Europe. These species are found in open spaces like parks, gardens, and other places.
They use grasses, dirt, and other plant materials to construct a tidy cup-shaped nest. The common blackbird is an omnivore that consumes berries, various fruits, insects, and earthworms.
Their vocalizations vary from quiet warbles to frightened “pook-pooks.”

4. Toco Toucan

Blackbirds with Orange Beaks

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  • Scientific name: Ramphastos toco
  • Lifespan: 12 to 20 years
  • Size: 21 to 26 inches
  • Native to: South America

The most well-known members of the toucan family are toco toucans. This species is known as the huge toucan, has a wingspan of up to 40 inches, and measures 21 to 26 inches from top to bottom. Males are somewhat bigger than females as adults. Toco toucans have predominantly black plumage with a white neck and rump. Each bird has a 7.5-inch orange beak that is huge.
South American regions are home to the toco toucan. These birds mainly inhabit rainforests and consume fruit, mostly figs, and oranges, however, they also sometimes eat eggs and insects.
Their numbers have been dropping recently as a result of deforestation and poaching, despite the fact that they are not thought to be endangered. Toco toucans are popular pets because of their vibrant plumage, but they may be loud and need a lot of attention.
They like to forage alone but may be seen in flocks. these birds are very loud and often make Snoring and grunting noises.

5. Indian blackbird (small black bird with orange beak)

Blackbirds with Orange Beaks

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  • Scientific name: Turdus simillimus
  • Lifespan: around 2 to 4 years
  • Size: 7 to 8 inches
  • Native to: India and Sri Lanka.

Indian blackbirds, or Turdus simillimus, are small birds that inhabit India and certain regions of Southeast Asia. The length of an adult, head to tail, is around 7 to 8 inches.
Indian blackbirds’ plumage resembles that of Australia’s common blackbirds quite a bit. They have an orange beak and eye ring and are largely black. They have orange-yellow feet as well.
It belongs to the Turdidae family of thrushes, which describes its habitat. Along with gardens and parks, they like wooded areas. These birds eat seeds, berries, worms, and insects for food. Their songs are comped of deep “chuk” noises.
Indian blackbirds typically live 2 to 3 years, depending on a variety of variables, including habitat degradation.

6. Black laughingthrush

Blackbirds with Orange Beaks

  • Scientific name: Garrulax lugubris
  • Lifespan: 15 years
  • Size: 9 to 12 inches
  • Native to: Thai-Malay Peninsula

The black laughingthrush is another black bird from Asia with an orange beak. It is a medium-sized bird that may weigh up to 4 oz. and ranges in size from 9 to 12 inches.
This migratory bird breeds year-round in the Himalayas and some regions of Southeast Asia. It is closely related to the white-throated laughingthrush and is a member of the Timaliidae family. It may be heard from a fair distance away because of its loud, ringing cry.
This orange-beaked bird eats berries, spiders, and insects. Black laughingthrush females often lay two to three eggs.

7. Orange-billed sparrow (blackbirds with orange beaks)

Blackbirds with Orange Beaks

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  • Scientific name: Arremon aurantiirostris
  • Lifespan: n/a
  • Size: 5 and 7.2 inches
  • Native to: Belize, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Panama

Another entry in our list of blackbirds with orange beaks is the Orange-billed sparrow. They are little passerine birds, measuring between 5 and 7.2 inches in length. A typical adult weighs between 1.2 and 1.4 oz.
Orange-billed sparrows’ plumage is not fully black, in contrast to the other species on our list. They have a whitish underside, an olive-black back, a black head, and a black breast. Both sexes have a prominent orange bill that is difficult to overlook.
In Central America’s damp lowland woods, orange-billed sparrows may be found. This species and the white-throated sparrow are quite similar.

8. Black oropendola

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  • Scientific name: Psarocolius guatimozinus
  • Lifespan: up to 20 years
  • Size: 15- 18 inches
  • Native to: Colombia and Panama

The distinctive black oropendola, also known as the Psarocolius guatimozinus, is found throughout Central America and certain regions of South America. They normally measure around 18 inches long and have a 30-inch wingspan. Females are shorter, measuring just 15 inches.
Black oropendolas have a mainly black body and tail, as well as vivid yellow wings and blue cheeks. The base and tip of the bill are orange, while the middle portion is black.
They construct enormous hanging nests made of vines and twigs, are social, and dwell in colonies of between 20 to 30 birds. These nests may reach a length of 6 feet! Black oropendolas have a harsh, screaming cry that may often be heard. Their main food consists of fruits and insects

9. Black-and-gold cotinga

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  • Scientific name: Cotinga Lipaugus ater
  • Lifespan: n/a
  • Size: n/a
  • Native to: eastern Brazil

Black and gold cotingas have sexually dimorphic plumage. With a body that is entirely black, golden wings, and an orange beak, the mature male has stunning plumage. The primary color of females and young animals is olive green.
This species often forages for fruit or insects in the trees alone or in couples. It is rather docile and often observed sitting close to populated areas. A black and gold cotinga may sometimes be kept as a pet.

10. Atlantic Puffin

  • Scientific name: Fratercula arctica
  • Lifespan: 30 plus years
  • Size: 11 inches long
  • Native to: Russia, Iceland, Ireland, Norway, Greenland, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, and the Faroe Islands, and as far south as Maine in the west and France in the east

Puffins are large birds that live in frigid regions of the planet. Because of its size and distinguishing traits, the Atlantic puffin is a colossal black bird with an orange beak. With a wingspan of 21 inches, adult birds may grow to be up to 11 inches long. They may be as much as 20 oz.
This seabird’s black and white plumage is distinguished by its bright orange beak and webbed feet. As the bird matures, the white-grayish grooves on the beak become deeper. Their bodies have white below and black top sections.
This bird nests on islands in burrows, much as other northern seabirds. The majority of the time that Atlantic puffins spend in the water. The primary food that this black and white bird consumes is fish, although it will also consume crabs and other marine invertebrates.
Due to human intervention and climate change, puffins are a vulnerable species. These birds are being protected, and it is hoped that they will survive and prosper in the future.

11. African skimmer

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  • Scientific name: Rynchops flavirostris
  • Lifespan: 20 years
  • Size: 15 inches
  • Native to: Senegal to northern Congo River and southern Nile Valley, southern Tanzania to the Zambezi Valley, and then to KwaZulu-Natal Province (South Africa) and Angola

Skimmer birds typically measure 15 inches and are simple to identify. They have enormous wings that are around 41 inches long and weigh about 0.3 pounds (106 cm)
African skimmer birds are easily recognized due to their very unique plumage. Look for thin long birds with a black back, long wings, white below, and a long scissor-like orange beak on your next bird-watching trip to Tanzania, where they are often sighted. They also have orange feet.
The habitat of the African skimmer includes sandbars and coastal mudflats. These birds hunt for tiny fish and crustaceans by skimming the water’s surface. During the wet and dry seasons, they are known to travel to various areas of Africa.

12. Dusky Lory

  • Scientific name: Pseudeos fuscata
  • Lifespan: around 28 years
  • Size: 10 to 12 inch
  • Native to: New Guinea

Dusky Lory is the only parrot species in the list of blackbirds with orange beaks. They can be the perfect addition to your collection if you’re searching for a little, colorful bird. 10 to 12-inch long birds, dusky lorikeets stand at a height of around 12 inches. their lifespan is about 27 to 32 years.
Dusky lorikeets do not have all-black plumage. The color patterns of these animals vary from yellow-black to black-reddish, depending on their preferred environment. Short orange beaks, however, are something that both sexes have.
This little bird is rather widespread and may be found in the woods of New Guinea and the adjacent islands. Being quite active, they like playing and chatting with their pals.
It is possible to teach dusky lories to speak basic phrases and they make terrific pets. But in order to remain domesticated, they need a lot of care and frequent handling. It’s advised not to keep them among other species since they may be violent against other birds.
Dusky lorikeets mostly eat fruits and pollen for food. If you look after one, be sure to give it grapes and kiwis.

13. Crested auklet

  • Scientific name: Aethia cristatella
  • Lifespan: 7 years
  • Size: 7 to 11-inch
  • Native to: northern Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea

The crested auklet is a 7 to 11-inch, dark, and sociable bird with good swimming abilities. They can weigh up to 12 oz. and have wingspan measurements of 13 to 20 inches.
When I go bird watching, I appreciate it when I can quickly identify a particular species. The crested auklet has distinguishing traits that you can quickly identify whether or not you are using binoculars.
It has glossy black feet and black-grayish plumage. Bill is short and orange in color. Take notice of their beautiful pale eyes and loose crest.
Crested auklets are seabirds that live in the North Pacific. They like remaining in big flocks. Both boulder fields and coastal cliffs are part of their nesting habitat. The females of this bird species construct nests close to one another and deposit one egg every season. They mostly eat tiny crustaceans, with a few fish.

14. American oystercatcher

What is the size of the oystercatcher? American oystercatchers, like other species in its family, range in length from 15 to 17.5 inches and weigh up to 25 oz.

What does an oystercatcher look like? It’s difficult to overlook this huge, striking shorebird. When bird watching, keep an eye out for birds with distinctive orange-red beaks, dark heads, white underparts, yellow eye rings, and, of course, dazzling red eyes. With a black tip on their bill, young adults appear duller. These birds have long, thick bills that are uniquely specialized for cracking open oysters and other shellfish, making them ideally suited to live near the sea. Another characteristic of American oystercatchers is their loud, unique cries. The noises “peep,” “weeer,” and “hueep” is high.

Where does an oystercatcher make nests? On sand-covered beaches or rugged coastal cliffs, American oystercatchers often nest in colonies. The females deposit 4-6 eggs in a simple scrape on the ground, while the males engage in intricate wooing rituals to entice partners. The eggs are incubated and the newborn chicks are cared for by both parents.

What do American oystercatchers eat? American oystercatchers are opportunistic feeders and will consume a range of organisms that may be found close to the water, such as crabs, clams, mussels, worms, and insects.

15. Tufted puffin

  • Scientific name: Fratercula cirrhata
  • Lifespan: 20 years
  • Size: 14 inches.
  • Native to: the upper latitudes of the North Pacific Ocean

The tufted puffin is another puffin species that appear on our list. The size of tufted puffins in Males is longer than in females by around 14 inches.
Tufted puffins are all-black birds, like other puffins, with a white face and a big orange beak. Additionally, they have yellowish head plumes on both sexes and orange webbed feet.
They are seabirds of the North Pacific, which inhabit Southern Alaska and the Northern Channel Islands.
These birds are known to dive and grab up to 20 tiny fish on their beaks and are superb swimmers. Small fish make up the majority of their diet, although they will also consume squid, crabs, and marine worms.
Tufted puffins use their bills to dig tunnels to lay their eggs, and they build their colonies on offshore islands. Because they are precocial, the chicks may leave the nest not long after they hatch.
Soon after birth, they are able to swim and dive, and they will go to the sea with their parents to learn how to capture fish. The lifespan of a tufted puffin is roughly 20 years.

16. Crested Caracara

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  • Scientific name: Caracara plancus
  • Lifespan: over 30 years
  • Size: 26 inches
  • Native to: Tierra del Fuego in southernmost South America to the southern United States, Mexico, and Central America

The crested caracara is a huge bird with an orange beak that may grow to be 26 inches long and weigh up to 3.5 lbs. It is located in Texas.
This hawk-like bird’s black body, dark crest, white neck, and orange-yellow beak make it easy to identify. The young birds are brownish in color.
The Crested Caracara is a scavenger and a diurnal raptor that consumes both dead and live prey. These raptors inhabit a range of environments, such as open fields, deserts, and tropical rainforests. Usually, it builds its nests in trees or on cliffs.
Due to habitat degradation and poaching, this orange and black bird is seen as being in danger. Due to its size and scavenging tendencies, the Crested Caracara is a favorite among hunters and is hence susceptible to poaching.

17. Rhinoceros Hornbill (large black bird with an orange beak)

  • Scientific name: Buceros rhinoceros
  • Lifespan: up to 35 years.
  • Size: 35 inches
  • Native to:  Borneo, Sumatra, Java, the Malay Peninsula, Singapore, and southern Thailand

Hornbills of the rhinoceros species Buceros rhinoceros are rather difficult to overlook. The rhinoceros hornbill is a huge bird that may grow to a length of 35 inches and weigh up to 6 lbs.
Rhinoceros hornbills have distinctive plumage and are among the biggest hornbills in the world. Adults have broad, upward-curving orange casques on their heads. This distinguishing quality is used to frighten off competitors and draw in mates. The bill is thick and lengthy. Their tails are black and white, and their bodies are black with a white rump.
Rhinoceros hornbills are monogamous birds, and both males and females actively participate in raising their young. The male delivers food to the female and the chicks after the female lays two eggs in a tree hole.

Final thoughts on blackbirds with orange beaks

Blackbirds with orange beaks are a spectacle to watch. Now that you know more about these birds we hope that you will be able to identify these birds if you ever come across them on your next birdwatching trips. if you like our list of blackbirds with orange beaks we are sure that you will also like blackbirds with yellow eyes

I'm Nauman Afridi, the bird enthusiast behind Birdsology.com. My lifelong passion for birds has led me to create a space where fellow bird lovers can find valuable insights and tips on caring for our feathered friends.Professionally, I'm a brand strategist and digital marketing consultant, bringing a unique perspective to the world of bird care. Whether you're a novice or an experienced bird owner, Birdsology.com is designed to be a welcoming community for all.Feel free to explore, and reach out if you have any questions or just want to chat about birds.
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