42 species of black bird with white belly

black bird with white belly
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The bird world has many types and colors. In this article, we will learn about beautiful black bird with white belly that you can meet in the garden or on the road.

While it’s not uncommon to see black and white birds, seeing ones with white bellies in particular is much more rare. Although the species with this coloring may not be as visually appealing as their counterparts with vivid colors, they are nonetheless lovely in their own right, and their pattern of feathers is essential to their survival.

The majority of black-and-white birds have black upperparts and white underparts, especially on the belly, as you will notice. How they achieve such a distinction in color is the result of sophisticated scientific processes.

42 Species Of Black Bird With White Belly

1. Carolina Chickadee

black bird with white belly


The tiny birds known as Carolina Chickadees have black throats, black caps, and short little beak. Their underparts are pale tan, their cheeks snow-white, and their upperparts pale gray.

Though not as much as the Black-capped Chickadee, this species’ wings do have some white edge.

The two sexes share a similar appearance and migrate in tiny groups with other small bird species. Additionally, this species is among the more frequent users of bird feeders.

In most of the Southeast of the United States, parks, forests, and gardens are home to Carolina Chickadees. They can be found north to New Jersey and west to Texas and Oklahoma.

2. Black-Capped Chickadee

black bird with white belly

Small and adorable, Black-capped Chickadees have stubby beaks, a stylish black cap, and a black neck. Their underparts are buff, their cheeks are dazzling white, and their upperparts are gray.

Additionally, this species exhibits some white edging on its wing feathers, particularly on the upper portion of the wing.

The Black-capped Chickadee has the same appearance in both sexes. They gather into small flocks and go foraging alongside other small birds. This widespread and attractive species also frequently visits bird feeders.

Black-capped Chickadees can be found throughout most of the northern United States, Alaska, and Canada in gardens, parks, and woodlands.

3. Black Phoebe

black bird with white belly

Black Phoebes are sooty black flycatchers that range in size from tiny to medium, with a dazzling white belly. They also have a small crest, a narrow black beak, and some white trimming around their wings and tail.

The Black Phoebe has the same appearance in both sexes. In open dry settings, they are typically found in pairs that perch low on vegetation and bridges near streams, rivers, and other wetlands.

This ubiquitous bird is seen throughout the American Southwest, especially in canyons, and in California. They can also be found in the Andes of South America and stretch from Mexico to Central America.

4. Razorbill

black bird with white belly

Ecologically speaking, razorbills—also called razor-billed auks and smaller auks—are the northern hemisphere’s counterparts to penguins.

These little seabirds, measuring only 17 inches in length, have blunt, heavy beaks and short wings.

Razorbills have black heads, necks, backs, and feet, and white bellies.

They also have a white line in the middle of their black beaks.

Razorbills can be distinguished by their low, croaking, guttural “urr” sounds.

They reproduce in colonies on rocky islands in North America, as well as along the beaches of eastern Canada and a few locations in Maine.

From regions close to their breeding grounds to as far south as Virginia on the US coast, they spend the winter on the ocean or very close to the shore.

Of the approximately one million razorbills that are thought to be alive today, the majority live in Iceland—roughly 50% of them.

The species mates for life in monogamous couples. Both parents alternate incubating the single cream-colored egg with brown markings that they lay.

Razorbills dive up to 330 feet to find food, usually in the form of fish, crabs, or other small marine organisms.

5. Brown creeper

black bird with white belly

Very little songbirds called brown creepers can be found all over North America.

They are the only members of the Certhiidae family of treecreepers that are native to the United States.

These birds can weigh as little as 0.2 ounces because of their tiny size!


Brown creepers are distinguished by their broad stripes over the eye (supercilium), white underparts with some reddish-brown, narrow, slightly downcurved beaks, and brown-black upperparts with light patches. Their bellies are white with some reddish-brown.


These small birds’ well-camouflaged plumage makes them appear from a distance like a piece of bark.

The song is exclusively performed by men, and it has high, thin notes that resemble “pee-pee-willow-wee.” The call of brown creepers is a high-pitched “swee.”

They lay three to seven eggs, which are raised by both parents, and reproduce in coniferous forests, usually beginning in April.

As omnivores, their primary sources of food include seeds, insects, and spiders.

By adding seeds and suet to your feeder, you can draw brown creepers into your property.

6. Blackpoll Warbler

black bird with white belly

The little gray Blackpoll Warblers have pale cheeks and black crowns. Males also have black streaks along their sides and a black mustache mark on their white underparts. Their long, dark wings contain two light wing bars, and they have black striping above.

This species likewise has orange or pale yellow-brown legs and a pointed bill that is gray and golden.

Women and men who do not breed Olive-gray upperparts with a dark line through each eye, pale underparts with delicate streaking, and two pale wing bars are all features of Blackpoll Warblers.

This widespread species spends the winter in South America after breeding in the boreal forests of Alaska and Canada.

7. Barn Swallow

black bird with white belly

Small and graceful, barn swallows fly for the majority of their life. Their underparts are peach, their front and throat are rich chestnut, and they have a dark steely blue color that is practically black above.

Their lengthy tail is forked and has white dots as well. The Barn Swallow’s two sexes share a similar appearance, however the males tend to have brighter colors and longer tails.

Barn Swallows are typically found in flocks that fly back and forth over farm fields and other open environments, searching for bugs. This species is widespread in most of the USA, Eurasia, southern Alaska, and a sizable portion of Alaska. They spend the winter in tropical regions across the globe.

8. Black-and-White Warbler

black bird with white belly

Medium-sized, with relatively long, slightly downcurved beaks and short tails, are black-and-white warblers.

Their length ranges from 4.3 to 5.1 inches, their weight is between 0.28 and 0.53 ounces, and their wingspan is between 7 and 8.7 inches.

Breeding in northern and eastern North America, black-and-white warblers spend the winter in Florida, Texas, Central America, and northern regions of South America.

Mature deciduous and mixed forests are among their nesting habitats; in the winter, they can be found in a greater range of forested areas.

These are an excellent choice for beginning birders because they are simple to identify.

One of the key ways to distinguish black-and-white warblers is by their thin, squeaky song.

A short melody called “wee-see” with six repetitions at a high pitch should be heard. It lasts around three seconds. Additionally, black-and-white warblers have two calls: a delicate, soft “fsss” and a harsh “tick.”


The plumage of black-and-white warblers is striped in black and white, with white bellies.


Males establish territories and begin looking for a mate after they arrive first at their breeding grounds. They will follow females around, sing, flaunt their feathers, and flap their wings as part of their courtship rituals.

During the breeding season, these birds can be extremely territorial and hostile; similar to other warblers, they can attack and engage in combat with other species who cross their territory.

As insectivores, or carnivores, black-and-white warblers mostly eat insects, caterpillars, beetles, ants, flies, bugs, and even spiders.

9. Black-billed Magpie

black bird with white belly

Large and noticeable, black-billed magpies are found in western North America.

Known by another name, American magpies, they are frequently spotted flapping over rangelands or perched on road signs and fence posts.


The distinctive features of black-billed magpies are their white bellies and shoulders, blue-green iridescent patches on their wings and tails, and black heads, chests, backs, and tails.


Their long, iridescent green tails and large, slightly curved black beaks are what give them their name.

Black-billed magpies have a unique ability to identify food using their sense of smell. Their diet consists of a variety of items such as insects, carrion, rodents, eggs, the young of other birds, and occasionally tiny snakes.

Black-billed magpies live in groups of five to ten people and are gregarious, noisy birds.

Pay attention to their typical alarm call, “ka-ka-ka,” as well as additional coos, tweets, squawks, purrs, and shrills.

Among them, the “funeral” is one of the most intriguing customs.

A magpie will alert other magpies when it finds a deceased one. Magpies may congregate in groups of more than forty and circle the corpse for ten to fifteen minutes before silently scattering and taking flight.

They may take up to 40 days to build a single nest, and they are lifelong partners.

Frequently spotted near animals, black-billed magpies remove ticks from the backs of large creatures like moose and deer.

Read about additional species found in Colorado. These black birds with white bellies are also permanent residents of the state.

10. Dark-eyed Junco

black bird with white belly

The little, attractive, sparrow-like dark-eyed Juncos have conical, pale pinkish beaks and a lot of white in their tails. They can have a dark hood and brown coloring on their back and sides, or they can be slate-gray with a white belly and undertail.


They also have black plumage, dark heads, white underbellies, and pale beaks.


Certain subspecies have a reddish-brown patch on their back and are otherwise pale gray in color. With the exception of the females’ duller, browner, less contrasted plumage, both sexes have similar appearances.

Singing from trees, dark-eyed Juncos are typically observed foraging at feeders or on the ground. This widespread species inhabits forests and environments resembling parks across Alaska, Canada, and a large portion of the United States.

11. American Oystercatcher

black bird with white belly


American Oystercatcher, sometimes known as PiruPiru or the American pied oystercatcher, is a member of the Haematopodidae family of oystercatchers. The bird that was once known as the “sea pie” was renamed in 1731 after naturalist Mark Catesby saw it consuming oysters. There are an estimated 43,000 oystercatchers in the United States at this time. The US Atlantic and Gulf Coasts are home to an estimated 1,500 breeding pairs. The bird can be identified by its large, thick orange beak and its black and white body.

12. Ladder-backed Woodpecker

black bird with white belly

The ladder-backed woodpecker is a small woodpecker about 16.5 to 19 cm (6½ to 7½ inches) in length. It is primarily colored black and white, with a barred pattern on its back and wings resembling the rungs of a ladder. Its rump is speckled with black, as are its cream-colored underparts on the breast and flanks. Southern populations have duskier buff breasts and distinctly smaller bills. Adult males have a red crown patch that is smaller in immatures and lacking in adult females.

The ladder-backed woodpecker is very similar in appearance to Nuttall’s woodpecker, but has much less black on its head and upper back, and the range of the two species only intersects a minimal amount in southern California and northern Baja California. Hybrids are known.

Nesting places for ladder-backed woodpeckers are cavities hollowed out of tree trunks; in drier climates, a huge cactus will do. The female deposits two to seven simple white eggs. Both sexes incubate the eggs, yet other information such as the nesting period is unclear.

The ladder-backed woodpecker, like the majority of woodpecker species, uses its sharp bill to chisel into tree trunks in search of insects and their larvae. It also consumes cactus fruit.

13. Northern Mockingbird

black bird with white belly

The medium-sized Northern Mockingbird has a small head and a long tail. They have white belly and are gray-brown in appearance. When they fly, two white wingbars are visible.

They vigorously protect their territory and are typically observed in couples or alone. A male mockingbird can acquire about 200 songs over its lifetime. It can mimic the melodies of different birds and sing all day and all night.

People who live in the southern and eastern states, yet they might move further north in their area.


They will come to open grass areas, although they do not frequently visit feeders. Try planting fruiting trees or bushes, such as hawthorns, mulberries, and blackberry brambles, to draw in more Northern Mockingbirds.

14. Pied Kingfisher

black bird with white belly

A species of water kingfisher found throughout Asia and Africa is the pied kingfisher (Ceryle rudis). There are five recognized subspecies of this species, which Carl Linnaeus first described in 1758. It is easily recognized by its striking black and white plumage and crest, as well as its predisposition to hover over crystal-clear rivers and lakes before diving for fish. While girls have a single broken breast band, males have two bands across their breasts. Typically, they are observed in tiny family groups or couples. They frequently flip up their tails and shake their heads when poised.

15. Snow Bunting

black bird with white belly

The family Calcariidae includes the snow bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis), a passerine bird. It is a specialist of the Arctic, having a circumpolar breeding range across the northern hemisphere. Small, isolated populations can be found on a few high mountain peaks south of the Arctic area, such as the Cape Breton Highlands, the Saint Elias Mountains on the southern border between Alaska and Yukon, and the Cairngorms in central Scotland. The world’s most northerly recorded passerine bird is the snow bunting.

16. Spotted Towhee

black bird with white belly

Large sparrows, Spotted Towhees are brown in females and black in males on the head, throat, and back. Males and females have white bellies, white patches on the wings and back, and reddish-brown sides. They resemble Robins in size and have lengthy tails.

Spotted Towhees forage for insects such as beetles, crickets, grasshoppers, caterpillars, wasps, and bees among the thick tangles of plants on the ground. They consume seeds, berries, and acorns as well.

They live on the Pacific coast, but after mating, they travel from the northern central states and appear in all of the central states in a swath from north to south throughout the winter.


If you let your borders overgrown, you can draw in more Spotted Towhees. They will approach platform feeders or ground feeders filled with Black Oil Sunflower seeds, Hulled Sunflower seeds, Cracked Corn, Millet, and Milo.

17. Rose-Breasted Grosbeak

black bird with white belly

Blossomed At your backyard feeders, grosbeaks are recognizable birds that are delightful to watch and simple to identify.

The males are characterized by their black and white heads, backs, and bellies, together with a red breast. There’s a flash of crimson under their wings as well. Brown with plenty of streaking and a flash of yellow under the wings, females and juvenile males look same.

Blossomed In the Midwest, the northeastern US states, and southern and central Canada, grosbeaks breed. During their migration, they are seen in the southeast. Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean experience winter.

In order to attract more Rose-breasted Grosbeaks to your backyard, try scattering peanuts and sunflower seeds.

18. Eastern Towhee

black bird with white belly

The strikingly big Eastern Towhee, roughly the size of a Robin, has a black head, throat, and back, reddish flanks, long tails, and, in the case of the males, a white belly. Although they are brown instead of black, the females are similar.

  • Length: 6.8-8.2 in (17.3-20.8 cm)
  • Weight: 1.1-1.8 oz (32-52 g)
  • Wingspan: 7.9-11.0 in (20-28 cm)

Primarily found in the Southeast, however birds further north may only be seen in the winter on the western limit of their range before moving south for the winter.


Eastern Towhees are located near the boundaries of thickets and woodlands, where they spend their time searching through the undergrowth.

If your yard has overgrown borders, Eastern Towhees will visit feeders for dropped seed. They will also visit platform feeders filled with black oil, hulled, cracked corn, and millet sunflower seeds.

19. Downy Woodpecker

black bird with white belly

The Downy Woodpecker is the smallest woodpecker in North America.

  • Length: 5.5-6.7 in (14-17 cm)
  • Weight: 0.7-1.0 oz (21-28 g)
  • Wingspan: 9.8-11.8 in (25-30 cm)

In comparison to other woodpeckers, it is a third smaller and has a smaller beak, yet having a very similar appearance to the Hairy Woodpecker. Typically, you will find a Downy Woodpecker at feeders because they are more prevalent.

The Downy Woodpecker is primarily black with a white patch on its back, giving it a black and white appearance. The back of the heads of the males are likewise covered with a crimson patch.

You can see Downy Woodpeckers on backyard bird feeders. They are highly animated and entertaining to see, making both a high-pitched pik sound and a falling whinny call. Nesting in dead tree cavities, downy woodpeckers lay three to eight tiny (0.8-inch) white eggs.

Insects, particularly larvae, are the primary food source for downy woodpeckers. They also consume berries, acorns, and cereals. On sometimes, you may spot them sipping from hummingbird feeders.

20. White-breasted Nuthatch

black bird with white belly

Pale-breasted Nuthatches are small, gregarious, black-and-white birds. They have a black head, are white below, and are black and gray on the back. Their underbelly and lower abdomen frequently have a chestnut hue.


Nuthatches with white breasts are widespread in the United States and southern Canada.

They can be found at feeders, in parks, yards with trees, deciduous forests, and woodland margins. Their primary food sources are insects, such as spiders, ants, caterpillars, and beetles and their larvae.

Pale-breasted Acorns, hawthorns, sunflower seeds, and occasionally maize crops are among the seeds and nuts that nuthatches consume. They press big nuts and acorns into the bark of trees, then use their bills to crack them open and release the seed. This process is known as “hatching.”

Suet or tube feeders filled with peanuts and sunflower seeds will draw additional White-breasted Nuthatches to your backyard.

21. Hairy Woodpecker

black bird with white belly

These medium-sized woodpeckers have a huge white patch on their backs in addition to a black and white pattern. There is a flash of red toward the back of the heads on the men.

  • Length: 7.1-10.2 in (18-26 cm)
  • Weight: 1.4-3.4 oz (40-95 g)
  • Wingspan: 13.0-16.1 in (33-41 cm)

Though larger, it shares visual similarities with the Downy woodpecker. Since they are frequently seen in the same locations, differentiation is challenging. They are strong little birds that make explosive peak sounds or a whinnying sound, and you can see them on backyard feeders.

Insects including beetle larvae, ants, and bark beetles make up the majority of Hairy Woodpeckers’ diet, although they can also consume millipedes, caterpillars, spiders, bees, and moth pupae.

This woodpecker lays three to six white eggs in its nests, which are located in the cavities of dead trees or dead tree parts.

22. Eastern Kingbird

black bird with white belly
The medium-sized, large-headed Eastern Kingbird has a grayish-black back and a white underside. Their heads are a deeper shade of black, and their tail tips are white.

  • Length: 7.5-9.1 in (19-23 cm)
  • Weight: 1.2-1.9 oz (33-55 g)
  • Wingspan: 13.0-15.0 in (33-38 cm)

Their fierce defense of their nests against other birds and each other gives them the nickname “king.”

When protecting their nest or themselves, they erect their hidden crown, which is made up of red, orange, or yellow feathers.

Eastern Kingbirds breed throughout the United States, with the exception of the Southwest, and then migrate south to spend the winter in Central and South America. Typically, they procreate in forests, orchards, and fields. They frequently build their nests along to bodies of water, such lakes or rivers.

In midair, Eastern Kingbirds capture insects. Frequently, they would perch over fields and wait for passing insects.

23. Tree Swallow

black bird with white belly

The tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) is a migratory bird of the family Hirundinidae. Found in the Americas, the tree swallow was first described in 1807 by French ornithologist Louis Vieillot as Hirundo bicolor. It has since been moved to its current genus, Tachycineta, within which its phylogenetic placement is debated.

The tree swallow has white underparts and glossy blue-green upperparts, with the exception of its blackish wings and tail. The legs and feet are pale brown, the bill is black, and the eyes are dark brown. The female’s upperparts are primarily brown, with a few blue feathers, and she is usually duller than the male’s. Juveniles have grey-brown-washed breasts and brown upperparts.

In the United States and Canada, tree swallows breed. It spends the winter in the West Indies, Panama, the northwest coast of South America, and the southern US shores. It also travels down the Gulf Coast.

24. Loggerhead Shrike

black bird with white belly

Gray birds with black masks and wings, Loggerhead Shrikes are songbirds with raptors’ hearts. On their bellies, they are white.

  • Length: 7.9-9.1 in (20-23 cm)
  • Weight: 1.2-1.8 oz (35-50 g)
  • Wingspan: 11.0-12.6 in (28-32 cm)

In the southern United States, loggerhead shrimpes are year-round residents; but, throughout the summer, they will migrate north to reproduce before heading back south.

The raptors, gray birds, hunt small mammals, insects, reptiles, and other birds. To eat their prey, they will either skewer them on thorns or cram them into small areas.

They inhabit open areas where they are frequently perched and scanning for food.

25. Black Skimmer

black bird with white belly

Large seabirds that resemble terns, black skimmers are widespread in both North and South America.

  • Scientific NameRynchops niger
  • Lifespan: up to 20 years
  • Wingspan: 42-50 in

With their remarkable black upperparts and white underparts, along with their vivid orange beaks, adult birds are easily recognizable.

Black skimmers have red legs, dark brown eyes, white bellies and heads, and black backs and wings.


They turn browner during the non-breeding season; you may also recognize them by their “kak-kak” barking cries.

With a maximum length of 1 foot 8 inches, they are the biggest of the three skimmer species.

The word “cut-off bill,” which is part of their scientific name “Rynchops,” is derived from ancient Greek and appropriately characterizes these birds.

The lower mandible of black skimmers is longer than the upper, giving them a distinctive beak with an orange-red base and a predominantly black rest.

Their ability to modify their beaks allows them to skim the water’s surface and capture fish.

These black water birds live in lagoons, rivers, and coastal areas where they eat mollusks, shrimp, crabs, and small fish.

Black skimmers live permanently in Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, and other southern states in the United States.

These are gregarious birds that build their nests in colonies of up to several hundred couples. Each parent lays three to five eggs, which are incubated alternately.

26. Red-Headed Woodpecker

black bird with white belly

Medium-sized red-headed woodpeckers are frequently observed in North American parks, forests, and woodland areas.

  • Scientific NameMelanerpes erythrocephalus
  • Lifespan: 10-12 years in the wild
  • Wingspan: 14-17 in

From April to September, they breed in southern Canada and east-central USA; in October, they go to southern USA regions where they winter.

These striking birds are easily identified by their bright red heads, white wing patches and underparts, white, unstreaked bellies, and black backs.

The male and female are nearly the same.

black bird with white belly

Keep an ear out for the slightly trilled “churr-churr-churr” call of red-headed woodpeckers.

Red-headed woodpeckers will pound at the bark of trees, wait for the insects to emerge, and then catch them in midair; in some cases, they may even go hunting for the insects on the ground.

As omnivores, these birds also consume seeds, fruits, nuts, berries, and occasionally small rodents.

As cavity nesters, red-headed woodpeckers raise two broods of four to five eggs per year, with each parent taking turns incubating the clutch.

One of the four species of woodpeckers in North America that stores food by covering it with bark or wood is the red-headed woodpecker. They will tuck it under the bark, into cracks, and into tree cavities.

27. White-Browed Fantail

black bird with white belly

Asia is home to the little passerine bird known as the white-browed fantail.

It reproduces throughout southern Asian tropical forests and woods, including those in Vietnam, Sri Lanka, and India.

The white-browed fantail is easily recognized in the wild due to its distinctive white brow, fan-shaped tail, and black abdomen, chest, and undertail.

The female’s head is browner and her plumage is significantly paler.

This black bird with a white belly sings a tuneful song that includes a sharp “switch-wich” call and four to seven whistled notes.

The species is insectivorous, meaning that flying insects make up the majority of its food.

28. White-bellied bush chat

black bird with white belly

The white-bellied bush chat (Saxicola gutturalis) is a species of bird in the family Muscicapidae. It is found in Semau, Timor and Rote Island. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests and dry savanna. It is threatened by habitat loss.

29. Black-throated Gray Warbler

black bird with white belly

A warbler striped in black and white, with a yellow patch in front of its eyes and a gray back. There is more black on the necks of men.

  • Length: 4.3-5.1 in (11-13 cm)
  • Weight: 0.3-0.3 oz (7-10 g)
  • Wingspan: 7.5-7.8 in (19-19.7 cm)

Before heading to Mexico for the winter, Black-throated Gray Warblers breed along the coast of British Columbia and the western United States.

They can be seen on bushes and trees in wooded areas, looking for insects.

30. Tufted Titmouse

black bird with white belly

The Tufted Titmouse, which frequently flocks with chickadees, nuthatches, and woodpeckers, has a gray back, black edges on its wings and tail, and white beneath. It also has a lovely gray crest and big eyes.

  • Length: 5.5-6.3 in (14-16 cm)
  • Weight: 0.6-0.9 oz (18-26 g)
  • Wingspan: 7.9-10.2 in (20-26 cm)

Tufted Titmice live in Eastern and Southeastern States all year

Tufted Titmice are seen in parks, woodlands, and at backyard feeders. They can be aggressive toward smaller birds. In the summer, they typically consume insects, such as spiders, snails, ants, wasps, and caterpillars. They will save shelled seeds and eat berries, nuts, and seeds as well.

Suet cages or tube feeders filled with peanuts, sunflower seeds, and suet attract Tufted Titmice to backyard feeders. They’ll consume food from platform feeders as well. To draw in a breeding pair, you might also try building a nest box.

31. White-bellied drongo

black bird with white belly

The white-bellied drongo (Dicrurus caerulescens) is a species of drongo found across the Indian Subcontinent. Like other members of the family Dicruridae, they are insectivorous and mainly black in colour, but with a white belly and vent.

Young birds are, however, all black and may be confused with the black drongo, which is smaller and more compact in appearance. The subspecies found in Sri Lanka has white restricted to the vent.

32. White-bellied sea eagle

black bird with white belly

The white-bellied sea eagle (Icthyophaga leucogaster), also known as the white-breasted sea eagle, is a large diurnal bird of prey in the family Accipitridae. Originally described by Johann Friedrich Gmelin in 1788, it is closely related to Sanford’s sea eagle of the Solomon Islands, and the two are considered a superspecies.


A distinctive bird, the adult white-bellied sea eagle has a white head, breast, under-wing coverts and tail. The upper parts are grey and the black under-wing flight feathers contrast with the white coverts. The tail is short and wedge-shaped as in all Haliaeetinae species. 

The female, like many raptors, is larger than the male; she can reach lengths of up to 90 cm (35 in), widths of up to 2.2 m (7.2 ft), and weights up to 4.5 kg (9.9 lb). Brown plumage covers immature birds until it is gradually replaced by white till the birds reach five or six years of age. It’s a loud, honking sound, like a goose.

33. White-bellied seedeater

black bird with white belly

The white-bellied seedeater (Sporophila leucoptera) is a species of bird in the family Thraupidae. It is found mainly in Bolivia, Paraguay and eastern Brazil, with smaller numbers in Suriname, southeastern Peru and northern Argentina. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist shrubland, swamps, and heavily degraded former forest.

34. White-bellied treepie

black bird with white belly

The white-bellied treepie (Dendrocitta leucogastra) is a bird of the crow family endemic to the forests of southern India. They overlap in distribution in some areas with the rufous treepie but are easy to tell apart both from appearance and call.

The diet of the white-bellied treepie includes fruits, seeds, nectar, rodents, invertebrates, nestlings, and eggs. The bird droops its wings and bows when it calls. During the pre-monsoon breeding season (primarily April–May, but some nests from February), several birds may arrive at a single tree and call continuously. The nest is a medium-sized tree with a twig platform atop it. Three ashy grey eggs with patches of grey and green are deposited.

35. White-bellied woodpecker

black bird with white belly

The white-bellied woodpecker or great black woodpecker (Dryocopus javensis) is a woodpecker species inhabiting evergreen forests in tropical Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. It is among the largest of the Asiatic woodpeckers and nests in large dead trees, often beside rivers. It has 14 subspecies, and many of its island forms are endangered, some are extinct. Populations differ in the distribution and extent of white. Its drums and calls are louder than those of the smaller woodpeckers.

36. White-bellied minivet

black bird with white belly

The white-bellied minivet (Pericrocotus erythropygius) is a species of minivet found in India, mostly in dry deciduous forest.

The mantle, tail, neck, and head of the male white-bellied minivet are all glossy black. The species’ underparts are all white, with an orange throat and a white collar. The wings have white patterns, and the rump is orange.

With its dark gray upperparts, black wings, white collar, black tail, and glossy black lores, the female minivet has a duller appearance. The rump is orange, and the wings contain white patterns resembling those of the males.

Its length ranges from 18.5 to 20 cm.

37. White-bellied go-away-bird

black bird with white belly

The white-bellied go-away-bird (Crinifer leucogaster) is a bird of eastern Africa in the family Musophagidae, commonly known as turacos.

The length of this species is 51 cm (20″) on average. The distinctive feature of the species is its long, pointed tail, which is black and grey with a white median line. When in flying, one can see the white patch beneath its wings. The adult has a grey head that leads to a pointed crest that is about 6 cm long and dark grey to blackish in color. Given its white belly and undertail coverts, the bird’s name “white-bellied” derives from these features.

Male bills are black, while female bills are pea-green (becoming yellowish in the breeding season). Males only weighted between 170 and 225 grams, and females often weighed between 225 and 250 grams. Juveniles and adults are similar in that the juvenile’s plumage is more brown, particularly on the wing-coverts.

The bird’s typical calls are a nasal haa-haa-haa, which sounds like a sheep bleating, and a single or repeated gwa (or g’away). The bird receives its name “go-away” from its unusual call. It calls loudly as it flies in loose, straggling groups from tree to tree.

38. White-bellied goshawk

black bird with white belly

Within the Accipitridae family of birds of prey is the white-bellied goshawk (Accipiter haplochrous). It only exists in New Caledonia. The New Caledonia goshawk and New Caledonia sparrowhawk are other names for the species.

Its native habitats are dry savanna, badly degraded former forests, and subtropical or tropical wet lowland forests and montane forests. The loss of its habitat poses a hazard.

39. White-headed Woodpecker

black bird with white belly

The White-headed Woodpecker is easily recognized by its black body and white head. Females are merely white and black, while males have a red patch on the back of their heads. When their wings are closed, they feature a white stripe.

Living in pine woods in the western mountains, ranging from British Columbia to California, they eat insects and pine seeds, which they obtain by flaking off the bark instead of drilling holes like most woodpeckers do.

40. Black-necked Stilt

black bird with white belly

Black and white shorebirds with a delicate appearance are called black-necked stilts.

North, Central, and South America are their usual habitats; Hawaii is home to a small isolated population.

The stunning black backs and wings, white bellies, narrow black beak, and long, pinkish-rosy legs are characteristics of black-necked stilts.

While their backs are brownish, females resemble males.

The Latin term for black-necked stilts refers to their long, slender legs.

These birds are mainly absent from the eastern United States, however they can be found in open land at the shores of shallow water.

They look for marine insects and invertebrates by wading in shallow seas.

Gregarious, black-necked stilts typically roost in small groups; they also disperse out when feeding.

Try to hear for a brief, squeaky, repetitive call that goes like this: “yip-yip-yip.”

A female will lay three to five eggs, which will be incubated by both spouses alternately. Within a few hours of hatching, the young are visible swimming.

41. Black honeyeater

black bird with white belly

The black honeyeater (Sugomel nigrum) is a species of bird in the honeyeater family Meliphagidae. The black honeyeater exhibits sexual dimorphism, with the male being black and white while the female is a speckled grey-brown; immature birds look like the female.

42. Willow Flycatcher

black bird with white belly

Olive-toned and grayish-brown, willow flycatchers. Their stomachs have grayish-yellow undertones.

Before migrating to Mexico and Central America, willow flycatchers breed in the hilly west and in the northwest states. Additionally, they are visible across all US states during migration.



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I'm Nauman Afridi, the bird enthusiast behind Birdsology.com. My lifelong passion for birds has led me to create a space where fellow bird lovers can find valuable insights and tips on caring for our feathered friends.Professionally, I'm a brand strategist and digital marketing consultant, bringing a unique perspective to the world of bird care. Whether you're a novice or an experienced bird owner, Birdsology.com is designed to be a welcoming community for all.Feel free to explore, and reach out if you have any questions or just want to chat about birds.
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