In the world of birds, there’s a timeless beauty in the simplicity of black and white plumage. Now, imagine these classic colors accentuated by a fiery red head, creating a captivating contrast that’s impossible to ignore. These birds are nature’s living artworks, and in this blog post, we’re diving into their world. Join us on a journey to explore the lives of black and white birds with red head. We’ll unravel the secrets behind their distinctive appearance, discover where they thrive, and learn about their fascinating behaviors.
List of Black and White Birds with Red Head
Red-crested Cardinal
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- Scientific name: Paroaria coronata
- Lifespan: Up to 10 years
- Size: Approximately 17-20 centimeters (6.7-7.9 inches)
- Origin: South America (native to Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, and Paraguay)
In the vibrant landscape of Hawaii, the Red-crested Cardinal stands out as one of the cardinal family’s medium-sized representatives. Identifying these crimson-crowned birds is a captivating endeavor.
The Red-crested Cardinal, a striking avian species native to North America, is easily distinguished by its vivid red head, reminiscent of the Northern Cardinal. Its breast, belly, and undertail are a pristine white, while the back showcases shades of gray, adorned with black-tipped wings. Immature birds, on the other hand, sport an orange-brown head and bib.
These adaptable birds are cavity nesters, meaning they construct their nests in natural or man-made hollows, such as tree cavities, birdhouses, or even mailboxes. Known as songbirds, their cheerful “cheer-up” song is a familiar serenade in many neighborhoods.
While male cardinals are territorial and fiercely protect their turf against other males, females exhibit less aggression. These splendid creatures typically enjoy a lifespan of four to six years.
Red-headed Woodpecker
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- Scientific name: Melanerpes erythrocephalus
- Lifespan: Up to 9 years
- Size: Approximately 19-23 centimeters (7.5-9 inches)
- Origin: North America (found in regions such as the United States and Canada)
Red-headed Woodpeckers thrive across North America, particularly in the Eastern United States, where they reside year-round. Distinguishing them from other woodpeckers is an intriguing pursuit.
These woodpeckers feature a distinctive bright red head, contrasting with black upperparts and white undersides. Noteworthy are the black wings adorned with a prominent mid-white patch.
To identify juveniles, watch for those with brown heads, reddish cheeks, and black backs bearing white stripes. Additionally, their unmistakable calls are characterized by loud shrills (“tchur”) and the rhythmic drumming produced by tapping tree bark.
Red-headed Woodpeckers typically inhabit forests or areas teeming with trees, and their diet includes insects, nuts, and fruit. They are not classified as an endangered species.
During the breeding season, males seek out suitable locations to build nests, a process that takes approximately three weeks for both sexes. They raise 1-2 broods per year.
Pine Grosbeak
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- Scientific name: Pinicola enucleator
- Life span: Up to 10 years
- Size: 22-24 cm (8.7-9.4 in)
- Weight: 40-80 g
- Origin: Northern North America and Eurasia
The Pine Grosbeak, scientifically known as Pinicola enucleator, is the sole member of the Pinicola genus. This red-headed bird graces numerous northern states with its presence.
Pine Grosbeaks are medium-sized birds, measuring approximately 7.9-10 inches in length, with wingspans reaching up to 13 inches. Males of this species exhibit chunky bodies, characterized by rose-red heads, backs, and breasts, accompanied by gray, black, and white-tipped wings.
In contrast, female Pine Grosbeaks sport yellow-orange heads and rumps, gray chests and bellies, and black and white wings.
Their diet primarily consists of seeds, complemented by occasional indulgences in insects and fruit. Nest construction takes place in trees, where they lay clutches of 3-5 eggs. These birds prefer coniferous forests, often perching on trees abundant in seeds. Their melodic warbling songs comprise a series of notes, producing a unique flute-like melody and “tee-tew” sounds.
Hairy Woodpecker
- Scientific name: Leuconotopicus villosus
- Lifespan: about 11 years to 15 years
- Wingspan: 15-inch
- Native to: Southwest from Mexico to Panama
Hairy Woodpeckers can be found throughout North America, with some populations migrating to coastal states during the winter months.
Male Hairy Woodpeckers are medium-sized woodpeckers featuring black backs, white undersides, and two distinct white stripes on their heads. Notably, the presence of a long bill and a red patch at the back of their heads differentiates males from females. Female Hairy Woodpeckers share a similar plumage but lack the red patch.
These woodpeckers utilize their sharp beaks to peck at tree bark in search of insects and employ their long tongues to extract insects from tree crevices. They construct nests in trees and females typically lay clutches of 3-5 eggs.
Hairy Woodpeckers play a vital role in forest ecosystems by helping to maintain tree health through their consumption of insects that can harm trees. To attract these wild birds to your backyard feeders, consider offering black sunflower seeds, peanut butter, and suet.
Red-breasted Sapsucker
- Scientific name: Sphyrapicus ruber
- Lifespan: Typically 3-6 years
- Size: Approximately 7-8 inches (18-20 cm)
- Origin: Native to western North America, particularly in forested regions
The red-breasted sapsucker is a unique bird that employs perfectly round holes to tap into tree sap, which it then sips up with its tongue. It often revisits the same tree day after day.
Both male and female red-breasted sapsuckers share the distinctive traits of a red breast and head, a belly adorned with white and black streaks, and a mottled black back. Furthermore, an easily recognizable white mark can be observed between their bill and eyes.
Speaking of their bills, they possess sharp, black ones, robust enough to bore holes into tree trunks. These birds are relatively small, measuring a mere 7-8 inches in length.
Red-breasted sapsuckers can be found across North America, ranging from Alaska and Canada to Mexico. Their preferred breeding habitat typically consists of coniferous forests, although they can also be spotted in deciduous forests and even suburban areas.
Crimson-breasted Woodpecker
- Scientific name: Dryobates cathpharius
- Lifespan: Information not readily available.
- Wingspan: Information not readily available.
- Native to: Parts of Asia, including the Himalayan region.
The crimson-breasted woodpecker, also known as the scarlet-breasted woodpecker, graces the forests of Central and South Asia with its captivating presence.
Distinguishing the male and female is quite straightforward. Males display a striking red breast, complemented by a vibrant red patch towards the rear of their neck. Both sexes share similar coloration on their backs, featuring a blend of black and white.
These black and white avian wonders, adorned with crimson heads, sustain themselves by feeding on insects and larvae found within trees. Their nesting routine involves utilizing tree cavities, where they lay clutches of 4-5 eggs. Their vocalization is characterized by distinct and resonant “chick” sounds.
scarlet honeycreeper
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- Scientific name: Iridophanes pulcherrimus
- Life span: Up to 6 years
- Size: 11 cm (4.3 in)
- Weight: 10 g
- Origin: South America
The scarlet honeycreeper, also known as the ʻiʻiwi, graces the vibrant landscape of Hawaii as a member of the Hawaiian honeycreeper family, alongside two other bird species, the Hawaii mamo and Black mamo.
Adult ʻiʻiwi birds radiate a brilliant scarlet red hue on their head, undersides, and rump. Their wings and tails exhibit black coloration adorned with white spots. Notably, young scarlet honeycreepers display a blend of orange, green, and yellow shades.
All members of this bird family share a distinctive feature—a sharp, curved bill that proves invaluable during their foraging endeavors.
These nectar-feeding birds are a common sight as they flit from flower to flower in search of sustenance. Their crucial role in pollinating numerous native plants within their habitat makes them significant contributors to the ecosystem.
Unfortunately, the scarlet honeycreeper faces the looming threat of extinction due to habitat loss. Deforestation not only jeopardizes the trees they nest in but also disrupts the availability of the flowers they rely on for nourishment. If this habitat loss continues unabated, the scarlet honeycreeper may face extinction within our lifetimes.
Scarlet Honeyeater
- Scientific name: Myzomela sanguinolenta
- Lifespan: Typically 2-3 years
- Size: Approximately 4-4.5 inches (10-11 cm)
- Origin: Native to Australia and nearby regions
Distinct from the scarlet honeycreeper, scarlet honeyeaters belong to a group of black and white birds with striking red heads. Also known as the scarlet myzomela, these birds are resident breeders in Australia. Let’s delve into how to easily identify them.
Males and females exhibit distinct coloration. Females appear olive-brown above and paler below, with a reddish tinge on their faces. In contrast, males boast bright red heads, predominantly white bellies, and black wings and tails.
As members of the Honeyeater family, these birds primarily feed on nectar obtained from flowers. They inhabit forests and woodlands, especially those graced by eucalyptus trees, spanning across Australia. Recognizable by their distinctive “chiew-chiew” call, these birds are often observed in pairs, small groups, or occasionally on their own.
The Scarlet Honeyeater plays a vital role as a pollinator of native plants within its habitat, contributing to the ecological balance.
Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker
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- Scientific name: Sphyrapicus varius
- Lifespan: Up to 9 years
- Size: Approximately 19-22 cm (7.5-8.5 inches)
- Native to: North America
Renowned for its distinctive nasal calls, the yellow-bellied sapsucker is a small to medium-sized woodpecker indigenous to North America. It particularly favors the coniferous and hardwood forests of the Northeastern United States and Canada.
Adult males exhibit a red throat and crown, vertical white patches on their black back, and white plumage beneath. In contrast, females boast white to yellow underparts, a white throat, and a red crown.
Both sexes are characterized by stout bills, while juveniles display a less vibrant coloration.
These birds are renowned for their peculiar habit of drilling holes in trees to extract sap, but they also include insects and fruit in their diet. While admired by many, the yellow-bellied sapsucker can be deemed a pest due to the damage it can inflict upon trees.
Similar to red-headed woodpeckers, they also have a penchant for sunflower seeds. They maintain monogamous relationships, dedicating at least three weeks to nest excavation.
Flame-colored Tanager
- Scientific name: Piranga bidentata
- Lifespan: Typically 2-5 years
- Size: Approximately 6-7 inches (15-18 cm)
- Origin: Native to Central and South America
Residing in the rainforests of Mexico and Central America, the flame-colored tanager occasionally makes appearances in the United States.*
The male of this species is a striking vision in red, complemented by black wings adorned with white spots. Females, too, exhibit captivating beauty with olive-green and yellow underparts contrasting against black wings.
These insectivorous birds primarily feast on ants and other small insects, rendering them crucial in maintaining the ecological balance of the rainforest. Their vivid plumage makes them a sought-after subject for both bird enthusiasts and photographers alike.
White-winged Tanager
- Scientific name: Piranga leucoptera
- Lifespan: Typically 2-5 years
- Size: Approximately 6-7 inches (15-18 cm)
- Origin: Native to Central and South America
A member of the tanager family, the white-winged tanager is a resplendent bird that finds solace in coffee plantations and pine forests throughout Central and South America.
Easily recognizable by its dramatic black and white wings and tail, this avian beauty juxtaposes these stark colors with a brilliant red body. Female white-winged tanagers possess a different color palette, featuring yellow and greenish hues overall, while their wings and tails mimic the striking plumage of their male counterparts.
Additionally, they sport a distinctive black mask encircling their eyes and a robust white bill.
These birds engage in a diet composed of insects and fruits, often mingling with mixed flocks of other avian species. They lead an active lifestyle, constantly hopping from branch to branch in their quest for sustenance, and their repertoire includes various calls.
Red-capped Cardinals
- Scientific name: Paroaria gularis
- Lifespan: Typically around 3 to 5 years.
- Wingspan: Information not readily available.
- Native to: South America, especially in northern regions.
The red-capped cardinal, a South American avian species, is celebrated for its striking crimson head plumage. It commonly resides in woodlands, gardens, and parks, making it a cherished sight for bird watchers and photographers.
As members of the songbird family, both males and females share a similar appearance characterized by a vivid red head, black upperparts, and white underparts. Their striking red eyes further accentuate their allure. Immature red-capped cardinals exhibit duller hues with brown heads.
These birds construct their nests near swamps, mangroves, or other water bodies, although some can also be found in parks and urban settings.
Red-bellied Woodpecker
- Scientific name: Melanerpes carolinus
- Lifespan: Around 2 to 3 years in the wild.
- Wingspan: Approximately 38 to 45 cm (15 to 17.7 inches).
- Native to: Eastern United States.
The Red-bellied Woodpecker, a medium-sized avian species, can be found inhabiting the eastern regions of North America. This bird belongs to the Picidae family, which encompasses various other woodpecker species.
The Red-bellied Woodpecker boasts a white-barred back, a white face, and belly, complemented by a distinguishing red cap and nape. While males display this red crown, females exhibit similar plumage sans the vibrant red headpiece.
Both males and females measure between 9 to 10 inches in length, with wingspans spanning 13 to 17 inches.
These woodpeckers are versatile, adapting to deciduous forests, bottomland forests, parks, and even suburban areas. Their diet primarily comprises insects, notably ants, though they also enjoy berries and nuts. When it comes to nesting, they typically excavate holes in dead trees or stumps, but they can make use of man-made structures like fence posts and buildings.
In the wild, Red-bellied Woodpeckers tend to live for about 10-12 years. Their nesting season commences in March, with females laying 2 to 6 white eggs, which are incubated for roughly two weeks.
Red-headed Finch
- Scientific name: Amadina erythrocephala
- Lifespan: Typically 5-7 years
- Size: Small finch; around 4-5 inches (10-13 cm) in length
- Origin: Native to sub-Saharan Africa
Red-headed finches, also known as paradise finches, are petite birds native to Africa, adorning the dry savannahs with their vibrant plumage.
Males proudly sport bright red heads and gray upperparts, while their fronts are boldly adorned with black and white bars. Their triangular bills are robust and distinct. Female red-headed finches, on the other hand, feature gray-brown backs and barred underparts.
These birds thrive in open woodlands, savannas, and forest edges, where they craft nests in trees using grasses and twigs. They typically lay two to four eggs per clutch. Their diet primarily consists of insects and seeds.
Masked Cardinals
Endemic to the regions of Venezuela and Colombia, the masked cardinal is a truly striking bird displaying a vibrant blend of three distinct colors.
Adult masked cardinals sport a black eye mask, a fiery redhead, black upperparts, and a pristine white underside. These avian wonders are relatively small, measuring a modest 9-10 inches in length. Juvenile-masked cardinals present a gray-brown hue on their upperparts and a paler tone below.
These birds are predominantly active during daylight hours, although they may also be observed at dawn and dusk. Their diet primarily consists of flying insects and seeds, supplemented by the occasional indulgence in berries and fruits. Within the ecosystem, masked cardinals play an essential role by aiding in the control of insect populations.
Red-faced Warblers
- Scientific name: Cardellina rubrifrons
- Lifespan: Typically 3-6 years
- Size: Approximately 4-4.5 inches (10-11 cm)
- Origin: Native to North America, primarily in Mexico and the southwestern United States
Thriving in oak and conifer tree-laden forests, red-faced warblers are medium-sized songbirds belonging to the New World warbler family.
Both males and females exhibit similar plumage characteristics. Adult red-faced warblers boast a distinct red face and throat, contrasted with grayish-brown upperparts. They additionally sport a black cap and a clean white underside. These avian beauties measure approximately 5.5 inches in length with an impressive 8.3-inch wingspan.
Red-faced warblers can be found in pine-oak forests, typically at higher elevations. Their diet primarily consists of caterpillars and other diminutive insects. Active during the day, they can often be spotted flitting about in the treetops as they forage for sustenance. The red-faced warbler’s song is characterized by a series of high-pitched notes that gradually descend in pitch towards the end.
Two-barred Crossbill
- Scientific name: Loxia leucoptera
- Lifespan: Typically around 2 to 3 years.
- Wingspan: Information not readily available.
- Native to: Northern parts of North America and Eurasia.
The white-winged crossbill, also known as the two-barred crossbill, is a petite songbird native to Northeastern Europe.
These birds are instantly recognizable by their distinctive bill, which appears crossed at the tips. Notably, males and females exhibit distinct appearances. Male two-barred crossbills feature a dull-red head, black and white wings, and a pale undertail. Conversely, females showcase brown-gray plumage.
Two-barred crossbills measure approximately 7 inches in length with wingspans extending up to 11 inches. Their eggs are speckled white. While they infrequently visit bird feeders, they are known for their distinctive tooting and rattling sounds.
Acorn woodpecker
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- Scientific name: Melanerpes formicivorus
- Lifespan: Up to 15 years
- Size: Approximately 20-23 centimeters (8-9 inches)
- Origin: North and Central America (found in regions such as the United States, Mexico, and Costa Rica)
The acorn woodpecker, a small avian species, graces the landscapes of North and South America. These birds have earned a reputation for their fondness for acorns, which they diligently store in tree-drilled holes.
Acorn woodpeckers feature black upperparts complemented by a white underside adorned with black stripes. Their striking yellow eyes draw attention, as does their unique white face marked by a black patch around the bill. Males sport a red cap, while females have a black cap but exhibit a red patch at the back of their head. These birds typically measure between 7.5 to 9.0 inches in length and boast wingspans ranging from 13.8 to 16.9 inches.
Belonging to the Picidae family, which also encompasses other woodpecker species like the red-headed woodpecker and the yellow-bellied sapsucker, acorn woodpeckers are residents of the Southwestern United States. During the breeding season, they lay clutches of 3-6 eggs, each measuring about 1.1 inches in length. Newly hatched acorn woodpecker chicks are initially blind and helpless for the first few days of their lives.
Common Redpolls
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- Scientific name: Acanthis flammea
- Life span: 2 to 3 years
- Size: 4.5 and 5.5 in
- Weight: 12 and 16 grams
- Origin: southern Canada and the northern states
Common redpolls, petite songbirds, inhabit various parts of the world. Although they are most frequently spotted in Eurasia, they can also be found in North America and Africa.
Common redpolls tend to be rather elusive, seldom crossing paths with humans. However, they can be distinguished by their reddish plumage on the head and chest, along with brown-black streaks on their wings. Females share similar coloration but lack the red chest.
These birds predominantly feed on small seeds from alder, spruce, and pine trees, occasionally indulging in berries. Their pale green-blue eggs hatch after approximately two weeks of incubation. Nests are typically constructed from twigs, tree moss, and roots.
Pine Grosbeak
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- Scientific name: Pinicola enucleator
- Life span: Up to 10 years
- Size: 22-24 cm (8.7-9.4 in)
- Weight: 40-80 g
- Origin: Northern North America and Eurasia
Pine grosbeaks, scientifically known as Pinicola enucleator, are medium-sized songbirds found in the forests of North America and northern Eurasia.
Male pine grosbeaks boast vibrant red plumage on their head, upperparts, and underparts. Female pine grosbeaks, in contrast, exhibit a gray hue with an orange-yellow head. Immature birds share the same coloration as females.
Pine grosbeaks maintain a diverse diet that includes seeds, fruits, and insects. They often frequent bird feeders during the winter months.
In terms of rarity, Pine grosbeaks are thriving and not considered threatened. Similar to common redpolls, they lay bluish eggs but with distinctive speckles.
Purple finch
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- Scientific name: Haemorhous purpureus
- Life span: Up to 7 years
- Size: 14 cm (5.5 in)
- Weight: 20-25 g
- Origin: North America
While purple finches may not fit the mold of exclusively black and white birds with red heads, they’re included here because they also feature a redhead.
The purple finch, a captivating North American songbird, showcases a reddish-purple body in males, while females exhibit a more brown-gray and streaked appearance. Both sexes possess conical bills well-suited for their primary diet: seeds.
Purple finches are approximately the same size as house finches and share a close kinship with them. These birds are frequently spotted in woodland areas and forest edges, where they construct their nests.
Their diet predominantly consists of insects and seeds. Attracting them to your backyard can be achieved by providing bird feeders stocked with nyjer seeds or sunflower kernels.
Scarlet tanager
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- Scientific name: Piranga olivacea
- Life span: Up to 10 years
- Size: 18 cm (7.1 in)
- Weight: 22-28 g
- Origin: North, Central, and South America
The scarlet tanager, resplendent in its vivid coloring, calls wooded regions of the eastern United States its home.
Male scarlet tanagers are a striking red hue with contrasting black wings and white underwings, while females adopt a yellowish-green appearance. These birds are relatively small, measuring only about 6.3-6.7 inches in length.
The scarlet tanager’s diet primarily consists of insects, which they catch through graceful swoops from branches or trees. Additionally, they incorporate berries and fruits into their menu. Breeding for scarlet tanagers takes place during the spring and summer months, with nests typically found in trees or shrubs.
Currently, the scarlet tanager is not considered to be at risk of extinction, and their songs are characterized by a series of chippuring phrases.
- Scientific name: Aythya americana
- Lifespan: Approximately 6 to 9 years.
- Wingspan: About 74 to 84 cm (29.1 to 33.1 inches).
- Native to: North America
Redhead ducks are a distinct species recognized for their vibrant red heads. These black and white birds with red heads are native to North America, particularly breeding in western Canada and the northern United States.
Redhead ducks, categorized as medium-sized diving ducks, exhibit distinct characteristics depending on their gender. Adult males feature a gray back, a brick-red head, and a black breast, while their striking yellow eyes are hard to miss. Adult females, on the other hand, sport a brownish body and black eyes, emphasizing their thick bills.
Renowned for their exceptional swimming and diving abilities, redhead ducks maintain a versatile diet encompassing aquatic plants, insects, crustaceans, mollusks, fish, and small mammals.
Downy Woodpecker
- Scientific name: Picoides pubescens
- Lifespan: about 3 to 5 years
- Wingspan: between 10 and 12 inches
- Native to: North America
North America boasts a diverse array of small birds, among them the downy woodpeckers. These diminutive avian wonders measure approximately six inches in length, with wingspans spanning 9 to 11 inches.
Downy woodpeckers are characterized by their distinctive black and white stripes and a red nape. Their underparts are a pristine white, accentuating their sharp black bills.
Downy woodpeckers primarily feast on insects, spiders, and fruit. They inhabit a range of environments, from forests to parks and residential yards. These resilient birds can be spotted year-round throughout North America.
Pileated woodpecker
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- Scientific name: Dryocopus pileatus
- Lifespan: Up to 15 years
- Size: Approximately 40-49 centimeters (16-19 inches)
- Origin: North America (found in regions such as the United States and Canada)
Another intriguing group among the black and white birds with redheads is the pileated woodpeckers, which belong to the woodpecker family.
Pileated woodpeckers are known for their substantial size, ranking as the second largest woodpecker species in the United States. Their most distinguishing feature is the prominent red crest atop their heads. The rest of their body exhibits classic black and white plumage.
These woodpeckers are typically found in old-growth forests, often near swamps, rivers, and wetland areas. They have a diet centered on insects and small animals, frequently foraging on dead trees.
When it comes to nesting, pileated woodpeckers select tree cavities, which can either be natural or excavated by the birds themselves. These birds practice monogamy, with the female taking charge of nest construction and egg incubation.
Yellow-Billed Cardinals
- Scientific name: Paroaria capitata
- Lifespan: Information not readily available.
- Wingspan: Information not readily available.
- Native to: South America, particularly in countries like Brazil and Argentina.
The vibrant yellow-billed cardinal is a distinctive bird inhabiting the Hawaiian islands. These black and white birds with red heads are easily identifiable by their bright red head feathers, yellow bills, white collars and underparts, and black upperparts.
Yellow-billed cardinals primarily reside in woodland areas, where their diet consists of a combination of insects and seeds. These birds are highly social creatures and are often observed in flocks of up to 100 individuals. Yellow-billed cardinals maintain monogamous partnerships, with both the male and female taking turns incubating their eggs.
In conclusion, the avian world offers a stunning array of colors and species for avid birdwatchers to explore. From woodpeckers to cardinals and myzomela birds, there’s a diverse range of black and white birds with red heads to discover not only in the United States but also in various parts of the world.
Final Thoughts on Black and White Birds with Red Head
As we conclude our exploration into the world of avian beauty, we’ve marveled at the timeless elegance of black and white birds with fiery red heads. These birds, with their classic monochrome plumage complemented by a vibrant pop of color, remind us of the artistry found in nature.
Throughout our journey, we’ve not only celebrated their unique appearances but also gained insights into their habitats, behaviors, and the rich tapestry of life they contribute to. These birds serve as a living testament to the incredible diversity and creativity of the natural world.
- Red-bellied woodpecker
- Red-crested cardinal
- Red-headed woodpeckers
- Pine grosbeak
- Hairy woodpecker
- Red-breasted sapsucker
- Crimson-breasted woodpecker
- Scarlet honeycreeper
- Scarlet honeyeater
- Yellow-bellied sapsucker
- Flame-colored tanager
- White-winged tanager
- Red-capped cardinals
- Red-headed finch
- Masked cardinals
- Red-faced warbler
- Two-barred crossbill
- Acorn woodpecker
- Common redpoll
- Purple finch
- Scarlet tanager
- Redhead Duck
- Downy woodpeckers
- Pileated woodpecker
- Yellow-billed cardinals