What is a Group of Ducks Called?

Ducks are water birds that live in wet areas on almost every continent except Antarctica. They are known for being social creatures and tend to gather in groups. These groups can be quite noisy, and ducks often attract attention due to their behavior.

Various types of ducks, such as mallard ducks, eider ducks, and muscovy ducks, can be spotted flying, swimming, and walking in their habitats. Because noisy groups of ducks are a common sight worldwide, people have come up with names for these gatherings over the centuries. The names given to groups of ducks depend on where you find them.

When ducks are seen swimming together, they are often referred to as a “raft” of ducks. You can frequently observe ducks floating together on the water, forming a formation that looks like a raft.

Other collective nouns used to describe swimming ducks 






Groups of flying ducks are often called skeins, likely because the way they fly is in a long, winding line that resembles a string of yarn.

Other nouns that may be used to describe groups of flying ducks include:







When groups of ducks are walking on land, they are most commonly referred to as a flock. Both domesticated and wild ducks often gather in large, raucous groups while waddling around searching for food.

Other collective nouns sometimes used to describe walking ducks include:





Additional general collective nouns for ducks include:





















What is a Group of Baby Ducks Called?

A bunch of baby ducks is usually known as a “brood.” This term comes from how duck parents take care of their young in the nest.

Some other names used to describe baby ducks include:


Breeding duck pairs typically lay an average of twelve eggs (usually between eight to fifteen eggs) in their nest over a few days. The number of eggs depends on the age of the female duck, with the most eggs typically laid between ages 3 and 5.

Ducklings hatch out after about 26 to 28 days of incubation, depending on the duck species. Once hatched, ducklings typically stay in the nest for approximately two months before becoming independent and able to find their own food. After this, they disperse.

Ducklings are born with open eyes and fully feathered, which allows them to leave the nest shortly after hatching. They imprint on their mother and follow her for food and protection from predators. Unfortunately, they are vulnerable to various predators like cats, foxes, hawks, and certain fish species. They stay close to their mother for safety and guidance on food choices.

What is a Pair of Ducks Called?

A pair of ducks is usually referred to as a “support” or a “brace.” You typically see pairs of ducks during the breeding season. Outside of the breeding season, ducks tend to move around in groups.

When ducks return to their breeding areas after migrating for the winter, they pair off into breeding pairs. Breeding males can become aggressive towards other males who approach their chosen female.

Because of this aggression and the need to care for their young, during the months when duck parents incubate and raise their offspring, they do not usually gather in large groups. Female ducks construct nests using leaves, sticks, and down feathers from their own bodies to insulate the nest.

Do Ducks Flock Together in Groups?

Ducks do indeed gather in groups, often large and noisy ones, for various reasons. One reason for this is that when ducks are part of a large group, they are less vulnerable to predators such as hawks, owls, foxes, coyotes, and raccoons.

Another benefit of flocking together is increased chances of survival. With more ducks in a group, there’s a higher likelihood of spotting a predator before it can capture an individual duck, allowing all ducks in the group to escape danger.

Additionally, when ducks congregate in groups, it enhances their chances of finding a mate during the breeding season. Courtship often occurs during the spring migration back to their breeding grounds, and breeding pairs can start raising their young soon after returning.

Flocking together also serves another purpose, particularly during long migrations. Ducks can conserve energy by flying in formation, making long flights more efficient. Inexperienced young ducks can learn how to migrate effectively by observing older ones.

Do Ducks Migrate Together?

Ducks migrate annually from colder regions to warmer ones. In the northern hemisphere, duck migrations can span hundreds of miles on average. These migrations are triggered by dropping air temperatures and the onset of snowfall.

Ducks primarily feed on various food sources like grasses, aquatic plants, crustaceans, worms, fish eggs, and algae. As temperatures plummet and frost sets in, food sources become scarcer, prompting ducks to migrate.

Ducks prefer foraging in open areas with good visibility, such as ponds, lakes, or freshly harvested fields. These open areas help them spot potential predators. During their migrations to warmer regions, these types of stopover sites are commonly chosen.

What do you call a bunch of ducks flying together?

When ducks take to the sky in a group, they can be referred to as a “skein,” a “flock,” or a “team.” While there are other terms used occasionally, these three are the most common.

It’s interesting to note that the term “skein” is not exclusive to ducks; it can also be used for a group of geese in flight. We’ll explore why this term is used in more detail below.

Why do we say a ‘skein’ of ducks or geese?

“Skein” is the word used to describe a group of ducks, geese, or other wildfowl when they’re in flight. The word “skein” also means a length of yarn or wool.

The idea behind calling a collection of flying ducks, geese, or wildfowl a “skein” is that when these birds take flight, they often form neat, organized, and close formations. These formations can resemble a piece of yarn or wool flying through the sky.

It might require a bit of imagination or careful observation, but the next time you see a group of these birds in flight, try to see if you can spot the resemblance!

These orderly formations are typically observed when smaller groups of birds are flying together. When massive migrations involve hundreds or even thousands of ducks, geese, and wildfowl, these formations may not be as distinct and can look like enormous, tangled bundles of wool.

Why is a gathering of ducks called a ‘raft’?

When ducks congregate on the water, they often stay close to each other, creating the appearance of a solid floating mass of ducks. This collective look resembles a raft floating on the water’s surface.

Rafts of ducks can form during both daytime and nighttime. During the night, ducks frequently assemble in these groups on the water to sleep.

This grouping provides them with added security, as there are more birds to keep a lookout for potential threats, and predators can be discouraged when encountering a large, united group of ducks.

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