What Are The Odds Of Hitting A Bird While Driving? Surprising

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If you drive often, you have undoubtedly almost hit a bird that was scuttling across the road. Although striking birds are a regular occurrence, have you ever considered the statistical likelihood?

This is a simple response in case you’re pressed for time: The likelihood of a car striking a bird in a given year is thought to be around 1 in 700.

We’ll examine the variables that affect a driver’s risk of a bird strike in this post. We’ll examine a variety of factors, including speed, location, and season. It will tell you which situations put you in danger so you can adjust accordingly.

Calculating the Initial Odds

Estimating the likelihood of running over a bird while driving requires careful consideration of both recorded and unreported instances as well as a variety of other variables. Let’s investigate the subject and find out what the normal chances are for this uncommon event.

Information about Recorded Bird Hits

An analysis of the data on documented bird strikes is one method for estimating the baseline chances. Information on bird attacks on airplanes is gathered by aviation authorities and groups. This information is helpful in establishing a baseline for assessing the probabilities and offers insightful information about the frequency of bird crashes.

For instance, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reports that in 2019 alone, there were almost 17,000 recorded bird strikes in the US.

Making Sense of Unreported Hits

Even while information on bird strikes that have been recorded is useful, it’s crucial to understand that many incidents involving birds and cars go unreported. This might be the result of a number of things, such as little collisions that don’t result in serious injuries or drivers who just choose not to record the occurrences.

Therefore, it’s possible that there have been more bird strikes on the road than have been recorded. It is important to take into account these unreported hits in order to precisely assess the baseline chances.

Factors Affecting Raw Odds

The probability of striking a bird while driving is influenced by many variables. These include the place and time of day, the weather, and the pace at which you are traveling. Bird crashes may occur more often, for instance, in rural or lakeside locations with significant bird populations.

In a similar vein, driving during twilight or morning when birds are more active enhances the chance of seeing them. Moreover, driving faster would shorten response times, which would make it harder to avoid colliding with birds.

Even while it may seem unlikely that you may strike a bird while driving, it is still vital to be cautious and take the appropriate safety measures to prevent any possible collisions. Drivers may make more educated judgments on the road by being aware of the dangers and comprehending the variables that affect the probabilities.

When Do Bird Attacks Occur Most Often?

During Migrations in the Spring and Fall

Bird strikes, or accidents between birds and moving automobiles, are more common in the spring and autumn as the birds migrate. Birds fly great distances throughout certain seasons in pursuit of food, nesting sites, or warmer temperatures.

They may cross roads or highways when navigating through uncharted territory, which raises the risk of accidents with cars. To reduce the chance of bird strikes, drivers should exercise extra caution during these periods and pay attention to their surroundings.

In the morning and evening

Dawn and dusk, which are the early morning and late afternoon hours, are also times when bird strikes are more likely to occur. This is due to the fact that many bird species are most active during these hours, either beginning their day or getting ready to spend the night at their roost.

There is a higher chance of crashes during these hours because of how difficult it may be for drivers to see birds in their path due to the low light levels. During these times, drivers should drive extra cautiously and watch out for any birds that could be flying over the road.

In Habitat Areas Close to Roads

The incidence of bird attacks is also significantly influenced by the closeness of bird habitats to highways. Many types of birds are drawn to areas with plenty of greenery, wide fields, or bodies of water.

Birds are more likely to fly over or beside highways if these habitats are close to them, which might result in accidents with passing cars. To lessen the chance of bird attacks, drivers passing through such locations should exercise extreme caution and change their speed appropriately.

A study by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology estimates that bird strikes alone cost billions of dollars in automobile damage annually in the United States. Avoiding bird strikes is crucial for reducing property damage as well as for the safety of both birds and motorists.

Drivers may prevent crashes and make roads safer for everyone by taking the appropriate measures during peak bird strike periods.

Which Avian Species Is Highest Risk?

There are many kinds of birds that are more prone to crash into a car while driving. Knowing which birds are more susceptible may assist drivers in taking the necessary safety measures to lower the likelihood of an accident.

Tiny Passengers

Warblers, finches, and sparrows are some of the smaller passerines that are most often engaged in crashes with cars. These birds are often seen close to roads, and passing automobiles may easily scare them.

Their tiny size and fast flying patterns make it difficult for vehicles to see them in time to prevent a collision. Since little passerines tend to live in regions with thick foliage and trees, it is crucial that drivers exercise additional caution while driving in these types of settings.


Another category of birds that are often engaged in accidents with automobiles is waterfowl, which includes ducks and geese. This is particularly true in areas near marshes or bodies of water. These birds may fly at low altitudes and often move in huge groups, which increases the chance of collision with passing cars.

Due to the fact that lakes, ponds, and rivers serve as popular habitat for ducks, drivers should exercise extra caution while driving close to these locations.


Larger birds that may seriously endanger cars are known as raptors, and they include eagles and hawks. Due to their large wingspans, these birds could be harder to see while they’re flying. They are drawn to open spaces close to roadways because they may feed on smaller animals there.

When traveling through open, rural regions, particularly during the day when raptors are most active, drivers should use caution.

Terns and Gulls

Commonly located close to the shore, terns and gulls may potentially be in danger of running into cars. These birds may scavenge for food close to roads since they are renowned for their opportunistic eating habits.

When driving close to beaches or other coastal areas, drivers should exercise caution since terns and gulls may be present and may fly into the path of an oncoming car.

It is essential to remember that the location and season might have an impact on the likelihood of bird collisions. Driving and bird watching may be influenced by local environments, bird migratory patterns, and nesting seasons.

To reduce the chance of bird crashes, drivers should constantly be aware of their surroundings and modify their driving style appropriately.

Reducing the Probability of a Bird Strike

Even though the likelihood of running over a bird while driving is rather low, it’s wise to take safety measures to reduce the danger. The following advice can assist you in lessening the likelihood of a bird strike:

Reduced Speed Driving

Driving more slowly may help reduce the chance of a bird hit, particularly in places where there is a history of large bird populations. Fast-moving cars have the potential to frighten birds, increasing the likelihood that they may fly into their path.

You’ll have more time to respond if a bird crosses your path if you slow down.

Adjusting to Avoid Birds on the Road

It is important to slow down and, if required, use a gentle stop if you detect a bird on the road ahead. Because they sometimes take longer to respond to automobiles, birds may fly straight into your path if you make rapid moves.

Your chances of colliding with the bird are much decreased if you slow down and give it time to get out of your path.

Steer clear of high-risk areas and times.

The likelihood of a bird attack is higher in some areas and during certain times of the day due to increased bird activity. Since many bird species have similar habitats in fields, forested areas, and near bodies of water, pay attention to these places.

Furthermore, be especially cautious at dawn and dusk since these are the periods when bird activity is at its highest.

Using Whistles to Discourage Birds

Whistles designed to discourage birds is an additional option to think about. These little gadgets produce unpleasant ultrasonic noises that discourage birds from flying close to your car. Despite the fact that these whistles’ efficacy varies, several drivers have noted that they have successfully decreased bird attacks.

Not all bird species are impacted by these whistles, therefore it’s vital to do your homework and choose a reliable manufacturer.

The likelihood of running over a bird while driving may be considerably reduced by heeding the advice in this article. Never forget the need of maintaining constant awareness and being ready for unforeseen animal encounters while driving.

How to Handle a Bird Hit

Hitting a bird while driving is not a pleasant experience, but it does happen. It’s critical to understand what actions to do in this circumstance. The following are some rules to abide by:

Stopping if It’s Safe

Pull over to the side of the road as soon as it is safe to do so. This will lessen the likelihood of any further mishaps or injuries. To make other drivers aware of your presence, turn on your warning lights. Before moving forward, take a minute to gather yourself and evaluate the circumstances.

Verifying the Bird’s Condition

Be careful while approaching the bird and keep a safe distance away to assess its health. If the bird is still alive, you could think about asking for help from a nearby wildlife rehabilitation facility. They may provide advice on how to manage the circumstance and tend to the wounded bird if needed.

Alerting the Authorities If Necessary

Notifying the appropriate authorities, such as the neighborhood wildlife or animal control agencies, may be required in some situations. If there is a concern to public safety or if the bird is a protected species, this is usually necessary.

They will be able to advise you on the best course of action and provide you any help that you need.

Taking the carcass off the road

After evaluating the issue and taking appropriate action, it’s critical to remove the bird’s corpse off the road. This will guarantee other drivers’ safety and help prevent any such collisions.

Carefully pick up the bird with gloves or a plastic bag, then place it in a designated spot—such as a trash can or a natural area away from the road.

Recall that in handling these circumstances, it’s critical to put both your safety and the safety of others first. You can deal with the fallout from striking a bird while driving responsibly and empathetically by according to these principles.

Final Thoughts

Even though the majority of drivers will eventually come across a bird strike, the chances are still rather low. You may lessen risks for yourself and the birds by being alert and using caution while driving, particularly during times when migratory patterns put birds at danger.

Even if accidents are unavoidable, little things may have an impact. Since our avian companions and I share the roads and sky, being vigilant makes it easier for us to travel together in harmony.

I'm Nauman Afridi, the bird enthusiast behind Birdsology.com. My lifelong passion for birds has led me to create a space where fellow bird lovers can find valuable insights and tips on caring for our feathered friends.Professionally, I'm a brand strategist and digital marketing consultant, bringing a unique perspective to the world of bird care. Whether you're a novice or an experienced bird owner, Birdsology.com is designed to be a welcoming community for all.Feel free to explore, and reach out if you have any questions or just want to chat about birds.
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