Can budgies eat Grapes? Be Careful

can budgies eat grapes

Fruits and vegetables are nutritious meals that are high in vitamins and minerals. While grapes are a nutritious fruit, they do contain a lot of sugar for a little bird, therefore they should only be served in modest quantities. Obesity and other health issues might result from eating too much of it. Let’s learn more … Read more

Can budgies eat Mango? [Safe or Harmful]

can budgies eat mango

Budgies, also known as Budgerigars, are mostly ground-feeding birds that eat seeds and grasses found in their native environment. In the wild, this accounts for around 75% of their diet, with the remainder consisting of a mix of fruits and vegetables. Fruit is a favorite treat for captive Budgies, but what about mangoes? Can budgies … Read more