Can Parrots Eat Yoghurt? [Be Cautious]

Can parrots eat yoghurt

Yogurt is liked by so many people due to its deliciousness and health benefits. But because we’re on this about parrots, we must ask: Can parrots eat yoghurt? Is it safe for them? To respond to your inquiry, no, parrots cannot consume yoghurt. In general, any dairy product isn’t the best choice for birds, particularly … Read more

16 Best Talking Birds and Parrots to keep as a pet (with pictures)

Talking Birds

Birds are wonderful pets! They are affectionate and are simple to train. Moreover, Some bird species’ ability to communicate verbally is one of their most intriguing traits! They may even learn to imitate their owners’ words and phrases if they spend enough time with them. What other animal can do that? Every bird is unique, … Read more

Can parrots eat tomatoes? Be Cautious

Can parrots eat tomatoes?

Given that tomatoes are the most popular fruit worldwide, it makes sense to provide them to your pet parrot. But the question is Can parrots eat tomatoes? Yes, parrots can eat tomatoes but they should be feed in moderation. Because tomatoes are so acidic, eating them often may result in an ulcer or upset stomach. … Read more