What is a Group of Hummingbirds Called?

What is a Group of Hummingbirds Called
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Hummingbirds belong to the Trochilidae family and are among the tiniest birds globally, found in North and South America. Most of these birds, over 350 species in more than 100 genera, inhabit regions near or along the equator within the tropics.

The Bee Hummingbird holds the record as the smallest hummingbird, measuring just 5 centimeters (2 inches) in length and weighing less than 2 grams (0.07 ounces). On the other hand, the Giant Hummingbird is the largest among them, with an average weight of 21 grams (0.74 ounces) and a length of 23 centimeters (9 inches).

Hummingbirds primarily nourish themselves with nectar, using their long, needle-like bills. They also capture small insects that are found on the flowers they visit. In addition to insects and nectar, hummingbirds sometimes consume pollen, sap, fruit, and ashes to supplement their diet.

These birds are often seen darting around while feeding and producing a noisy chatter, either chasing away rivals from food sources or congregating in groups around abundant food. These gatherings of hummingbirds are commonly known as a “charm.” Other collective nouns used for them include “shimmer” and “bouquet,” likely inspired by their vibrant, iridescent plumage.

All Collective Nouns Used for a Group of Hummingbirds

Some less commonly used but equally imaginative collective nouns are:


Many words used to describe groups of hummingbirds are quite poetic.

A “hover” is when hummingbirds stay in one place, and a “drum” describes the sound of their wings, which is like a drumbeat, but you have to be very close to hear it!

After mating, which happens very quickly, the male hummingbird usually leaves. This is common for hummingbirds as they prefer to be alone and independent all year round.

Do hummingbirds gather in groups?

Out of the 361 known hummingbird species, most of them never form groups for more than a short time when they are eating.

Hummingbirds like to be alone and often chase away other hummingbirds that come into their territory. However, they can share a food source with other hummingbirds.

Even during mating, many hummingbirds stay mostly on their own. For example, the Ruby-Throated hummingbird and Calliope hummingbird only spend a short time together during courtship, which lasts just a few minutes.

Do hummingbirds travel together during migration?

It might surprise you, but many hummingbird species are migratory, even though they have small wings and are tiny. For instance, the Calliope hummingbird, which is only 7.5cm long, is believed to be the smallest migrating animal. It travels from Canada to Mexico and Central America during winter.

The Black-Chinned hummingbird also travels thousands of miles to Central America from its breeding grounds. The Rufous hummingbird flies 2,000 miles across the Rocky Mountains, which is a dangerous journey from Alaska.

One of the most amazing migrations is by the Ruby-Throated hummingbird, which can travel 500 to 1,200 miles without stopping. This is quite incredible for a bird that weighs only 3 grams.

What’s most puzzling is that hummingbirds migrate alone; they don’t seem to learn their route by watching others. Sometimes they fly alongside larger birds, but not for the entire journey.

Do hummingbirds come together during breeding season?

One interesting behavior among hummingbirds is “lek mating.” It involves multiple males gathering in the same area to compete with females, often by performing synchronized acts.

Some hummingbird species, like the Swallow-Tailed and Guy’s Hermit hummingbirds, have been observed forming leks. They sing the same song together and might even dance as part of courtship.

However, lekking doesn’t mean they form groups like other birds do. It’s an example of complex social behavior among otherwise solitary hummingbirds.

How many hummingbirds are in a charm?

In places with plenty of food, like tropical forests and gardens with bird feeders, you might see hummingbirds feeding together. This video shows a large group of hummingbirds feeding together in Ecuador, sometimes called a “charm” or a “bouquet” of hummingbirds.

But if you see more than a few hummingbirds together for an extended period without one chasing the others away, you’re lucky.

People can attract multiple hummingbirds to their gardens, often of different species.

Do hummingbirds live in groups?

It’s extremely rare for hummingbirds to stay in a group for long. Even during the breeding season, male and female hummingbirds usually don’t form close bonds. Males tend to mate with multiple females and then leave.

During courtship, male hummingbirds put in a lot of effort, like the Anna hummingbird males that dive and swoop around females at high speeds. Mating only lasts a few seconds and is almost the only social interaction hummingbirds have, aside from raising chicks and briefly sharing food sources.

What’s a pair of hummingbirds called?

There isn’t a special name for a pair of hummingbirds because they are not typically monogamous. Male hummingbirds spend very little time with females, and females handle most parental duties, like building nests and feeding their young.

Both males and females lead solitary lives and defend their territories, often being aggressive towards other hummingbirds and even small animals or insects that enter their territory.

It’s important to note that many hummingbird behaviors are not well-documented because these birds are small and secretive, often living deep in dense forests. In all likelihood, no hummingbird species are truly monogamous.

Why do hummingbirds like to be alone?

Many kinds of birds prefer to live on their own, like snipes, flycatchers, chats, warblers, and robins. Being solitary has its perks. It means they can decide where to build their nests and find food without having to follow a group.

Hummingbirds also chose to be alone for a good reason. It helps them have more successful babies. The male hummingbird can mate with many females during the breeding season. Since hummingbirds have only a few eggs at a time, this works well because they don’t live very long.

What do you call a bunch of baby hummingbirds?

There isn’t a special word for a group of baby hummingbirds. Depending on how old they are, we simply call them hatchlings, chicks, nestlings, or fledglings.

Female hummingbirds build their small cup-shaped nests on tree branches or even leaves. They use spider silk and lichen to construct and hold the nest together.

The mother bird lays two eggs in the nest and takes care of them for about two to three weeks. When the chicks hatch, they are fed a mixture of nectar and tiny insects until they are ready to leave the nest. After about three weeks, the chicks fly away from the nest and start finding their own food.

Sometimes, the mother continues to feed the fledglings for up to three weeks after they leave the nest. But once they stop getting help from their mother, they become solitary birds.

What do you call a pair of hummingbirds?

Male and female hummingbirds don’t stay together for long, and they don’t mate for life. So, there’s no special name for pairs of hummingbirds. Males often mate with more than one female during the breeding season.

Hummingbirds have differences between males and females, but these differences vary among species. In some species, females are larger and have longer bills, making them better at feeding and caring for their young.

In other species, males are larger, have more colorful feathers, and may have different-shaped tail feathers. They use these features in courtship displays to attract females to mate.

Hummingbirds only need a few seconds to mate, and once they’re done, the males fly away, and the females lay their eggs and raise their chicks on their own.

Do hummingbirds gather in groups?

Hummingbirds don’t usually come together in groups. They are mostly solitary birds and can be quite aggressive when it comes to finding food. But if there’s plenty of food available, they may gather around the same food source without fighting.

In some cases, during the breeding season, male hummingbirds may form groups called “leks.” These gatherings involve males showing off to impress females. Females choose their temporary mate from among these displaying males.

Do hummingbirds go on long trips?

Yes, hummingbirds migrate, which means they travel from one place to another at certain times of the year. They do this to find food because the flowers they depend on may not bloom all year round in one place.

Some hummingbirds travel thousands of miles during migration, and some don’t even stop to rest along the way. However, they don’t travel together like a flock. While they might fly alongside other birds occasionally, they don’t stay with them for the whole journey.

Hummingbirds lead mostly solitary lives throughout their lifetime, and their migrations are a solo adventure.

Sadly, many hummingbird species are at risk due to climate change. They live in various habitats, with most found in tropical and subtropical regions. These areas are changing because of deforestation and climate shifts, threatening the habitats of many hummingbirds.

Countries around North and South America need to work together to protect these tiny, colorful birds by addressing the challenges of climate change.

I'm Nauman Afridi, the bird enthusiast behind Birdsology.com. My lifelong passion for birds has led me to create a space where fellow bird lovers can find valuable insights and tips on caring for our feathered friends.Professionally, I'm a brand strategist and digital marketing consultant, bringing a unique perspective to the world of bird care. Whether you're a novice or an experienced bird owner, Birdsology.com is designed to be a welcoming community for all.Feel free to explore, and reach out if you have any questions or just want to chat about birds.
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