What Is A Female Eagle Called?

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Eagles captivate us with their magnificent wingspan and majestic demeanour. However, are you aware of the name of the species’ female? We’ll go over all you need to know in this in-depth tutorial, including how to distinguish between male and female eagles and their distinctive names.

This is a simple response in case you’re pressed for time: The terms “hen” and “eaglet” are most often used to describe female eagles. Nevertheless, depending on the particular species, they may also be referred to as lady eagles, female eagles, or by other gendered names.

The Common Titles of Eagle Females

A few distinct phrases are used when referring to the popular names for female eagles. Let’s examine a few of these names in more detail:


A female eagle is often referred to as a “hen.” This term originates from the realm of poultry, where a female chicken is usually described with it. Although it may seem like an odd word for such a magnificent bird, the birding community has come to embrace it.


Any juvenile eagle, regardless of gender, is referred to as a “eaglet.” On the other hand, it is often used to denote a young female eagle. Because their plumage is usually lighter than that of their male counterparts, female eaglets are simpler to identify.

Eagle female

The phrase “female eagle” is another direct way to refer to a female eagle. This phrase has no extra connections or meanings; it is just a common, utilitarian term.

Lady Eagle

The word “lady eagle” is sometimes used to refer to a female eagle, albeit it is not as popular as some of the other names. This phrase highlights the grace and beauty of these amazing animals by giving the moniker a hint of elegance and femininity.

Other Names That Are Gendered

In addition, female eagles are sometimes referred to by a few less frequent names. These include the terms “cow eagle,” “queen eagle,” and “matriarch eagle.” It’s crucial to remember that these terminologies are not as well-known or accepted as the previously listed, more popular ones.

It’s important to note that opinions on the use of gendered names for eagles vary. Eagles shouldn’t have gendered names at all, according to some bird specialists, since this might cause misunderstanding and reinforce gender preconceptions.

Rather, they support the use of neutral terminology when speaking about these magnificent birds.

You may visit reliable websites like Audubon or All About Birds to learn more about eagles and other birds.

How to Tell a Female Eagle from a Male Eagle

Eagles are magnificent raptors recognised for their remarkable stature, power, and acute vision. Even though there are numerous similarities between male and female eagles, you can tell them apart by a few important characteristics.

You can tell whether an eagle you see is a male or a female by being aware of these distinctions.

Variations in Size

Size is one of the main indicators used to identify male and female eagles. Females are bigger than males in the majority of eagle species. In contrast to male bald eagles, which usually weigh around 10 pounds and have a wingspan of about 6 feet, female bald eagles may weigh up to 14 pounds and have a wingspan of up to 7 feet.

The female’s function in reproduction and the need for greater strength and size to defend and incubate their eggs are assumed to be the causes of this size discrepancy.

Variations in Plumage

The plumage of male and female eagles may also be used to distinguish them. Females often have significantly darker and more mottled plumage than males in several eagle species, such as the bald eagle.

It is thought that this variety in colour helps the female, who is in charge of incubating and guarding the eggs, fit in with her surroundings more easily during the nesting phase. Conversely, the plumage of males is often lighter and more uniform.

Behavioural Indications

Aside from variations in size and plumage, behavioural indicators may also be used to determine an eagle’s gender. Male eagles are renowned for their spectacular aerial displays during courting displays, reaching great heights and making breathtaking dives.

On the other hand, females are often seen sitting close to the nest or working on it. The functions that men and females perform in reproduction are reflected in these behavioural distinctions.

Even while these traits might be useful in differentiating between male and female eagles, it’s crucial to remember that differences can exist within each species. Eagle behaviour and appearance may also be influenced by individual differences and age.

Consult a field guide or get help from a nearby birding group if you’re not sure about the gender of an eagle you’ve seen.

Species-Bald Eagle Naming Conventions for Female Eagles

The female of a Bald Eagle is sometimes referred to as the “female eagle” or just the “female.” Both specialists and hobbyists utilise this generally acknowledged naming method. Having an average wingspan of around 6 to 7 feet, female Bald Eagles are distinguished from their male counterparts by being greater in size.

They also typically weigh between 10 to 14 pounds, which is a little bit heavier. These magnificent birds are renowned for their amazing hunting prowess and their graceful, elegant flight through the heavens.

Golden Eagles

When referring to female Golden Eagles, the terms “female eagle” or “female golden eagle” are often used. Similar to Bald Eagles, this name scheme is accepted and commonly used. When compared to their male counterparts, female Golden Eagles are recognised for being stronger and bigger.

They may weigh between 10 and 14 pounds and have a wingspan of up to 7 or 8 feet. These strong birds are adept hunters, able to pursue and bring down game as big as foxes and deer.

Fish Eagles of Africa

The female African Fish Eagle is referred to as the “female eagle” or the “female fish eagle” in common parlance. These amazing birds, which may be found across Africa, are well-known for their unique calling and fishing prowess.

With a wingspan of around 6 to 7 feet, female African Fish Eagles are somewhat bigger than their male counterparts. On average, they weigh between six and seven pounds. With their keen talons, these birds can expertly capture fish from bodies of water and then fly off with their meal.

Philippine Eagles

The term “female eagle” or “female Philippine eagle” is often used to refer to the female Philippine Eagle. These magnificent birds, which are native to the Philippines, are renowned for their remarkable power and size.

Female Philippine Eagles may weigh between 12 and 16 pounds and have a wingspan of up to 7 feet. They are regarded as among of the world’s biggest and strongest eagles. These birds are renowned for their territorial behaviour and exceptional hunting abilities. They typically eat small animals, birds, and reptiles.

Wedge-tailed eagle

The term “female eagle” or “female wedge-tailed eagle” is often used to refer to the female of a wedge-tailed eagle. Native to Australia, these amazing birds are renowned for their remarkable size and hunting prowess.

The wingspan of a female wedge-tailed eagle may reach up to eight feet, and its weight ranges from eight to twelve pounds. They are expert hunters that consume a wide range of prey, including as birds, reptiles, and small mammals.

Due to their remarkable degree of adaptability, these birds may be found in a variety of environments, including deep forests and open grasslands.

The Value of Eagle Females

The general existence and prosperity of their species depend heavily on the female eagle. They support several facets of eagle existence, including as lifespan, territory defence, hunting and feeding their family, and breeding.

Procreation and Bringing Up Eaglets

In terms of procreation, female eagles are in charge of egg laying and incubation. To protect her young, the mother eagle will carefully choose a good nesting location, usually in a towering tree or on a cliff ledge.

She carefully incubates the eggs for around 35 days after she lays them, almost ever leaving the nest during this period. The mother eagle continues to be an important part of the eaglets’ development after they hatch, teaching them how to hunt, and keeping them safe from predators.

Hunting and sustaining the household

Eagle females are superb hunters and carers. They are renowned for their ability to capture animals both on land and in the water, and they have excellent hunting abilities. When it comes to hunting, female eagles often take the lead. With their strong talons and keen vision, they can take down fish, small animals, and even other birds.

They return to the nest with the food to feed not only themselves but also their male mate and offspring. Their role in providing for the family is essential to the survival and expansion of the whole eagle family.

Defence of Territory

Eagle females will fight against other eagles or outsiders because they are very protective of their territory. They protect their nest and young by using their power and bulk to ward off intruders.

It is well knowledge that female eagles participate in air combat, when they fly to great heights and do spectacular talon-locking and mid-air acrobatics to assert dominance and defend their territory.

Life Span

In general, female eagles live longer than their male counterparts. In the wild, they may live up to 30 years, whereas male eagles usually only survive 20. Because of their longer longevity, female eagles may maintain the species’ continuity by contributing to the population for longer.

Because of their longevity, they also gain invaluable experience and expertise that enhances their ability to raise their young and deal with environmental problems.

Threats to Female Eagles in the Modern Era: Habitat Loss

The loss of their habitat is one of the main concerns that female eagles face today. Forests and other natural ecosystems are being destroyed to create room for industrial, agricultural, and urban expansion as the world’s population continues to grow.

The supply of prey and nesting sites is reduced due to the degradation of their native environment, which has an impact on the survival and reproductive success of female eagles. One of the main reasons eagle numbers are dropping is habitat loss, according to a National Audubon Society analysis.

Changes in Climate

Another major concern to female eagles is climate change. Environmental factors like as temperature rise and altered weather patterns may significantly affect their habitats and food supplies. For instance, the availability of fish, a major food source for many eagle species, may be impacted by rising temperatures.

Furthermore, severe weather conditions like storms and droughts may ruin nesting areas and interfere with breeding cycles. The National Animal Federation has emphasized how crucial it is to address climate change in order to save eagle and other animal habitats.


Female eagles are at risk from pollution, especially from water contamination. Water bodies may get contaminated by chemicals and pollutants from industrial and agricultural runoff, rendering fish and other prey species unhealthy to eat.

Ingestion of polluted prey by female eagles might result in immune system weakness and problems with reproduction. In order to shield eagle habitats from the damaging effects of pollution, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has been attempting to minimise pollution and create laws.

The act of poaching

Even though it’s prohibited, poaching nevertheless poses a danger to eagle females. The unlawful commerce of eagle components, such feathers, talons, and eggs, persistently exerts strain on eagle populations. Because of their greater size and more noticeable plumage, female eagles are more susceptible.

To save female eagles and their habitats, groups like the American Eagle Foundation and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service fight poaching and uphold the law.

Final Thoughts

Female eagles, often known as hens, eaglets, lady eagles, or by other names, are an important part of eagle populations. Gaining knowledge about these magnificent birds allows one to better appreciate their naming systems, methods of identification, and hazards they confront.

Globally, female eagles may maintain their vital role in the environment via preservation and nurturing.

I'm Nauman Afridi, the bird enthusiast behind Birdsology.com. My lifelong passion for birds has led me to create a space where fellow bird lovers can find valuable insights and tips on caring for our feathered friends.Professionally, I'm a brand strategist and digital marketing consultant, bringing a unique perspective to the world of bird care. Whether you're a novice or an experienced bird owner, Birdsology.com is designed to be a welcoming community for all.Feel free to explore, and reach out if you have any questions or just want to chat about birds.
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